


just randome guy who loves novels

2018-10-15 JoinedTurkey

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  • fmert2

    vell size and s*** one liter of blood? or more?

    Liam closed his eyes, stopped breathing, and did as asked, drinking the entire contents of the chalice in one gulp, his face slightly cringing at the coppery taste and how strange this entire situation was. 
    Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora
    Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003
  • fmert2
    Replied to Ervz_ka

    trap its f*** nuclear landmine

    Tony wanted to say something, but the sight of her laying there, with one leg bent at the knee, allowed him a perfectly clear sight of her pussy, still going from the water and shining in the sunlight, begging him to explore it.
    Marvel: The Foundation
    Movies · Darkstar_crow
  • fmert2
    Replied to StupidUserName

    hahhahahhahaha just imagine he turned start to female and decided to f*** her imagine starks reaction

    However, he did know that his birds all liked to dress smartly for him, and he always enjoyed throwing their dresses to the floor. So, he could see why she turned him down on so short notice.
    Marvel: The Foundation
    Movies · Darkstar_crow
  • fmert2

    you f*** idiot you finaly rem3embered the daughter

    "By the way... my dear, where is our Melusine?"
    Fate/Ultimate Antagonist
    Anime & Comics · XElenea
  • fmert2
    Replied to Thirty_six_Hours

    woman like rich badboy dark egy morons

    Ch 64 Chapter 64 Batgirl's Love
    I Am Energy In Dc
    Anime & Comics · Thirty_six_Hours
  • fmert2
    Replied to Saitama_Blast

    goy turned so fast he saw behing of his head guy can turn at FTL speed

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    One Piece: One Punch Man
    Anime & Comics · Saitama_Blast
  • fmert2
    Replied to Magus_Of_Flower

    where is she

    "Where is my hubby?"
    Fate/Ultimate Antagonist
    Anime & Comics · XElenea
  • fmert2
    Replied to BiazarKaiser

    unsderstandable have a nice day

    14: Rost
    Marksman Executioner
    Anime & Comics · BiazarKaiser
  • fmert2

    kid you just scamed what ı understand fromhealtcare

    You are entitled to free health care should you become afflicted with diseases not limited to Zombification, Vampirism, Lycanthropy, AIDS, Cancer, Nurgle, Shards, Demonification.
    Marksman Executioner
    Anime & Comics · BiazarKaiser
  • fmert2

    ıf ım him ı vill ask for fox to materialize and hug it snif it and use her as pillov

    Seeing me just not do anything or ask for anything of any of them, the three felt and looked stumped. As they just watched me grill and season dog monster steaks with no real notion of doing anything to them or asking for anything. The one that was most affected was Kuruma. I felt the fox just watch me, waiting for anything bad. Yet the longer nothing happened the more I could hear his tails wagging. Any sniffling I ignored as I wasn't going to tease the fox, just let him figure things out.
    Marksman Executioner
    Anime & Comics · BiazarKaiser
  • fmert2
    Replied to BiazarKaiser

    pls add this is sparta and yolooooo in the future

    Marksman Executioner
    Anime & Comics · BiazarKaiser
  • fmert2
    Replied to BiazarKaiser

    can you draw it on ms paint and upload here? just to add comedy

    Seeing Rapthalia move about as if dancing with her sword cutting monsters down, and Naofumi starting a monster train. I in my infinite wisdom and bad ideas transmuted a segway from scraps of metal around me, got on and leaned forward as it moved surprisingly fast. My arms stretched out as my guns changed to Milkor MGL's. I still didn't know how to feel about the gun type, but I chased the Naofumi monster train. All while shooting off exploding mana grenades at the monster train. I probably looked comical riding on a segway with grenade launchers chasing monsters that were chasing a man. Yet it was mildly effective as the monsters focused on Naofumi due to one of his shields.
    Marksman Executioner
    Anime & Comics · BiazarKaiser
  • fmert2
    Replied to BiazarKaiser

    minigun minigun give us birrrrrt

    Now what to name the two? Hm... The male will be Gwain, and the female will be Nilla, with that, all decided now I ordered a small steak and some fruit. Which I fed to the two fresh hatchlings until they were full before picking both up, and setting them into one of my sash pouches. Saying my goodbyes, I left Luminous Village as I exited the gates, peering at the wave timer counting down. Humming I had at most two to four days left, so I transmuted a small one-man tank into being by changing up the atoms in the air. It was all solidly put together, no screws or anything, so only I could take it apart with transmutation. Getting into it, I revved the engine as I pumped magic into the tank, a good fuel source my magic was, before taking off towards Riyute Village with two screaming hatchlings. Although, mid-ride, their screaming chirps became laughs as the tank rumbled and moved rather fast as if it weren't heavy at all. They adapted quickly, good because until they're big enough this will sort of be how we travel. After all in…. In that world, I had traveled like this everywhere.
    Marksman Executioner
    Anime & Comics · BiazarKaiser
  • fmert2
    Replied to BiazarKaiser

    cat girl?

    Familiar: You can contract creatures to be your familiar or randomly roll for one in a lottery-style system every twenty-four hours. Max number of familiars you can have is six, to get a new one you must let one go or kill another one.
    Marksman Executioner
    Anime & Comics · BiazarKaiser
  • fmert2

    no anti material rifle?/sniper rifel?

    Marksman Hero: You only have seven gun forms to use but you shall not be restricted in how you can enhance them to be further useful. Main form: Berreta M9 (Pistol), Secondary form(s): Grom (Rocket Launcher), Mosin-Nagant (Sniper), M16 (Rifle), Vector (Sub Machine Gun), Stoner 63 (Modular Gun/LMG/MMD) (Light Machine Gun), Milkor MGL (Grenade Launcher). Like the other heroes, you can get item enhancement abilities from everyday things like tools or ingredients.
    Marksman Executioner
    Anime & Comics · BiazarKaiser
  • fmert2


    Transmutation: You can create matter from nothing or turn matter into another material this is primarily for crafting and repairing stuff. However, a one-armed one-eyed teen with a parasite in his eye socket in another universe has found a way to use it for combat as well. This skill can use next to no mana or a lot of mana depending on what you're making or doing.
    Marksman Executioner
    Anime & Comics · BiazarKaiser
  • fmert2

    and rimiru tempest still ambushed with this skill

    [Description: It allows the user to perceive the surrounding magicules to see a full 360 degrees around them, without leaving a single blind-spot. By observing the fluctuation of light and sound waves, they can be processed and converted into perceptible data, allowing the user to see and hear their surroundings. With this, one could see in complete darkness as if it were bright as day and could continue fighting even if their eyes and ears were to be crushed. Ambushes become virtually impossible as the user is fully aware of their environment.
    As a Kasuga Arata in Multiverse
    Anime & Comics · Akasaki_Ryujin
  • fmert2
    Replied to Random_Read3r

    what hapened to child if she is there he can dig her up right?

    "Fill in all the voids you've left for me for fifteen hundred years."
    Fate/Ultimate Antagonist
    Anime & Comics · XElenea
  • fmert2

    or person of interest episode

    "Trust me when I say this. Batman's mysterious routine, isn't suitable for you. Calling from a phonebooth? This is the twenty first century, not a Sherlock Holmes movie".
    I Am Energy In Dc
    Anime & Comics · Thirty_six_Hours
  • fmert2
    Replied to KoryuHotshot


    At this time, as an otaku, many anime came to his head, and in the end he wrote a name, which is {Owari no seraph}
    As a Kasuga Arata in Multiverse
    Anime & Comics · Akasaki_Ryujin