
Review Detail of AlisonPride in Avatar System

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For me It was superb. I have been reading novels for past 4 years now and Can say with confidence that at least for me your novel was within top 10.One thing I really like in your novel is How you handle the romance between MC and Tsunade. I have read many Fanfics of Naruto and In many Fanfics the MC usually erases Tsunade's Memories, Makes her a slave, Go to past to get her or Outright change her character and I am really disgusted by that. And Honestly, I loath that. Chinese Author especially does that filth. I am not against all Chinese novels but only those that does that. I really loved How you first got in her life as a stranger and got her interest through gambling and after many interactions in her sad time the MC was there for her and Only than Tsunade took the last step. At last, What I am trying to say is I loved at least for me How natural it seemed the love between MC and Tsunade and also I read the whole novel and never felt bore or thought that there were any filler chapters. I hope you keep doing amazing work like this and May you be successful in anything you do in your life.God Bless. There is one thing I did not like about your Novel. This is just my opinion on one thing. So, I hope you won't mind it. It is that you called Itachi a hypocrite. Now, I believe that is not right. You have to look at how he was raised at first before you judge him. You should remember that He was only 4 years old ( I don't remember the specific age) when he was taken to a battlefield Where all he saw was death and His first thought regarding that was he doesn't like anyone dying in meaningless war like this. He did not have the current education regarding the different ideologies that we have from different perspective and experts. He was raised learning the Will of Fire. Now, the Will of Fire itself is not wrong But It was used by The Third Hokage for his own Benefit. I have seen Naruto and I don't know If they were plot holes or something else but Naruto's upbringing could have been way better If he just stood up for him and clarify things. I don't know How the villagers knew that he was the demon fox but at least I know the Third Hokage did nothing to stop that. So, We can take him as a Villain. Anyways, We got off topic. So, Regarding Itachi Many call him hypocrite and many other bad words but maybe they all forget that If the Uchiha had really rebelled and they were to lose than there whole clan should have been executed. This is a fact that already has been done repeatedly by Kings from the past history. Now, All Itachi could do was choose the side. Which he chose. The Majority. Yes, His decision was influenced by The Third Hokage and Shisui. Many have said Shisui was very naive. Yes, I agree with that. But Many fail to remember one thing and that is they were only about 11 to 12 years old When they were burdened with the fate of the whole village. At the age Where they should be planning for playing with friends and pranks Just like you and me were doing. They were under such heavy pressure. After Shisui's death, All Itachi wanted was to end this with only least deaths and he chose the side which can get him that. There are also saying he killed the children While he left his own brother alive but Maybe you all forget that his hands were trembling and he even cried when he was going to kill his parents. Like Obito said He was supposed to kill everyone including his own brother But that 12 year old kid Itachi could not muster up the courage to kill his little brother He had sworn to protect When he was little. So, He did What every 12 year old kid would do and also a mature thing that most no probably anyone would not be able to do. He became a little selfish just like a kid and spared his brother While he endured his little brother's hatred which we all already know he loves so much and planned his own death at the hand of his own beloved brother which I think not anyone is able to do. Especially No Fucking Chinese Protagonist. And Before anyone says that He had many options besides the massacring of his clan and than Just Don't. He did not have all the world looking from different perspective and all the time in the world and maybe just maybe just as wide perspective like us. Maybe, No Everyone everytime forgets He was just one person While We were a whole world who have all the time we need to look for a solution and not the pressure and burden he felt When things were not going well for his clan and village. I don't ask you to like him. All I ask from you is just not to at least disrespect him.

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