


a decently chill person with a large interest in fantasy

2018-08-16 JoinedUnited States



of reading


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  • dmanone

    Booo. Plot contrivance. Seriously, love the series, but this is the first time I've felt a twist was so forced in it. Anyway, time to destroy the tree and turn into the master of destruction i guess

    Ch 3008 Blindsided (Part 2)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • dmanone

    it's so much more enticing and moving to see Derek's more mundane life through a hazy mirage of his metaphorical transformation from man into demon while Lith's life is far more mundane showing mostly the highlights in stark contrast. I definitely think if they just saw straight memories or images of Derek's life it would have had far less impact than this. Seriously fantastic writing!! [img=recommend]

    Ch 2812 Not my Son (Part 4)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • dmanone

    ah yes, the not blood related sibling romance has begun. Given how smart they are i can imagine the cringe moments kicking in by age five for both little monsters. jokes aside, loving the fun of the developing family dynamics

    Ch 2784 Sibling Rivalry (Part 2)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • dmanone

    really hoping kami doesn't get herself killed like solus' father, rushing for power to keep up with her family but failing from mental imbalance. Lith wouldn't let that happen if he knows but if she's desperate from mental isolation and constant social pariah status from those seeking her place, she might try to push it through with jirnis or other friendly awakened help who aren't as aware of her mental state

    Ch 2726 Precious Moments (Part 2)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • dmanone

    these chapters are fantastic, but after the last chapter of the solid crisis beginning, much of the rage and emotion faded over these two chapters. i guess it's just a downside of updated chapters instead of being able to binge them through the whole conflict. still love em.

    Ch 2658 Knowledge is Power (Part 2)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • dmanone

    kinda short given it was only a single skirmish and a fleet being annihilated. Given both armies had hundreds of thousands of soldiers and probably some 5k died in ocean, it's kinda a low number to say war was over after only losing 1-5 percent of soldiers with no damage done to either nation. I'd at least assume esparia wouldn't even believe their losses for nearly a day

    Ch 196 The Fifteen Minute War
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • dmanone

    your power stone ranking seems to be shut off. might want to fix that

    Ch 184 Receiving the News
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • dmanone

    wow, that was....surprising? I mean, this is the time of muckrakers and the bo of journalism both as propaganda and free speech. For them to get away with "I came willingly but I won't tell you why, now look at the shiny cars." just seems rather weak. Maybe Author couldn't justify the romantic angle, but this angle seems even more hollow

    Ch 244 The Media Arrives
    Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • dmanone

    lol, two full years? That's some serious emotional blockage. Even if you straight up only saw one another at one to two meals a day, that's still more than five hundred hours. These two absolutely suck at communication, or at least Erika seems terrible as even a tsundere in most anime would get more than a note after two years of annoying someone

    Ch 70 The Black Sun Rises
    Interstellar Age
    Sci-fi · Zentmeister
  • dmanone
    Replied to dmanone

    I realize this is almost dictating sorry, but it's kind of irritating to see such smart people that have championed self reliance and thinking five steps ahead suddenly so reliant on others and taking such a major backstep in their own story. Maybe the author is thinking of establishing the scale of power that the mains still haven't reached, but all the mains just seem far to out of their characters at the moment when they're just sitting back and waiting for others to get the job done. The only plan I've seen them have is just bribing the US with weapon schematics. I suppose it's a good insurance plan to have some prototypes in reserve, but it still seems to lack their previous proactive natures

    Ch 239 Taking Caution
    Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • dmanone

    I wish they'd just use the media to their advantage. They're all geniuses who have seen the media storms of the future. Just use the press to distort the danger and tell them Sara's desire to run from her forced engagement from the prince. The Avalonian Stud with an equal brain was willing to help. The media and public eat up the princess and the popper storyline and turn on the British monarchy. Troubles next to over other than aristocratic shame, but none of them seem to care about that except Caroline

    Ch 239 Taking Caution
    Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • dmanone

    lol, dude can't win. Blackmailed by crime org, then government, and back to crime org, only to be found out by gov again. At this rate, the guy is just slated for death. Honestly surprised Admiral is allowing him to live given he already claimed he'd kill him if he didn't follow orders. could say he's waiting till post war, but given their best move is just sending I suicide bombers, trusting a 'traitor' to be a suicide bomber seems unlikely. Can't threaten him with Mirage since there's no love there and she was just blackmailing him anyway. So, like this chapter title, what does it matter whether the main character is alive or dead right now, and what would it matter to the main if the government came at him? He's got nothing left to care about except his mother possibly who was evacuated already. Unless they're willing to straight end his bloodline completely just to make him suicide bomb or work to the bone

    Ch 53 Why Bother?
    Interstellar Age
    Sci-fi · Zentmeister
  • dmanone

    kinda sad they didn't try to introduce the electric car to swerve the direction of automobiles, but given requirements for trucks, tanks and airlines, the combustion engine was always needed anyway. So why not monopolize every industry of it :P

    Ch 221 Carl Benz
    Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • dmanone
    Replied to romeotango148

    Ford isn't for another 30 yrs based on their timeline :P

    Ch 221 Carl Benz
    Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • dmanone

    think you forgot that Erich was told about Naraku when he first joined his fighter wing. Might want to retcon that, or update this chapter. Still enjoying the series though

    Ch 48 Which Side Are You On?
    Interstellar Age
    Sci-fi · Zentmeister
  • dmanone

    Good quality writing. But if you don't like or can't stomach what is basically the diary of Erwin Rommel (WW2 Nazi general) growing up in space Nazi Germany, you won't like this at all. I say this because while the writer wrote Tyranny of Steel(TOS) which heavily favored Germany as a background, it was grounded in an Isekai setting and TOS never really did more or less than most Isekai when it came to dark themes. This book however takes German nationalism and pride in fascism to a whole new level. The character acts as an apolitical cog in the fascist ethno state so far, but has stated his beliefs in its system. It's fine as a story, but if you can't handle those ideas don't read this series. I kind of fear the author supports these ideals as this seems a more radical version of the last German nationalistic series, but it could just be an interest in there heritage and the idea of balancing authoritarian rule and fantasy. I.E what if the Empire in Star Wars was the good guys thought process. With those disclaimers out of the way, the series puts out regularly and has high quality writing with few errors. The world is expansive in its own way, and the characters seem emotion and development driven rather than the usual running along plot points. Would recommend it as a dark quality read so long as you take a step back from the heavy political talk

    Interstellar Age
    Sci-fi · Zentmeister
  • dmanone

    easily my favorite series on the platform. Has some of the most well developed and fleshed out characters around. The story develops at a steady and believable pace. It has some of the most emotional and heart jerking moments I've read in a while scattered throughout the story. The author is great on updating and continuing the story, though often has to take breaks for their own health problems. Definitely recommend as top series

    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • dmanone

    Welcome back Legion. Hope your time off was somewhat relaxing and not just more life hitting you over the head. Love the new chapters as always and hope your health and mind are doing great.

    Ch 2130 Close but Far (Part 2)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • dmanone

    take a full month legion. it's obvious these week breaks aren't enough. take a month, see some doctors and get better. Seriously, you've been in and out of good health every few weeks now. Get some serious medical attention and take some serious time off, not a break. We're all hoping for your health, but you can't keep doing the same thing and expecting a new result

    Ch 2043 First Blood (Part 3)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • dmanone

    hope you're feeling better man. great chapters as always

    Ch 2036 Golden Knight (Part 4)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20