



2018-09-12 JoinedAndorra

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  • AlisonPride

    For me It was superb. I have been reading novels for past 4 years now and Can say with confidence that at least for me your novel was within top 10.One thing I really like in your novel is How you handle the romance between MC and Tsunade. I have read many Fanfics of Naruto and In many Fanfics the MC usually erases Tsunade's Memories, Makes her a slave, Go to past to get her or Outright change her character and I am really disgusted by that. And Honestly, I loath that. Chinese Author especially does that filth. I am not against all Chinese novels but only those that does that. I really loved How you first got in her life as a stranger and got her interest through gambling and after many interactions in her sad time the MC was there for her and Only than Tsunade took the last step. At last, What I am trying to say is I loved at least for me How natural it seemed the love between MC and Tsunade and also I read the whole novel and never felt bore or thought that there were any filler chapters. I hope you keep doing amazing work like this and May you be successful in anything you do in your life.God Bless. There is one thing I did not like about your Novel. This is just my opinion on one thing. So, I hope you won't mind it. It is that you called Itachi a hypocrite. Now, I believe that is not right. You have to look at how he was raised at first before you judge him. You should remember that He was only 4 years old ( I don't remember the specific age) when he was taken to a battlefield Where all he saw was death and His first thought regarding that was he doesn't like anyone dying in meaningless war like this. He did not have the current education regarding the different ideologies that we have from different perspective and experts. He was raised learning the Will of Fire. Now, the Will of Fire itself is not wrong But It was used by The Third Hokage for his own Benefit. I have seen Naruto and I don't know If they were plot holes or something else but Naruto's upbringing could have been way better If he just stood up for him and clarify things. I don't know How the villagers knew that he was the demon fox but at least I know the Third Hokage did nothing to stop that. So, We can take him as a Villain. Anyways, We got off topic. So, Regarding Itachi Many call him hypocrite and many other bad words but maybe they all forget that If the Uchiha had really rebelled and they were to lose than there whole clan should have been executed. This is a fact that already has been done repeatedly by Kings from the past history. Now, All Itachi could do was choose the side. Which he chose. The Majority. Yes, His decision was influenced by The Third Hokage and Shisui. Many have said Shisui was very naive. Yes, I agree with that. But Many fail to remember one thing and that is they were only about 11 to 12 years old When they were burdened with the fate of the whole village. At the age Where they should be planning for playing with friends and pranks Just like you and me were doing. They were under such heavy pressure. After Shisui's death, All Itachi wanted was to end this with only least deaths and he chose the side which can get him that. There are also saying he killed the children While he left his own brother alive but Maybe you all forget that his hands were trembling and he even cried when he was going to kill his parents. Like Obito said He was supposed to kill everyone including his own brother But that 12 year old kid Itachi could not muster up the courage to kill his little brother He had sworn to protect When he was little. So, He did What every 12 year old kid would do and also a mature thing that most no probably anyone would not be able to do. He became a little selfish just like a kid and spared his brother While he endured his little brother's hatred which we all already know he loves so much and planned his own death at the hand of his own beloved brother which I think not anyone is able to do. Especially No Fucking Chinese Protagonist. And Before anyone says that He had many options besides the massacring of his clan and than Just Don't. He did not have all the world looking from different perspective and all the time in the world and maybe just maybe just as wide perspective like us. Maybe, No Everyone everytime forgets He was just one person While We were a whole world who have all the time we need to look for a solution and not the pressure and burden he felt When things were not going well for his clan and village. I don't ask you to like him. All I ask from you is just not to at least disrespect him.

    Avatar System
    Anime & Comics · Slime_king
  • AlisonPride

    Really Making me Uncomfortable. They are showing off Even though they should already know the status of 5 tier Alchemist. I don't like the way they are downplaying MC performance. Like MFs It is your fortune to get him and you should at least respect him if not beg him to stay. Did they already forget his status as a 5 tier Alchemist which is the highest in the Empire.

    "Right here, You have to endure one attack from me." She said solemnly.
    Endless Transmigration: These Shitty Lives are Killing Me
    Anime & Comics · Nine_Clouds
  • AlisonPride
    Replied to AlisonPride

    cousin and world

    The Legacy System
    Fantasy · crazy_immortal
  • AlisonPride

    I really liked this novel in the beginning but time and time again the Author has tested my limits many times. Like with Rape, MC being arrogant with his enemies despite being weaker than them and even If he is stronger for FUCK SAKE He will not directly deal with them just like his brother and many other young masters. Even Now I waited for months What did I get? His guards are realm 6. So, At least I believe He is stronger than them. He was able to fight Rank 4 I don't remember much but maybe When he was Rank 2 and Now When It already has been 10 years He should at least be stronger than some FUCKING sultan. Why go with all these schemes. Just make him your slave or something But no Every FUCKING NPC will berate and degrade and insult him While still knowing He has something they need and May have a Background that very well kill them all. I mean look that FUCKING of sultan was doing the same thing depending on the sultan But When It comes to our MC. Then NO, The whole will make some shitty excuse to inult him While he will make some shitty excuse to not just outright kill them or at least show some of his power so another person will at least fear or respect him. Is that too much to ask?

    The Legacy System
    Fantasy · crazy_immortal
  • AlisonPride

    Bro, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, But maybe you just forgot a teeny tiny bit of info that Nie li is a reincarnated powerhouse who had thousand years of experience at least and you think that in front of him They would never show any kind sluggishness or delayed response or Whatever. When you are hypnotized. I don't want to descredit you. Your idea was good but there was no chance of that happening.

    The Day that She meets Lin Lingtian again is the day he will die .
    Tales of Demons and Gods : I can Augment My Statuses
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • AlisonPride

    This novel is not for me. The MC keeps on doing work like a slave for the prince. Now, If he was doing things by his own violation I would not mind. But everytime the prince or something related to him somehow alway forces him to work for him. And even though He is doing things that I can respect him for. But still the same thing, He is already so strong but he is like a pawn who does not have his own will even though the Author has tried to show that whatever he is doing is useful for him and at the end of the day he still does everything for the prince while the Author tries to always make the prince a saint. Just like, Once again How even with out the MC's approval and any opinion He spread the rumors that he is going to be a royal commander who is working for him. Sorry Author But Once again this novel is not for me.

    Ch 43 Salvage(6)
    Dark Hero in Tate no Yuusha
    Anime & Comics · Thot_Slaughterer
  • AlisonPride

    he literally sasaid iin the previous chapter that he could feel the immense fire qi from the sword and Now here he is trying to feel the fire qi while he is feeling burns all over his body. One more thing is that your choice of words for me was too Cringe. Don't take my words for it But still just my opinion.

    He decided to start with the basics, and try to sense the fire qi in his surroundings. He sat down on his bed, and closed his eyes. He calmed his mind, and focused on his breathing. He tried to feel the fire element, and connect with it.
    I Can Copy Talents Unlimitedly
    Eastern · Supreme_V
  • AlisonPride
    Replied to Sam_OverPowered

    Going by your words, Then he shouldn't have straight up told her about how her mother literally fled from the realm. Afterall, He is talking to a vampire who straight up tried to hpnotise him When he did not answer her question and If weren't for his dragon lineage then He would have been controlled by her and answered her every question including the immortal legacy. Lets not include its own safety measure But just her act of trying to hypnotize some just because he did not answer her speaks volumes of How innocent she is. Personally, I am not against Haram and even support it But If he is going to think with his lower half than this is not for me.

    After a brief pause, Sam decided to share his story, revealing everything about discovering his dragon heritage, his noble lineage, and how his mother and aunt had fled the cultivation realm. He kept the part about being the master of the Codex of Supreme Immortals to himself.
    The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals
    Fantasy · Sam_OverPowered
  • AlisonPride

    Can Somebody tell me How It was calculated?

    Strength: 17
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • AlisonPride

    I don't understand why do you have to kill the protagonists of other animes. I really hope that something like this do not happen again because I was really enjoying the novel. You could have just ignored him but no you have to make him look like a bad guy. I am really interested in this novel and hope to continue reading this novel. I can give this novel one more chance but If something like this happens again than I am dropping this novel. Every protagonist of an anime has his own circumstances. So, you don't have any right judge them and even If you don't like them. You should have just left him there and afterwards tell us that he got killed. What should have our mc done If he was in his place. Let me tell you, He would have done nothing and maybe he also join them to save himself from getting hated by others and majority will do the same. But now he has powers so he give himself different excuses to tell himself that he was right. To me this behaviour is really hypocritical. In reality, I was really hoping that he would not kill the mc but instead get the punishment because he did no want to be like a puppet and not be so disgusting. But at the end of the day, I like this novel So I hope you don't do something like this again. Afterall, you will leave the world. So, Why bother with the protagonist of that world. I hope that you don't get offended because It is my opinion that I think what more and less can make the novel better. Just giving one last chance If something like this happens again than I am out.

    Ch 27 Chapter 27- The countdown of Humanity's Last Days ( 2/2 )
    Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo
    Eastern · Yuuki_Shindo
  • AlisonPride

    Bro, What happened to Yoshida Gina and the other girl he kidnapped and also Did he just leave wen qinqin and the other lu girl to die.The time skip was really sudden and Did MC not remember his stepmother and stepbrother. Can the author also just one time mention all his girls. Thanks

    The Legacy System
    Fantasy · crazy_immortal
  • AlisonPride

    what are you all saying She fell in love wìth the future mc not the current him and she only sees the future him in mc I honestly think you all are a little digusting no offense

    A single glance could change one's life. Was this referring to her? In reality, as a genius cultivator with a bright future, Xuan Yanran had never believed in love at first sight.
    Reincarnated As A Baby? My Cry Is A Dragon Roar!
    Eastern · Northern Wind Sword