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2017-12-01 JoinedPoland

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  • Khaz_

    I would much prefer if the author did his own thing and wrote a story he wants to write rather than asking the readers every time something major comes up.

    Author Chooses - I do what I think would be the most interesting for the story.
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
  • Khaz_

    It would have to be one of the Satans that changes him because Rias is for sure not strong enough to reincarnate a person with 3 sacred gears and an unnatural lifespan.

    Become Devil - Takumi accepts "the deal" and becomes a devil, gains access to devil abilities, scams the underworld and deals with the demon society by flipping the chessboard. Also potential devil contract bonus chapters.
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
  • Khaz_
    Replied to P_J_Sch

    The author already said that MC dealt with the lifespan issue in patreon chapters. So without it, Rias has no chance of reincarnation him.

    There is also the easy way out of just becoming a devil.
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
  • Khaz_
    Replied to Bronz_Deck

    Ughhh, I really hope that people in the pole won't vote for him becoming a devil.

    Warning! your lifespan has been reduced by 75 years. Current estimated Lifespan: 3 Months 8 Days
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
  • Khaz_

    This makes much more sense than MC, just remembering random tidbits from the novel on how to acquire every skill.

    Next, Enhanced Acquisition makes it easier for me actually to gain any given skill, art, or magic. It synergized perfectly with the next subskill of Prodigy, Skill Tree. While Skill Tree has 'skill' in the name it actually applies to arts, magic, and skills as well. It functions like a crafting recipe/tree on how to get any given ability. All I need to do is think about a skill like Great Sage, and I can see how to acquire it. I see what Common and Extra skills I can combine to make it. I can also see what specifically I need to practice to unlock any art or magic too.
    A Tensura Elf in Danmachi
    Anime & Comics · SleepySailor
  • Khaz_

    The story is called "Dragon's Ascent" so unless you add Devil in front of it, it would be misleading. A lot of authors make their mc join the Rias because that's the easiest way for their mc to join the waiting game with Raiser. I hope you will not fall for the same trap and keep your mc free. If you grab Boosted Gear, Rias' rating game with Raiser won't happen for a few years, so you can take your time with this plot point.

    Ch 12 Chapter 12: Peerage x Proposition
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
  • Khaz_
    Replied to 707SteelWaste

    You do remember that mc is a sociopath, right? Every time he shows any emotion to others, he is playing a role to achieve something.

    Looking down at my hands, I spoke in a melancholy voice, "You know, I'm not stupid. I can hear them whispering behind my back, saying I'm part giant because of my height and strength."
    HP: A Sociopath Gamer In Magic World
    Book&Literature · Kitamari
  • Khaz_

    Time to make some impurity cleansing pills(potions) to become beautiful and increase gains fron training. Also, true alchemists don't train, they use potions to train for them. Every time your mc will face a problem in the future, his first thought should be: "Can I make a potion for that?". He should also think about crating mutagens of some kind, especially if he wants to stay human he would need to evolve.

    Ch 3 Chapter 3: Experimentation
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
  • Khaz_

    The reason to take production makes sense, I just hope this mc will not be complaining about how weak he is all the time, like your other dxd mc.

    Ch 2 Chapter 2: Iter Melius
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
  • Khaz_

    I ship it

    "You can stop being stabby now Nightshade." I tell the diminutive Falmer and she lazily sheathes her dagger, a movement often practiced by Davos now that I think about it... Were the two of them training together?
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Video Games · Rastislav
  • Khaz_

    I noticed this before, but MC has too many things regarding weapons when 1 would have been enough. He has 5 in 1 weapon from his dad, which should have been enough even if it is a bit too op for a starter weapon. Then he started learning how to forge, which sounds alright if he wants to upgrade his main weapon, but it was made by the best smiths in the underworld, so it would be hard to get to their level. Projection magic is next, he only really needs it to produce arrows, which could have been solved by some magical quvier that duplicates any arrow inside it. And now he gets flames that can become weapons, I know that they have more abilities, but right now, it's really useless as he can use projection to do the same and use shadows in place of constructs. MC has way too many powers that do similar things and he doesn't have time to master any of them and despite that he is already way too strong for his age. You had to nerf his shadows already because you have seen that they are too op but you decided to keep on giving him more powers. Blocking some of his powers just so you can have him in a dangerous situation is not a solution, and you already have to do this when he is 7 years old, I have no idea what you will do when he is 14 and way stronger than now.

    Ch 51 Chapter 51
    Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld
    Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Khaz_

    I was wondering what will happen with Sybile in the future as she was clearly not powerful enough to follow mc on his multiversal journey. I know that relationships are not only about how strong you are but being carried all the time by your way stronger partner seems really demeaning. I enjoyed their chemistry but could never see her as more than a current fling. Would have preferred for her to survive, but it's still nice to give mc some character development as he clearly became a bit too sure of himself.

    Ch 190 Chapter LIII: Royal Rumble
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Video Games · Rastislav
  • Khaz_
    Scorch also drew a bunch of looks an the moment he started preening under the attention I tossed him back into my Magicka pool. That will teach you to lose a verbal battle against Savos' bird!
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Video Games · Rastislav
  • Khaz_

    I like the relationship with Sybil, but I hope she will start working harder on her magic because soon, she won't be able to measure to Raylin and become damsel in distress in future fights.

    Ch 123 Chapter LXIV: Stalling
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Video Games · Rastislav
  • Khaz_

    Why did you make 1 page chapter rather than include it in the last one?

    Ch 51 Chunin Exams: Forest of Death (Final)
    Naruto: Corrupting my Naruto
    Anime & Comics · SolaceViolet
  • Khaz_

    Lily has lived in the magical world for 20 years and still doesn't know the basic stuff about contracts? Also, her angry reactions are a bit immature, I could see teenager Hermione reacting like that, not a mother of 3 children in her thirties.

    Ch 35 Chapter 35: The contract
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
  • Khaz_

    That is the best Dumbledor ever. Any other fanfic can't compare xD

    "Oh? Do you like it? It's new. A masterful bit of crafting and charmwork too. It was made by an intern at Twilfitt and Tattings recently. I believe he was found in his flat the day after it was finished, trying to make some kind of tome out of his blood and skin. The story was wonderfully macabre enough to catch my interest and I purchased the robe right away," Dumbledore smiled as if he hadn't just explained the beginning of a H.P. Lovecraft novel.
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Khaz_

    The fact that this is the first male character here other than mc seems a bit strange...

    Cygnus Greengrass
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Khaz_
    Replied to Einstein3

    Did you mean 'pun'ful?

    "Eh, don't be so 'glass'-hearted. You'll 'look back' on this and laugh. Time tends to 'magnify' the humor of a situation. 'Prism'."
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Khaz_
    Replied to Bronz_Deck

    In that case, it should be -99%. Anything more than 100% is going into the negatives.

    -10000% CE, HP and stamina regenaration rate
    Necromantic Gamer's Journey(DxD)
    Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck