


Experience through reading

2017-07-12 JoinedGuyana



of reading


Read books




  • Matrixshado

    expected not excepted

    Instinctively forming a mana barrier in front of him, he tried to delay its tongue, but as excepted, it pierced through it as it was nothing. Just when it was already close hitting Dave, he suddenly disappeared, making Devourer confused.
    The World Cataclysm
    Fantasy · JustAWanderer
  • Matrixshado
    Replied to KimJungTao

    uh i think your calculation is wrong it said 700 hundred grams not kg or so. it is impossible that 700 grams is equal to 15 pounds that is very flawed maths. and is your converting it to regular stuff that is about the weight of two cans of beer

    "Before, I could only take this seven-hundred-gram shield up for about forty seconds.
    TOP SECRET - Adventures in the Dark Continent
    Fantasy · _chomps
  • Matrixshado
    Replied to bettina_hadnot

    is it weird that this person only created an account a few days ago and only has 2 hours of reading and nothing else come on guys do better with your fake accounts

    Checked In at Olympus and Took a Bath with Venus
    Fantasy · Langya Pistachio
  • Matrixshado
    Replied to Jus7aguy

    I live in the tropics and coconuts are native here and we call it jelly

    Since Leon was still hungry, he broke the coconut entirely after drinking its contents. After that, he ate the coconut meat. It didn't look like he would satisfy his hunger anytime soon, but it was about time to think in the long term.
    Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path (COMPLETED)
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Matrixshado
    Replied to ManGanu

    university life it's very stressful to write and di school work

    Reincarnated Into A Transformer In Cybertron With A System
    Sci-fi · GodsAre_Stupid
  • Matrixshado

    this holds great promise

    Ch 1 The day Plot Armor overslept
    The City of Terror: if...
    Book&Literature · Djabilong
  • Matrixshado

    this is way too easy he literally gets everything he wants no ones suspicious and the thirteen primes are acting like they are kids with no intelligence it's like everyone's IQ in the novel is ridiculously low

    Reincarnated Into A Transformer In Cybertron With A System
    Sci-fi · GodsAre_Stupid
  • Matrixshado

    this is way too easy like seriously way too easy

    Ch 7 Reconstructing the body
    Reincarnated Into A Transformer In Cybertron With A System
    Sci-fi · GodsAre_Stupid
  • Matrixshado
    Replied to Minarique

    maybe he forgot the word he wanted to put there

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Matrixshado
    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Most Satisfied Reincarnate
    Fantasy · DragonKnov
  • Matrixshado

    affect > effect

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Risen World
    Urban · VivitheGreat
  • Matrixshado

    how could they enter the atmosphere undetected if spacefaring tchnology was developed

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Great Demon System
    Fantasy · Drip
  • Matrixshado

    she mixed salt instead of sugar🤣😂

    "Little sis…I don't know how to tell you this, but you have absolutely no talent in cooking whatsoever. " Joshua said with the most stoic face that he could manage. Over the years living with his family Joshua had the unfortunate responsibility of tasting his little sister's food at a few points in his life. The first time was when she had tried to make lemonade to sell in the neighborhood on her own to prove to him and their father that she could make her own money without her allowance. Sadly Joshua being the good older brother that he was decided to be her first customer and well…he nearly vomited the stuff back up instantly after taking a large gulp. At the time he thought it would just taste either too sweet from the amount of sugar she had dumped into the large container or to sour from the overabundance of lemon juice that she had put in from having too much fun squeezing the lemons. What Joshua was not expecting was the taste of highly concentrated salt water mixed with lemons.
    Risen World
    Urban · VivitheGreat
  • Matrixshado

    accept not except

    During that time one major event happened for his family and that was the fact that his little sister had come of age and left to go explore the world. Of course his father had made sure she was completely prepared and took things seriously while Joshua got her a place in Laura's guild so that she would have some support to get her started. Laura was extremely happy to except her knowing full well that anyone related to Joshua could definitely handle themselves in a fight. It didn't take long for Laura to take her under her own wing and help her learn the ends and outs of how things worked.
    Risen World
    Urban · VivitheGreat
  • Matrixshado

    surface not service

    "Oh I was just trying out something that I noticed back at the granary. When you had me seep gas inside through the cracks, sense it took much longer to fill up something of that size I was able to notice something interesting. Whenever I apply poison onto a solid service for a long period of time it starts to become tainted." Madalyn explained as she twirled around the dagger. She walked off the road for a moment before stabbing the nearest tree with her dagger and within moments you could see a sickly green pigment spread throughout the spot. When she removed the dagger, the wood in the immediate area began to rot and fall off. "Well that is interesting. Might prove useful in the future."
    Risen World
    Urban · VivitheGreat
  • Matrixshado

    feels not fills

    'This level suppression fills similar to killing intent if you ask me. You can normally fill something like this when fighting an expert or going against a wild animal that's out to kill you.' Joshua started to explain. 'If you've felt it before or as much as I have throughout my fights then you start to adapt to it. Besides that creature I told you guys about in the cave was far worse than this.'
    Risen World
    Urban · VivitheGreat
  • Matrixshado

    we will or We'll not will

    "Well that roar from earlier has probably attracted a lot of zombies and unluckily for us we just happen to be right in the path to get to the factory from the direction of the main roads." Joshua explained causing a lot of people to cringe at the information. "I don't think there will be too big of a hoard coming through here at once, but overtime several zombies will try to pass through. Will need people on constant watch to kill them before they build up in mass and are able to break through our fence line."
    Risen World
    Urban · VivitheGreat
  • Matrixshado

    since not sense

    "No thanks, my mom would kill me if I ever acted like the spoiled rich playboy you are." Joshua responded nonchalantly as he jumped into the driver seat. Adrian got in on the other side while chuckling. The truck started up as they headed off to the airport. The traffic wasn't so bad sense it was the middle of the day during work hours. They both chatted about random things along the way until Adrian went into his own little world when talking about the kendo tournament later this summer.
    Risen World
    Urban · VivitheGreat
  • Matrixshado

    the idea behind the story is great a desolate dust filled alternate world full of monsters where people randomly find themselves in. But the plot, characters, pace and overall story is shit. the typical brain dead Chinese MC who sucks plot armour's Dick along with the typical CHinese racism policy, all women are weak policy, every female fall for the MC and focusing on the most ridiculous things. this story would be far better if it was rewritten by someone not from china but has knowledge of china

    The City of Terror
    Sci-fi · Daoist Fierce Tiger
  • Matrixshado

    how long did he normally shower for

    Shrugging the discomfort away was easy for the current Draco, while his old self used to spend 10 minutes alternating parts of his body under the shower in order to get used to it. After cleaning himself, he put on his outgoing shirt and wore some summer shorts and slippers before heading out.
    Guild Wars
    Games · Kotario