


An attack helicopter undercover

2018-02-05 JoinedRussia

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  • Fertu

    I loved this story at first, but it's been painful to read for the last 50 chapters (from Court of Shadows plot and later). Author kinda forces heartbreaking plot in your face no matter what. I don't know what's the endgame in all of that, but it's annoying to read about constant betrayals, MC suddenly losing her humanity, etc etc. If she is an unfeeling machine and has no one to live for now, why is she fighting in the first place? Since she wants to die and doesn't have anyone left to care for, why not just kill herself? Anyway, story suddenly got too f*cking depressing and I can't read it anymore.

    Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Fertu

    Great work, my favourite fanfic of this year so far, can't wait when we get to 70s. P.S I hope there will be a female V in this story though.

    Skitterdoc 2077
    Video Games · SpiraSpira
  • Fertu

    MC is your typical "Sasuke-kun". I honestly don't understand why he still needs a sword when he can cut anyone to pieces just with the amount of EDGE he has. Total douchebag, acts like a prick to everyone around him, while still expecting Rias to keep him alive. Of course, to balance that, and maybe to make MC look better than he is, everyone around him are severely "darkened" and dumbed down. He is not smart, he just has some foreknowledge and plot convenience from author.

    DxD: ReKiba
    Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
  • Fertu
    Replied to Timis

    Yeah, sorry if my comment felt a bit toxic. I was just a bit upset at the sudden drama in your novel, but I genuinely tried to point inconsistencies.

    Pansy Parkinson - doing it right this time -
    Book&Literature · Timis
  • Fertu

    Honestly, a very strange and illogical novel. It started out not bad, a bit of a slow burn for my tastes, but okay. Then it went downhill very fast. MC's sudden erratic behaviour, strange mood swings, not to mention that she acts like she's permamently 6 years old, not almost 30. This "Daddy abandoned me, now I'm depressed" move would work if she was and original character who is actually 6 years old, but she should basically consider him a familiar stranger, since he's always at work and she was almost a grown up in her past life. To understand what their relationship should look like, imagine you have a neighbor at home who comes from work late and with whom you just exchange few polite phrases. That's what their relationship basically should be at best, since he's a bigoted nazi who decides her life for a foreseeable future to her and she's a little brat to him. And why would her father suddenly decide "Okay, it's been 6 years since my wife died, f*ck my daugher, let's mourn!"? Who actually does that? It doesn't work like that - he either should drop her at the beginning and grieve, or don't drop her at all, or what's the point of all those father-daugther bonding scenes? Maybe if there was conflict with a new wife or smth it would be more believable, but it's dramatic nonsense otherwise. And the last, but not the least - what the heck is happening with story pace? It is slowburn with character development at first, and then *BAM* DRAMATIC TIMESKIP!! Story seems not very well thought out honestly, like every chapter and plot development depend on author's current mood during writing and there's no general plan at all.

    Pansy Parkinson - doing it right this time -
    Book&Literature · Timis
  • Fertu
    Replied to DemonKing_Oda

    No, you did not. If you'd really read it you wouldn't be saying that. It's not just the same concept or theme, it's like writing Harry Potter fanfic saying it's original work.

    Sis-Con with Dimensional Chat Group
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • Fertu
    Replied to NotLastApril

    Nah, it's literally the same MC, same story concept, same plot - plagiarized. You can check yourself if you don't believe me.

    Sis-Con with Dimensional Chat Group
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • Fertu
    Replied to KiyoKei

    No idea honestly, it's like 90% the same as the original one he's plagiarizing, but with some shitty plot additions. I'd call it a fanfic of a fanfic? Except, he's advertizing his patreon and makes no mention about an original work.

    Sis-Con with Dimensional Chat Group
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • Fertu
    Replied to Lord_Jackall

    Yeah... same genre, same MC, same side characters, same general story - no plagiarizing, no plagiarazing at all.

    Sis-Con with Dimensional Chat Group
    Anime & Comics · akikan40