

2018-07-16 JoinedGlobal

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  • jess_weston
    Replied to DaoistxlCYBp

    it could be his actual birthday

    Ed eyed Hermione and answered, "Hm? Oh, 19th of August."
    Ordeal of the Hopebringer: A Harry Potter Fanfiction
    Book&Literature · mark_kiple
  • jess_weston
    Replied to Sephtis_Azrael

    you know things are f****** Dumbledore doesn't put up a fight

    "You brought this upon yourself Tom" he whispered.
    Ordeal of the Hopebringer: A Harry Potter Fanfiction
    Book&Literature · mark_kiple
  • jess_weston

    oh wow, this was a super long chapter.

    Ch 8 Chapter Eight: Faith, Hope & Magic Tricks Part 3
    A year abroad
    Book&Literature · Dances_w_walnuts
  • jess_weston
    Replied to Arvin_Asadpoor

    not surprising, it was a super short blip that had voice telling him death wasn't in his future if here to go for the ring himself. No call backs to that moment since.

    "I owe you one, Gandalf," Aldril said, barely turning to see what had happened. He was prepared to react to the attack, but Gandalf acted first, so he didn't think much of it and kept firing.
    Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?
    Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry
  • jess_weston

    no complaints, but I feel like the choice isn't really much of one. ultimately Angel and Buffy didn't stay together even after he came back from hell. heck he even became a vampire again and told Buffy they couldn't be even though he loved her. I mean she also confessed her love to spike as well just before he sacrificed himself. I like the Buffy/Harry ship but I'm not set on it. the Harry Potter ending relationships never completely made sense to me and were super forced. so Harry ultimately not going back to Ginny is a plus for me. I won't complain if that is your intention for them to stay together though.

    Ch 6 Chapter Six: Faith, Hope and Magic Tricks - Part One
    A year abroad
    Book&Literature · Dances_w_walnuts
  • jess_weston

    she would never ever suggest that, are you daft or just forcing plot points?

    Hermione looked at him considering, "There is an heirloom pensieve in the Headmaster's office, I've read about it in 'Hogwarts, A History', we could sneak into Professor Dumbledore's office and take a look at your memory."
    The Intelligent Potter
    Book&Literature · PxFive
  • jess_weston

    Gwen might put a strong front of being mad but, I don't see her staying especially mad. Depends on the gift, and the usual pandering to make her feel like she has every right to be angry, and that he was a fool and.....

    Ch 19 [19] Chamber of Reflection
    Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive
    Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal
  • jess_weston

    Hermione became a black haired witch somehow. please don't tell me it's SPEW that she is so happy about

    Ch 78 Flashback- Start of Harry's Plan
    Legacy of Harry Potter
    Book&Literature · Graviele
  • jess_weston
    Replied to professor_xcat

    words seem to be to boring as well. how about we use sounds, gestures, or both?

    'Green Boys.' Eddard thought with sadness, remembering his own youth, "Maybe, but it doesn't look like it. Apparently, the three Houses of Skagos have been in conflict since their rebellion a hundred years ago. The constant warring boiled over, and the smallfolk rose up and destroyed the three houses. They have elected a new lord, Harry Potter of House Potter."
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    Book&Literature · SenseiCaffeine
  • jess_weston
    Replied to Charlie_English

    ......you are a horrible liar. the bastard walks around like a Ponce, and talks to anyone willing to hear him or not, at the market place.

    "Of course you can follow me. You might be the only one who'll talk to me without bringing up my ears." Lucius said wiping a tear from his eye. "We have to head through Whiterun because of the war so we can stop off there. I heard it's a nice city." Lucius said after composing himself.
    A Swallow's Path
    Video Games · Pythia
  • jess_weston
    Replied to Undeadwizard7

    I had the old version in my library not knowing you restarted. it only took me a month to realize🤣

    I'm back everyone!!! Thank you for your patience and kind words. So I have spent a long time wondering what I was going to do with this novel. After taking a much needed break I started picking apart and fixing some things about the novel. If their are any major mistakes just comment on the paragraph so I can see it. I will no longer be sticking to any upload schedule for releases as it gave me so much stress. Again, thank you for your encouragement. Stay awesome!
    RE: Eragon
    Book&Literature · Undeadwizard7
  • jess_weston
    Replied to Arvin_Asadpoor

    ......he may not even have that adventure with all of them. he has stated he might go look for the ring himself instead of leaving it to a hobbit. there is also a good 77 years until frodo is thrusted into that journey.

    "I owe you one, Gandalf," Aldril said, barely turning to see what had happened. He was prepared to react to the attack, but Gandalf acted first, so he didn't think much of it and kept firing.
    Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?
    Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry
  • jess_weston
    Replied to JoyousRebellion
    "Damn, the series cost a leg. A whole 300 bucks just for one scene, pfft." He shook his head, amusement radiating from his eyes. 'That godly entity probably likes money. How ironic.' 
    Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive
    Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal
  • jess_weston

    The Maker is down right terrifying

    "Reed Richard's also an honourable mention, but he's leagues above the two." Talking about Reed Richards, Joe didn't forget to keep tabs on any news about the prolific individuals in the world. The supposed Fantastic Four seemed not to be around. They were probably on a quantum-related mission and you know how the Fantastic Four's mission tended to get 'cosmic'. Darn, how could a mission conducted by a man who built an Afterlife Transporter be simple? 
    Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive
    Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal
  • jess_weston

    eat well, sleep well, and train hard. that's the turtle hermit way.

    Joe rested for the entire day, and the next morning, he woke up feeling more refreshed than he had in days. After his usual morning shower, he started devising his workout routine. What better way to work out than by imitating the best? Though he admired Goku, Joe ruled out his training regimen—Goku's Saiyan bloodline made his routines impossible for a regular human. (Rest in peace, Toriyama.)
    Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive
    Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal
  • jess_weston
    Replied to Spelloyal

    Harry....Harry is to boring of a name for a noble line

    'Green Boys.' Eddard thought with sadness, remembering his own youth, "Maybe, but it doesn't look like it. Apparently, the three Houses of Skagos have been in conflict since their rebellion a hundred years ago. The constant warring boiled over, and the smallfolk rose up and destroyed the three houses. They have elected a new lord, Harry Potter of House Potter."
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    Book&Literature · SenseiCaffeine
  • jess_weston
    Replied to Aayush_storms

    this story is stolen. if you want to read the original and support the author, look up the story The Spider on fanfiction.net. by imjusttryingtofindmyway. however if you want to read it here on webnovel someone has already uploaded it. andrewstewart002 Reincarnation of Ultimate Spider-Man. there are 99 chapters and they are really really long.

    This book has been deleted.
  • jess_weston
    Replied to Feebling

    I know about ficsfeels and William777

    Ch 39 Chapter 039
    Harry Potter: The Witty Wizard
    Movies · Miguelho
  • jess_weston
    Replied to vito_frateschi

    😒 Don't be gross.......😏😂😉

    Chapter 9:- Who is Kaguya?
    Naruto : Back to the Past
    Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon
  • jess_weston
    Replied to Magus_Of_Flower

    I think the only one I've played where that was an actual mechanic was in The Sims however, you don't really have to age up if you make it that way in the settings. To get old in every sense of the word? then no, I don't think that possible unless, he han turn on and off that function. why would he though, not even I would limit that function.

    Failure: Get old and lonely in a dark cave because you are too dumb and lazy.
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    Book&Literature · SenseiCaffeine