


I love to read :) Much appreciation for all the translators and creators here!

2018-05-02 JoinedSingapore



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  • LittlePolarBear

    This is 100% mtl bruh this was a headache to read

    Ch 427 Chapter 427: “Who Will Implicate who? ”?
    Hello Mr. King
    Urban · Bright Phoenix
  • LittlePolarBear

    Bro, how can you not understand your own self composed piece 🤔

    Her explanation and the mood of her song were actually quite different. However, with such talent and such a piece of music, even if she did not understand it properly, he could not deny that it was the best original work he had seen in all these years.
    Young Master Fu’s Incredible Real Heiress
    Urban · Sweet Sago
  • LittlePolarBear

    I'm gonna let this one go (and ofc all the one before, all the lack of cautiousness smh) since it's still early in the story but if she doesn't wisen up in the next couple of hundred chapters, this story will just be "101 Scenarios of the CEO saving a Mary Sue damsel in distress" to me. I'll probably still finish it cos I'm also trash but it ain't gonna be rated past a 2 at this rate

    Ch 265 Gu Zihang, You Scumbag!
    The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage
    Urban · Mu Jiujiu
  • LittlePolarBear

    Another PSA may be needed here, but I feel the need to talk about this, as someone in the cyber security field. While yes, being connected on the Internet makes you vulnerable, it's not like being connected on the Internet easily exposes all your secrets and sensitive info. There are people who work tirelessly to ensure that this cannot happen easily in the back scenes. As long as people are cautious with what they click and sign up for, most people will not worry about being compromised this easily. Please do not take fiction novels as irl education materials. Hacking isn't easy to learn or do just because you take a computer science course.

    Ch 170 Hacking the Phone
    Hello Mr. King
    Urban · Bright Phoenix
  • LittlePolarBear

    Joke's on you, I had a PE teacher who doubles as an English teacher and they were great xD

    Jiang Xuecheng had ridiculed her for her bad language earlier on but now, he regarded 'overbearing' as a good quality. His languages must have been taught by a physical education teacher.
    The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage
    Urban · Mu Jiujiu
  • LittlePolarBear

    I hope no one needs this but reminder that this book is fictitious and while tcm (traditional Chinese medicine) is great, these standards of miraculously curing difficult ailments and doing the seemingly impossible instantaneously are unrealistic. Majority of tcm treatments are not instantaneous. In fact if you aren't diligent and persistent with the treatments, they will not work. Again, I hope no one needs to hear this but tcm is not your magical cure all, these are heavily exaggerated, your sinus won't disappear with tcm Cheers

    Ch 90 It Was Clear What They Were Implying
    Young Master Fu’s Incredible Real Heiress
    Urban · Sweet Sago
  • LittlePolarBear

    Games don't make someone bad. Sure, they desensitise violence, but only people can make themselves bad. Same with books and documentaries. They're there for informative purposes, not to influence people to follow their contents

    It was a shame that he fell from grace because of bad games and books.
    Hello Mr. King
    Urban · Bright Phoenix
  • LittlePolarBear

    For anyone curious, I'm pretty sure she was in the middle of calling out "Wife". The first character for wife in Chinese, when read alone, means old. Just FYI

    To My Dear Mr. Huo
    Urban · Meditative Moon
  • LittlePolarBear

    I knew it, they are identical twins. That's why the dna results are so high. The only way to differentiate them is by fingerprints. Good luck uncovering that, Xinxin

    "I'm angered to death!" Fang Lilan shoved him aside and glared at him angrily. "Their mothers are identical. Why was she able to give birth to such a stunning daughter with Long Yifan, yet you were that useless. Manxue's appearance and figure are both incomparable to that of Fang Xinxin!"
    Rebirth: Pampered Wife’s Counterattack
    Urban · Southern Wind
  • LittlePolarBear

    As I got closer to the ending, I started to wander how they were gonna wrap up all the loose ends Turns out it didn't.That being said, the endings for the main characters were more or less wrapped up properly, so perhaps the author is going to spawn off other books for the other characters.The story itself was very engaging, this book is definitely a page turner. I also would like to say that the most "fun" thing with this book is: DO NOT TRUST THE CHAPTER TITLES XDWhile the little misunderstandings and miscommunications were rather irritating, the author explained it all rather rationally so nothing seemed like a plot convenience occurance, which is definitely a plus from me.Her 2 kids, while not given much appearance, we're still very loveable and adorable, even with not much screen time, was enough to win over the hearts of readers.While there weren't many painful moments, I love the portrayal of both a powerful mc and powerful male lead and how this was kept consistent. No random damsel in distress moments imo4/5 rating from me, I'd definitely recommend it!

    My 100-Day Secret Marriage With The Boss
    Urban · Fox's Red Dress
  • LittlePolarBear

    I binged the book and here's what I have to say!While the book is 1000 chapters long, the story never felt draggy or long. The author went at a fairly comfortable pace so the ending felt satisfying!There were misunderstandings initially but author did not drag things out and that made the pace just nice.Characters were nicely thought out and written, and while there were some parts that made me question their actions, the amount of times this happened was small enough that it can be overlooked and story can still be enjoyed.The author has never explained the phenomenon of how the characters were able to see her past life, that felt like the only hole in the story that was not closed.Overall, a very enjoyable read and would recommend picking up!

    Hidden Marriage 99 Days: Please Restrain Yourself
    Urban · Wan Lili
  • LittlePolarBear

    This is why communication adn clarity is so important. Even if you're scared of the answer, it is still very important to ask and confirm. Not knowing/assuming/guessing is gonna hurt already anyway, might as well just ask right? You've already assumed the worst and hurt yourself, there's nothing more to lose. Sometimes fiction novels are ridiculous, even nonsensical, but there's always something you can take away from it. Let this be one!

    Ch 430 Weak-Kneed With Fright
    Hidden Marriage 99 Days: Please Restrain Yourself
    Urban · Wan Lili
  • LittlePolarBear

    Haha, I actually don't feel bad for him. For once it's the male lead who was dumb and assumed things without clarifying and just chose to push away. It's normally the fl who does that.

    Ch 404 I See You, Open the Door
    Hidden Marriage 99 Days: Please Restrain Yourself
    Urban · Wan Lili
  • LittlePolarBear
    Replied to Lindsey_Lopez_0344

    Google 😂 I just looked up the publisher and then found s list of comics they got and then found the cover matching this, read the title and googled the title and found the raws pretty easily with that haha

    Marry The Unlucky Prince
    · YOOUSi
  • LittlePolarBear

    I thoroughly enjoyed the first 36 chapters. The ml and fl are both strong and I dependant, the little scenes between them are cute. I'm not sure why the translations got dropped but I found the raws so I'm gonna continue there, the story itself has not been dropped, only the translations!

    Marry The Unlucky Prince
    · YOOUSi
  • LittlePolarBear

    She sings the song now... I don't think pitch perfect has been released yet, what will she do when she gets caught when pitch perfect comes out lol

    Ch 987 The ‘Cups’ Song
    Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief
    Urban · Scarlet Phoenix
  • LittlePolarBear

    She sings the song now... I don't think pitch perfect has been released yet, what will she do when she gets caught when pitch perfect comes out lol

    Ch 987 The ‘Cups’ Song
    Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief
    Urban · Scarlet Phoenix
  • LittlePolarBear

    She sings the song now... I don't think pitch perfect has been released yet, what will she do when she gets caught when pitch perfect comes out lol

    Ch 987 The ‘Cups’ Song
    Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief
    Urban · Scarlet Phoenix
  • LittlePolarBear

    Nothing like a good dose of patriotism from cn translated novels 😂

    On this joyous occasion today, Shi Qing was openly flaunting the modified cheongsam that Qiao Nan made for her continuously before the eyes of Zhai Hua. She was enjoying herself and immersed in that envious look of Zhai Hua. She then received praise from the countless uncles that she knew or were familiar with. "Isn't that so? The things from China are so good. The clothes are pretty too. Why are people learning those things from foreigners? What bridal gown? They look so white. It is as if someone from the family had 'left'. This one is pretty. It's pretty!"
    Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief
    Urban · Scarlet Phoenix
  • LittlePolarBear

    Yeah TOTALLY a woman thing... 😓

    Women had the habit of jumping to conclusions from insignificant evidence and they would end up doing irrational things. "But you've not seen the lady before. You are too protective of the lady. Anyway, can't I complain within my own house?"
    Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief
    Urban · Scarlet Phoenix