


Life is a serious battle, and you have to use the tools you're given. It's more important to master the cards you're holding than to complain about the ones your opponents were dealt.

2018-07-19 JoinedGlobal



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  • Jeezu
    The sound was sharp and unexpected. Steve, with a quickened heartbeat, moved to open the door, revealing a figure that seemed to emerge from the darkness itself. Alexander stood there, an enigmatic presence wrapped in black shades and a flowing black trench coat.
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to LostWizard

    It seems he indirectly helped humanity progress their technology and after seeing what they're using it for (bombs), he gets depressed.

    Ch 11 Project: Rebirth
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to Wilder6

    No plans for a patreon. Just writing for fun.

    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to LostWizard
    Ch 11 Project: Rebirth
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to Jdotbenzo_

    It's 1942 so he's 28 years old.

    Ch 11 Project: Rebirth
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to Benny_gold
    Ch 11 Project: Rebirth
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to SovereignSloth

    Master's Degree (1928-1930): Master of Science in Genetics Ph.D. Program (1930-1934): Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics

    Ch 11 Project: Rebirth
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to Hasan_Shopnil

    Noone knows the secret ingredient of the Super-Soldier Serum but there are theories that it might be related to the Heart-Shaped Herb. What we do know is that Howard Stark inveted Nitramene, an unstable compound that releases (Vita) Radiation. We also know that he got his hands on Vibranium but not how. In this chapter the vegetation/grass that Dr. Erskine is experimenting with is not the Heart-Shaped Herb. It's just vegetation and soil that was irradiated by Vibranium. Also none of the above have anything to do with the X-gene. These are completely separate things.

    Ch 11 Project: Rebirth
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to Jeezu

    Gotta fight Marvel with Marvel.

    I had a hunch, a theory that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, those harrowing spectacles of human ingenuity turned destructive, would act as a catalyst. The surge in atmospheric nuclear energy, I suspected, would stir the genetic pot, accelerating mutations in the human genome. The aftermath could well be a new era, the dawn of the 'Children of the Atom', a generation born from the ashes of war and radiation. The rise of MUTANTS!
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to Benny_gold

    MC is just a normal human/Homo sapiens, and the technology for gene editing hasn't developed yet. But hypothetically, even if we did have the latest CRISPR-Cas9 technology, what's to say we could get superpowers using it?

    I had a hunch, a theory that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, those harrowing spectacles of human ingenuity turned destructive, would act as a catalyst. The surge in atmospheric nuclear energy, I suspected, would stir the genetic pot, accelerating mutations in the human genome. The aftermath could well be a new era, the dawn of the 'Children of the Atom', a generation born from the ashes of war and radiation. The rise of MUTANTS!
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to ALEX1402

    Just a theory. Who knows why there was a sudden spike in mutants?

    I had a hunch, a theory that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, those harrowing spectacles of human ingenuity turned destructive, would act as a catalyst. The surge in atmospheric nuclear energy, I suspected, would stir the genetic pot, accelerating mutations in the human genome. The aftermath could well be a new era, the dawn of the 'Children of the Atom', a generation born from the ashes of war and radiation. The rise of MUTANTS!
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to _Hori_

    I'm pretty sure that the powers that be already know about mutants. It's just that there are fewer of them out and about right now. However, after the nuclear radiation spreads, giving a higher chance for those with the X-gene to have it activated, and along with the baby boom, there'll be many more mutants to be seen.

    I had a hunch, a theory that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, those harrowing spectacles of human ingenuity turned destructive, would act as a catalyst. The surge in atmospheric nuclear energy, I suspected, would stir the genetic pot, accelerating mutations in the human genome. The aftermath could well be a new era, the dawn of the 'Children of the Atom', a generation born from the ashes of war and radiation. The rise of MUTANTS!
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu

    TV Series: 1.) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2.) Agent Carter

    Speaking of which, Project: Rebirth wasn't sidelined; if anything, our jaunt into the Manhattan Project offered us a glimpse into a potential solution. Erskine and I had been wracking our brains, searching for something to temper the serum's volatile nature. Well, I knew... I mean, the concept was there, lurking in the back of my mind, but the practicality of it—that was Howard's domain. I dropped a few hints about utilizing radiation, which could be the missing puzzle piece in our equation. And boy, did he deliver. He named it Nitramene, an unstable compound with the potential to revolutionize our approach. Instead of wreaking havoc, this compound released radiation meant to heal, enhance, and stabilize—so we aptly named this radiation: Vita-Rays.
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    "Dr. Sterling!" the Colonel called out. "I'd like you to meet Dr. Abraham Erskine."
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Replied to SovereignSloth

    I forgot.

    Ch 11 Project: Rebirth
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Now, amid this madhouse of a project, I stumbled upon a name that stood out: Adriana Soria. She was a soldier, plucked from the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps to join a special unit of the US Marine Corps, and now here, just a name on a list destined for the altar of science. I've realized that in this line of work, a certain detachment is necessary, a distance from the humanity of it all. Yet, something about her name gave me pause. And when the realization hit, I knew I had to intervene. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    And then there was Isaiah Bradley, one of the 'lucky' survivors, if you could call it that. The serum, designed to elevate, instead fractured his mind, leaving him a prisoner within his own enhanced physique. The human brain, we learned, isn't quite designed for rapid, forced evolution. The super soldiers, while physically superior, were mentally teetering on the edge, vulnerable to the darkness of schizophrenia, paranoia, and a myriad of other psychological torments. It's a harsh truth, messing with nature's design like we did—no good comes without its shadows.
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    The others, mostly African-American soldiers duped into thinking they were getting a mere tetanus shot, weren't so 'fortunate.' Their ends came with violence and agony, lives snuffed out in the name of progress. I still remember the letters, the lies we penned to their families. It's a wonder I sleep at all.
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu
    Clinton McIntyre was the first to roll the dice with fate, a disgraced soldier with more hope in his heart than luck. The serum took him on a wild ride, all right, straight into a frenzy, then death's cold embrace—or so we thought. The chap's body lay there, refusing to rot, a morbid testament to our failure, boxed up like some grotesque keepsake.
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu
  • Jeezu

    Dr. Wilfred Nagel

    A year and some change since we first rolled up our sleeves, dabbling in what I now reckon was Pandora's box, laced with scientific promise. Dr. Erskine's super soldier serum, a cocktail brewed for heroes, turned out more a concoction for nightmares. When Col. Walker Price and Dr. Wilfred Nagel joined our motley crew of me, Howard, and the good doctor himself, I thought maybe, just maybe, we'd crack it. But, oh, how naive we were.
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Movies · Jeezu