


sitdown and grab a bowl

2018-05-10 JoinedGlobal

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  • RamenHut


    "What? It's just free education. As an initiative from Earth Federation, it will not have any western propaganda or misinformation. Just pure knowledge. You don't have a problem with that do you, you can check too? I'm sure the culture of Chinese people is strong enough to withstand the shock of knowledge."
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime & Comics · PyteWriter
  • RamenHut

    the majority of these people should already be rich enough to subsiste off of only investments. scratch that. the majority of their welth is probably liquid and invested in the medical field. after there are no need for drugs or vaccines, their net worth crumbles into nothing. however, there would still be a need for a large amount of necessary narcotics, anesthetics, and medical equipment for any physical maladies.

    Similar discussions were happening between the executives and owners of many multi-national large companies. Doom's announcements were a clear signal that he didn't care for the interests of the rich and powerful. As long as something was in the way of his policies, Doom would bulldoze over it even if it meant reworking the global economic foundations completely.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime & Comics · PyteWriter
  • RamenHut

    I still find it hard to find a way to unite and equally represent all humans. how do you stay fair in this early time where the majority of nations are divided? how many representatives from each nation do you choose? is it based on population? then China/India just became the most powerful nations. is it based on economic output? then USA/China are the most powerful. is it land mass? is it ideology? ect. after fully established it would work fine, but the first few generations would be complete chaos.

    There were going to be many departments and offices that would address all the things regarding the whole planet. So, the recruitment and elections for the personnel were going to continue for the rest of the week.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime & Comics · PyteWriter
  • RamenHut


    With Mandela's short announcement, the crowds cheered everywhere. Chants of Doom! Doom! Doom! Could be heard all over the world. For anyone who was not aware of what was going on, it looked like some cultists were chanting for the end of the world.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime & Comics · PyteWriter
  • RamenHut

    skrull in the movies, decent people that just needed help to find a new home. skull in the comics, complet bastards that deserve their genocide by the kree.

    "So what if you figured out our disguises? None of you are leaving this place alive. This will be the burial ground for all your world leaders. Today will mark the fall of your kind from the face of this planet. But don't worry, we will keep some of you as pets and slaves so you won't go extinct as a species." The Skrull Commander named Gard who was impersonating the UN Secretary began his monologue.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime & Comics · PyteWriter
  • RamenHut
    Replied to SynBen28

    that may be small enough that he can personally heal them. 80,000 is a lot better than 380,000

    "And the best age to get the Cure vaccine is infancy, I know. I promised to do the experiments normally, but I can still simulate the numbers by myself. You continue trying to get the error range to 0.001%. I need to get to dinner with my girlfriend." Savant walked out of the room while talking to the AI.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime & Comics · PyteWriter
  • RamenHut

    Reed has never been a good leader. he is smart absolutely but, he almost gets himself and his team killed every couple of months.

    We have two most brilliant scientists and leaders in the running for the position of the Chancellor of Earth Federation. The format of this debate is simple. Our panel of moderators will ask questions to the candidates and all they need to do is to answer.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime & Comics · PyteWriter
  • RamenHut

    Reed is possibly one of the worst picks for world leader. he can't even effectively lead his family and team without almost dying every couple months.

    Susan Storm looked at her husband incredulously. The news had come as a shock to her. Just a couple of days to go before the voting for the high level positions of Earth Federation, the US government had chosen Reed Richards as their representative.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime & Comics · PyteWriter
  • RamenHut
    Replied to Felis_26

    dosen't he basically have boxes of stones when he was in charge of the tva?

    On the other hand, Savant was still lost in thoughts. He had finally decided to hide away the infinity gauntlet and the stones in the microverse for the time being. He would first separate the gauntlet and the stones and hide them separately.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime & Comics · PyteWriter
  • RamenHut

    just put thanos in a time/space stasis bubble, then cut off his head. I don't think he could resist time with the stones he has. maybe the reality stone could shift reality around him to not have time. Otherwise, I don't think he can resist.

    With Adam's announcement, blue and green energies covered his two hands and he flew straight at Thanos. He started punching and throwing energy blasts at Thanos. The others started to join the fight too.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime & Comics · PyteWriter
  • RamenHut

    honestly except for storage capacity Walkman is better. if you wear a portable cd player it often skips or glitches because of the vibrations throwing off the laser.

    Determined, Peter made a mental note to head out first thing tomorrow to scour some local shops—or perhaps even venture into more modern territories of music devices. 'Are CD's and portable CD players a thing yet?' He wondered.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord
  • RamenHut

    in the USA fingerprints are private data that isn't put on any database unless you ate arrested and prossesed or willingly give it to a company.

    Fury tapped commands into the keyboard, running Peter's fingerprints through the many databases Shield has access to. His expression remained neutral, but the slight furrow of his brow showed his anticipation. The screen flickered, processing the input, only to return a result that neither of them expected.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord
  • RamenHut

    when you have trillions of humans spread across space there are only so many possible variations. even on earth we have people that look almost identical without any relation.

    The startling similarity to Samuel L. Jackson, who embodied both characters in his old world, threw Peter's thoughts into a whirlwind of what-ifs. 'What if Windu met Fury? Would they think they're twin brothers separated at birth across a whole galaxy?' he mused silently, the bizarre crossover elements of his current universe colliding with his memories. 'Wait… what if they're actually twin brothers?'
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord
  • RamenHut
    Replied to Reserv_r_dog

    that he knows about.

    He thought, 'Didn't she get her powers from the Tesseract?' He knew that the Tesseract probably didn't exist in this universe since the Infinity Stones don't exist here, and it's the Space Stone that powers the Tesseract. 'So, It can't be her, right?'
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord
  • RamenHut
    Without warning, the doors surrounding them—all but the one they had entered through—flung open. The darkness beyond the threshold seemed alive, stirring with the ominous glow of multiple animalistic eyes reflecting the light from within the room. Deep, guttural growls rolled out from the shadows, filling the space with an overwhelming killing intent.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord
  • RamenHut

    where is his lightsaber. entering a trap without your best weapon is the hight of foolishness.

    Peter nodded in agreement, a smirk on his face. "Yup, so let's jump right into it." With a confident stride, he led the way into the bunker. Reluctantly, and with a shared sense of unease, the rest of the group followed him into the shadows as the door slid shut with a heavy thud behind them, sealing them in.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord
  • RamenHut

    it should have been obvious it wasn't earth as soon as he approached for a landing. he wouldn't see any roads, highways, towns, cities, lights, ect.

    With a rev of the engine, they shot off towards the horizon, the dusty trails of the desert blurring behind them as they sped towards the horizon, leaving the rest of the crew behind.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord
  • RamenHut

    he literally just revealed himself as a person who confronted the Hutts multiple times and won. the Hutt easily control hundreds to possibly thousands of planets. taboo is a single planet maybe one system at best. he's not great in aggressive forces but in defensive force he is already leagues beyond naboo.

    Padmé offered a slight shrug, her gaze fixed on the darkened holo-projector. "Some people have a way about them, Captain. It's...refreshing, in a way. To be spoken to so directly," she admitted, a faint smile tracing her lips, hinting at her hidden appreciation for the mysterious Star-Lord's straightforward demeanor.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord
  • RamenHut

    I wonder how much he got from knowhere because tivian is easily worth tens to hundreds of billions of credits.

    A wicked smirk tugged at the corner of Peter's lips as his eyes lingered on the bounty amount—500,000 credits. Not only was this a chance to pad their wallets, but it was also an opportunity for some personal revenge against the Ravagers.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord
  • RamenHut

    why do crazy scientists never use Anastasia?

    The first incision was precise, the scalpel guided by a steady, practiced hand. However, the raccoon could not understand the necessity of the pain it felt. It shrieked in agony, a piercing sound that echoed off the sterile walls, filling the room with its primal fear.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Movies · AlienWarlord