



2017-04-20 JoinedUnited States

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  • Verlion
    Replied to ltsArcane

    I don't disagree with your comments, but you should get some facts straight. Webnovel is owned by Qidian. Their novels from them are not 'ripped off'. The Faloo novels on the other hand... those are definitely ripped off, often westernized, and usually trash.

    Global Mining: My GPU has Infinite Upgrades
    Sci-fi · Hugh
  • Verlion
    Replied to TheVoidLord

    Seems to be - 玄幻:女帝转生成了我女儿! Over 300 chapters but is on Faloo, so good luck finding anything further than the first 50-60 or so.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Verlion

    Raw : 从修仙大学开始 Chapters : 193 (Aug 18th, 2021) Status : Ongoing Not a Faloo Novel ...........................................................

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  • Verlion
    Replied to AzureConqueror

    Yep! And to be fair to the novels, they usually belong to a specific genre that... well, that's the point of it. They label it on Faloo as "Shuangwen", which the definition I've found on google is "(derogatory) literature (often Chinese online literature) written to fulfill fantasy of readers that lacks artistic value.". So they are literally written as wish fulfillment novels that require no deep thought. I'd equate it to the standard generic trash Western action movies tbh.

    I Have a Miniature World
    Fantasy · Wanted Money
  • Verlion
    Replied to Cat_King

    There is more than 1 online webnovel company in China. Most of the recent novels do not come from Qidan and property they own. They are stolen and changed from a website called Faloo.

    My Wife Turns Out to Be a Vampire?
    Fantasy · Feng He Jin Qi Le
  • Verlion
    Replied to Inconegro

    I feel like you don't understand the definition of low key. Low key, doesn't like to make his presence felt, likes to cultivate quietly and away from the world, doesn't want to get affected by cause and effect. Sure, he might be 'cowardly' in your book, but I feel how the MC acts is actually realistic. Those crossers who get to a new world, get power, and just start getting into battles and fighting to the death are idiots. At least this MC acts realistic and appropriately. And why would he help some randos in his sect? The only people he gets involved with are those he wants to get involved with. He has no obligation to those people.

    Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years
    Eastern · Let me laugh
  • Verlion

    Raw : 微型世界:我被当成了太古神明 Decent novel, definitely caught my interest. 157 chapters out in Raw as of writing this, but only first 70 can be found anywhere to read. No translations out yet, but already a fair bit of changes to the synopsis, including the name of the world prop's and MC's name. Characters are pretty dull overall. Faloo novels in particular don't really seem to posses a lot of depth for their characters and this novel is no different. MC isn't particularly smart, although he has been shown to be appropriately cautious and didn't jump into things head first. No other characters have really made enough of an impact for me to even label them as a side characters. World setting and background is interesting. Not a lot explained in the first 70 chapters but enough to interest you and draw you in. More than anything I wish I could find further raws just to find answers to some of the these things. Overall I'd rate this as about 3.5/5 based on the RAWs. Could easily become a 4 later on when things start to pick up or could easily backslide, hard to say.

    I Have a Miniature World
    Fantasy · Wanted Money
  • Verlion
    Replied to Venerable_Linfeng

    Thanks for the raw and completely agree with your thoughts. I really can't fathom why they are doing this. They are changing names, countries books take place, and even on some recent novels they are basically rewriting them while following the core points. Do they really think we want this? I guess because they are stealing a lot of them from Faloo they don't care about respecting the original authors. It's such a shame. They've ruined a few pretty decent books that I've found the raws of.

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  • Verlion

    Raw : 惊了!我家猫居然是女总裁变的 Another novel taken from Faloo, has 88 chapters and good luck finding anything after chapter 59 available (60-88 locked behind Faloo's paywall). Also another novel where they seem to be changing the origins of the MC and probably the novel again. Lu Fei became a Steve apparently.

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  • Verlion
    Replied to Luloli

    A lot of it is weirdly built into their language and not just their government brainwashing it. If you've read read raws, you probably have seen the terms 'European Emperor' and 'African Emperor'. A European Emperor is essentially a person with extreme luck and African Emperor is the opposite. I've always found this fascinating. Disturbing. But fascinating none-the-less how the effects of history caused them to adapt this into their language. Many people don't realize though that these little things actually cause subconscious bias. It's why you shouldn't say the "n-word" or "r-word" (mentally challenged) even in non-bigoted contexts, because saying it constantly makes you think it's ok and you can form a subconscious bias against those people.

    Metal Evolution
    Sci-fi · Drifting Black Cat
  • Verlion
    Replied to kadri_al

    新婚夜,老婆吸血鬼的身份曝光了 Only seems to be 8 chapters out. Kind of confused why it got added here. Synopsis is almost identical so I feel it has to be this novel. First time finding a raw has confused me so much.

    My Wife Turns Out to Be a Vampire?
    Fantasy · Feng He Jin Qi Le
  • Verlion

    Raw : 天机:我在玄幻世界打造榜单! As of writing this there are no translated chapters, my review is based on the first 65 raw chapters. Overall rating : 3.8/5 Fairly decent novel that isn't anything special. While it's fairly unique, at least I haven't read a book with a similar concept, it doesn't stand out a ton but it's still enjoyable to read if you have nothing interesting to do. Story : Pretty decent so far. Has some.. 'fanfiction' of sorts, as I've noticed at least 2 characters/factions that seem like they were borrowed from other novels. The biggest flaw right now, which I would hope improves, is that it does seem to repeating some issues that I've had with other novels. MC keeps being underestimated and has to smack people down who come to disturb him creating lists. Hopefully once his prestige and reputation is more established this will go away but it's hard to have a lot of hope on it. The concept of the story is pretty unique though and I have a decent bit of interest in it and where it might go. It could be better. Characters : Honestly a little stale. From the MC to the side characters, I just don't feel any particular connection with them. None of them are unlikable, but it's also hard to like them. Bland. World : Pretty decent overall. A fair bit has been explained on the scope of things, and given the whole point of the novel is his lists you do get a fair bit of explanation and insight into the different factions of the world. Unfortunately because the novel focuses on the MC, who is committed to remaining neutral, we haven't seen a lot of interaction between those forces. Again, this is an area that I hope settles down as the MC's reputation is solid and his lists become a driving force of interaction between factions. I do have a fair bit of hope this time though as it seems to have been hinted things will go that way. There are also a lot of hints at there being even more left unseen and the novel is still fairly young so there is a lot of room for the story to advance. Decent, deserves a fair chance and it's better than a lot of generic stories, although it's not stellar by any means and I can't imagine it being anything but slightly above average for novels on this site.

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  • Verlion

    Raw : 我!巨龙领主 As of this review, no translated chapters are out, but this is a novel I read a fair bit of the raw of a few weeks ago. This is a Faloo novel and you cannot find the full chapters anywhere but paying for it there, but google long enough and you can find a couple websites that at least have a few hundred or so. This novel was pretty good, but definitely had it's flaws here and there. The synopsis doesn't really do the story justice though. The characters are kind of eh to me, but the world background and storytelling is definitely worth a full 5 stars. Characters : Again, kind of eh on them. I don't dislike the side characters, but nothing really stood out to me as special and intriguing about them. Honestly speaking, you can find carbon copies of the characters in other books. They weren't copied or anything, it just feels a bit generic. I do think I should give the book some credit that I don't dislike the characters and that is important. The MC can be a bit fun at times, but it's less about his personality and just more about the things he is doing. World : Hands down, I love it. There are 3... "civilizations" (worlds/universes) in this book, and the way the author connects the whole story together is amazing. Story : The MC has what happened to him happen for a reason. Maybe him specifically getting chosen seems a bit random, but someone needed to be chosen. But he doesn't let that reason bind him. He's constantly trying to live life for himself, for his own reasons, and to accomplish what he wants to accomplish. This review was a bit hard for me because I really feel... speechless when thinking about this novel. So much of it intrigued me, but the characters also bored me at times, and I also want to avoid talking about spoilers. I really do hope to see this novel released and hope others will give it a chance and see if it interests you. A lot of aspects of this novel can be generic, but they do fit together nicely.

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  • Verlion
    Replied to Beefnator

    A lot of these novels lately have been Faloo novels, and I've spent quite awhile looking through their website to find raws of novels I've wanted to read, so most of these raws I've posted have been from novels that I'm like "You know, I swear I've read a synopsis just like this", and then the hunt begins and my knowledge increases again, lol. When in doubt on new novels here, always check Faloo first. Search the leaderboards and select the genre that matches the book. They've been choosing the more popular novels so they are often within the first 20-30 novels in a genre.

    After Hibernating for 10,000 Years, I Was Exposed on Television
    Urban · Penguin Spacecraft
  • Verlion
    Replied to Paimon_God


    After Hibernating for 10,000 Years, I Was Exposed on Television
    Urban · Penguin Spacecraft
  • Verlion
    Replied to hatefulb

    I mean, you can look at the issues that have occurred due massive amounts of cheating during exams, especially university exams, that occurs in China. Or that Chinese businesses cheat customers (the reason that Chinese goods are stereotyped to be of bad quality has legitimate reasons). Or stuff like this where they have fewer property and copyright laws. It's definitely not 'it's just simply bad copyright laws', there is a lot more to it than that and to defend it with such a bad excuse is laughable. This extends to way more than that. Although I must clarify that I've done research since my last comment and it's not specifically Chinese culture and may be the result of the entire nation advancing too quick. What America and Europe accomplished over 2-3 hundred years has occurred in less than 100 in China, and the need/desire to advance there is definitely much more than here. Resulting in cheating to get ahead and a lack of time to get all the necessary regulations and have society adapt to it

    Celestial Warrior: Right at the Beginning, I Became the Furnace for the Empress
    Eastern · Abundance Every Year
  • Verlion
    Replied to hatefulb

    They are definitely involved in choosing what novels to bring to trial reads and such. There is no way we would have dozens of Faloo novels suddenly appearing if it wasn't with the consent of someone in management. Which is enough for me to blame the whole company on the theft imo. I'm completely guessing on the next part, but I think that's why the rewrites, and therefore lower quality, is appearing. This isn't me attempting to be racist (usually said before something racist, but I don't mean it that way =p), but China does have a strong cheating culture and there is more shame in being caught and punished than there is doing it in the first place. Rewriting it, changing nationalities, and everything else can give them (a very bad) excuse of it just being a parody, or fan fiction, or any number of excuses.

    Celestial Warrior: Right at the Beginning, I Became the Furnace for the Empress
    Eastern · Abundance Every Year
  • Verlion
    Replied to NoobsGoToHeaven

    Pretty sure this is another one of Qidan's attempts to steal and translate (and completely change) a Faloo novel. I haven't been able to find the raws for this so can't confirm, but I feel like the first chapter is from the real novel and everything after that is basically a bad rewrite

    Celestial Warrior: Right at the Beginning, I Became the Furnace for the Empress
    Eastern · Abundance Every Year
  • Verlion

    Raw : 开玩具车长途跋涉,找爸爸的女儿震惊全国 Faloo novel, very hard to find any chapters past around 50. I enjoyed what I read and found it quite interesting, although given it's a Faloo novel, you should expect the translator to make massive changes like they have with the others so you can't base your expectations on the raw too much.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Verlion
    Replied to Falvaino


    Interstellar War: My Star Fleet is Invincible
    Sci-fi · Laugh and Joy