
Geode Rank

"What's an upgrade catalyst...?"

Brad froze, his mind unable to comprehend why this of all things was what Einer wanted to say.

For a few seconds he was about to respond along the lines of,

'That doesn't matter right now,' or 'Are you sure you don't want to say anything before... you know...'

Brad realized however, that not only was there no time for this, but also that it was what Einer wanted, and he had no right to contest that in Einer's final moments.

Understanding this, Brad leaned down next to Einer's ear, and gave an explanation that no one could make out even in the low volume only raised by a number of murmured conversations.

After Brad had said what he needed to, Einer's slits of eyes gained a glimmer of hope, as he put all of his remaining effort into gesturing towards his adventurer's pack which had fallen off of him when he collapsed.

Brad looked towards it, back at Einer, and then to the pack again.

'Surely he couldn't have... no... there's no time for doubt.'

While Brad moved out to grab the bag, Einer's hand fell to the ground, and his weighted eyelids fully closed against his struggling will.

At that time, Jina burst through the doors with multiple cloaked figures following behind her, declaring loudly, "I'VE BROUGHT THE RESERVE HEALERS FROM PENTAZ HQ, EVERYONE MOVE THIS INSTANT."

Jina's face was solemn as she marched directly through the crowd and swiftly took Einer from Annali's arms.

The encirclement of Einer's friends was quickly replaced by a group of healers who immediately released soft lights of various different colors which descended gently onto his still figure.

The healers felt the state of their patient, and voiced their concerns after evaluating the boy's body with their magic.

"Ma'am... he's already..."

"The kid's virtually already dead," another voice spoke with conviction, "I've healed for many years-"

Jina instantly panicked and interrupted, "HOW CAN YOU BE SURE?! Just keep trying, I'm certain-"

The same person who was speaking cut Jina off in turn, and spoke coldly, "There is no bringing somebody back from this point. It would be best to give up here, or we would only be extending his suffering."

"They're right you know, we should just let him rest," voiced another, more sensitive, healer.

Meanwhile, Brad had finished rummaging through Einer's pack, having discovered the large snake's scale and realizing what it was, he rushed over to the healers and pushed one of them aside, attempting to get to where Einer was.

Jina saw this, her face distorting in horror as the healer's spell was interrupted by Brad.

"Jina! Quickly give him to me, I... I think this might work."


As Einer's consciousness sunk deeper and deeper into a sea of static, barely being able to make out the sounds of Jina's protests as all of the healer's ceased casting.

Brad continued trying to get to him, but Jina wouldn't allow it, not wanting to lose the feeling of his faint heartbeat for even a moment.

As his senses failed him, Einer's last thoughts were of disappointment.

He hadn't really known what he had wanted from life, after all things had only just begun looking up.

So far, all he was sure of was that he wanted to become stronger, for what purpose and what reason...

He had none.

There was nothing.

Nothing he cared about with all his heart.

Of course, he loved his new friends, as well as the food and drink and comfort he had just discovered. The feeling of being a part of the guild and going on adventures and completing quests was great too...

'What was that?'

For a moment, he had touched upon something.

A feeling he had never known arose within him, and it was obsession.

Everyone had an obsession, but Einer's obsession had been quenched recently, and he had yet to acquire a new purpose in life.

But when he thought of quests and adventures, it felt as though what he wanted was on the tip of his tongue.

Or brain, rather.

'I Want.'

Because in life everyone has something at their core.

"To Fight."

Something that their attention can only be shifted away from temporarily.

"To Win."

Whether it be by responsibility, relationships, or crisis...

"To Level-Up"

Their desire will always return to one thing.

"And I'll Do It All..."

To achieve something? To prove something?

"With Only A Single..."

Or even both.


[The User Has Come Into Contact With An Upgrade Catalyst Which Meets The Required Specifications]

[Rank Up: Y/N]

Einer didn't respond.


He couldn't.

[Usually... We Would Require The User To Make The Decision To Use It Themselves. However The User Is Not Currently Of The Mental Capacity To Do So...]

[I Will Do It For Him]


[You're Not Thinking Of Taking This One As Your Representative Are You?]

[That's Madness! Even If He Is A Unique One, There Are Countless Better Options!]

[I Have To Advise You That You Shouldn't Seriously Be Considering Using An Override On Such A Young Seed That You Don't Even Know If You'll Be Taking In Yet]

[Shut It! Just Let The Fool Do It, If They Want To Screw Themselves Then Let Them You Idiot!]

[Yeah! Let Him Waste The Override!]

Various other voices used the empty space of Einer's fading conscious to hold a conversation that no human should ever lay ears to.

[All Of You, One Moment Please]

[I Will Accept On His Behalf, However, Since This Is Such A Risk On My Part, I Would Like To Be Given The First Offer In The Event That He Becomes Desirable]


[Then I Will Trust That You All Uphold The Integrity Of Our... Game]

[The User Has Commenced The Upgrade Process]

[User: Einer, Will Now Enter The Geode Rank]

The being responsible looked down on Einer from an unknown place, its emotions indiscernible despite being completely alone.

'Rest well, little one, I will watch your progress with great interest.'

Brad, who had finally wrenched Einer's fragile body from Jina's arms, had placed the large snake's scale on his chest, and wrapped his arms around it for him.

Everyone look on astonished, as moments later his body began to glow and change.

Einer's body became more defined. Powerful and sturdy, but also balanced and elegant, in the same ratio as he had before.

His height and size remained unchanged, but all around he gave off the air of higher being.

This was...

"He... He RANKED UP!?!?"

Everyone who was aware of his membership to the guild being that of a newbie stepped back in shock.

Brad stopped holding Jina back, as they both forgot their conflict and looked on in rapture, completely engrossed in the sight before them.

Annali's defeated eyes gained life again, staggering to her feet as she too gazed at the impossibility before her.

Kimi, Philip, and the other adventurers present looked on in much the same way.

Aside from two separate, unrelated personas who left without notice.

One man, who wore the uniform of a guild employee, left towards Pentaz HQ after witnessing the rank up process commence.

Another, cloaked figure, left moments later towards a more isolated part of town.

It Has Begun.

AuthorSancreators' thoughts
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