


A long time reader of the genre. Because of reading so many novels I try to focus on reading well written stories bc there is nothing so annoying as a good story idea being ruined by bad writing

2017-11-27 JoinedGlobal

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  • LostEra

    this is such a strange chapter. I suppose it is heavily influenced by culture bc in the culture I grew up in friends are there to tell you the things you don't want to hear. Friends who can't do that are not real friends just people who you know a little bit better than others. If I were He Song I would be disappointed and not consider these people worth of investing too kuch in. I suppose this way of thinking does not fit the plot

    Ch 21 Chapter 21: Time Waits for No One!
    Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation
    Eastern · ZZMHNQ
  • LostEra

    rarely have I encountered a novel that was machine translated and edited so badly as this novel. Add to that a storyline that seems to depend on readers having no knowledge whatsoever, are unable to think logically and have the memory of a goldfish. If you as a reader don't have all 3 of those aspects then you're going to hate having started reading this novel.The idea behind the story is not bad and could have led to an interesting story about building a country. But the author did not care about logic because there are no explanations of decisions that look dumb or illogical. The author has no scientific knowledge, if you introduce scientific concepts from Earth in a fantasy setting then make sure that it makes sense (distillation is introduced but the author does not understand how or why it works so the distillery that is described has no way of working in reality. A distillery cannot be made of wood, it needs to be metal or glass because that can prevent alcohol containing gas from escaping the distillery, this author created one from wood.). And I haven't even mentioned the main character who doesn't seem to realize that some things should not be said out loud and some other things should be disguised a lot better for the mc to be able to live without worries. The only way such an mc would be able to survive is if he has an endless amount of plot armor to protect him from people exploiting all the dumb things he says and does

    This book has been deleted.
  • LostEra

    interesting story idea but after reading till chapter 25 I can already say with confidence that this interesting idea is ruined, first by a writer who does not know how to structure a story or write world building in 1 chapter and then contradict it in the next chapter, sometimes even the next sentence. And the second person who is ruining this interesting story idea is the translator. It is very obvious that a machine translator is used and that th editor does not have a hood English speaking or writing background. There are so many spelling and grammar mistakes that I'm surprised that the translator managed to trick webnovel.com in accepting this story. The translation quality is really bad, especially in the first 25 chapters (who in their right mind translates magical beast to warcraft? If you absolutely need to include in the name that these magical beast can be used as mounts than at least use a name with the word mount in it. Warcraft is a word that describes the art of war, it is what you learn in a military academy, the meaning of the word has nothing to do with magical beasts or mounts. And this is only the most annoying example in the first 25 chapters)

    This book has been deleted.
  • LostEra

    if it's just honey it's not a problem buy if the wound is left open for other animals and insects to feast it is a totally different problem

    "Torturing people is easy. I'll cut his skin and pour some honey into his wound. I guarantee he'll suffer." Niu Kuo laughed loudly.
    Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques
    Eastern · Eat More Fish
  • LostEra

    in real life we know that when you torture people the answers you get are not reliable bc torture tend to say yes to anything just to get away from the torture, even if it means incriminating themselves. Torture is the laziest solution to finding perpetrators bc you just torture the first person you see until they say yes

    But is it possible? Seeing how strong they are, catching one alive and then forcing it to somehow speak… it would involve severe torture.
    Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start
    Fantasy · PancakesWitch
  • LostEra

    master and disciple?

    "Master, what are you doing?" asked Susan, Norton's wife, who had woken up and seen Norton condensing magic runes.
    Becoming An Ancestor In Another World From This Day On
    Fantasy · Magic Principal
  • LostEra

    soap isn't that difficult to make... all soaps allow for fatty substance to be dissolved in water. The chemical reaction to do that is to combine an alkali (a lot of salts are alkali) with fat stuf. For instance fat of an animal combined with lye (potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide, can be made from wood) will result in soap. If you add flowers to the mixture of salt and lye and let the water evaporate what is left behind is soap.

    Making soap was the first choice of many transmigrators who wanted to establish themselves by peaceful means. Unfortunately, Romo did not know how to make soap, so he did not make soap back then. Now, he got the System to make it up to him.
    Becoming An Ancestor In Another World From This Day On
    Fantasy · Magic Principal
  • LostEra

    it's things like this that make me not care about the mc, there is just far too much plot armor

    Amazing! Impressive!
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    this is the most comical part so far... (this author had not convinced me that any of the conversations, decisions from the mc, etc are believable at all. If I were living in this world then I wouldn't believe what is written in this novel to be possible or realistic. Not talking about his exp bubble cheat, I'm just talking about how the mc behaves in this world and how everyone is just going along with it without actually pushing back. Like in this part the director should have just said "there is a limit of 1 course per person, if you want to learn more than first finish your first choice course first. No ifs and buts, this is the decision")

    But, listen to what he's saying now. He just wants to learn more.
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    lol, men can do it but when a lady does it...

    Are ladies nowadays all so shallow? They only notice my looks and can't see my interesting personality.
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    this is the comment I have on all writers who create characters like this and write stories that force characters to become killing machines.... what's so cool about serial killers?

    "Why do you keep talking about killing people? You sound like a serial killer," Li Xiumei glared at him and said.
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    the comment is the goal of what was written, because it was told in a way that it is difficult to believe if you were a person living in the world of the book most people would have missed that this comment was the goal and instead they will concentrate on the sentence before this where people are rightfully confused by a guy who hides his space ring but if anyone took a moment to check how often the mc went to the Xingwu continent they would quickly realize that the only way he could have so many star beast materials is when he has a star ring.... it's as if the author thought his readers are all idiots and wouldn't think of this plot hole

    "This is not the most important thing. The main thing is, he has only been to the Xingwu Continent twice and has already killed so many star beasts. Are newbies nowadays all so powerful?"
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    the ability of this writer to tell a story in a way that allows the readers of this story to say "You know if I lived in the world of this novel I would believe this story" is non existent. This author is one of the worst storytellers, the worst part is that webnovel.com, or maybe is more accurate Qidian, seems to be collecting these authors that can't tell a story

    He realized that he seemed to have discovered some huge secret. His heart felt really heavy.
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    authors that allow their characters to ask these questions have no clue how much they are hurting their characters in the eyes of the reader. Thr main character knows what force is and he knows what a flying airship is, it's not that hard to combine the two words and come up with something similar to what he sees in front of him. What the author should have done is ask what makes this thing different from the force airplane and why the airship is better. Leave the whole question about what the airship is out of the conversation completely and let the narrator explain the things the author wanted to convey by having the mc ask the dumb question.

    "Force floating airship?" Wang Teng was puzzled. He had never heard of this before.
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    in what sense? a politician being honest about his ambition and which path he wants to take to get there?

    This is strange!
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    I don't understand why writers think that this narrow-minded behavior is cool and make their characters more likeable, it's annoying and doesn't add anything to the story. it's so tiresome but the worst part is that it is fake, someone who has come back from the future should have a more mature mind and know that looking at what is still to come doing this is not going to be beneficial whatsoever...

    "Principal, winning honor for the school is what we should do. However, my capability is limited. My results have been a mess in the past, and I've always been a hopeless student in the eyes of the teachers. I have the heart, but I lack the ability." Wang Teng gave a sad face.
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    gravity is one victim but seeing how far this novel is going into fantasy land I wouldn't be surprised if the "every action has an equal reaction" is also a victim

    Help! Someone, please press his grave down tightly. Don't let him get out!
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    unless the government can take away your license if you don't follow the rules (this author is an embarrassment for other authors for creating an mc so dumb that he doesn't even know or realize something so obvious)

    This 'Master Lu' was quite interesting. He didn't allow his customers to place orders if they didn't have a martial warrior credential. You could be stubborn with anything, but when it came to money, one must be flexible!
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    I'm surprised the mc did not know this, this seems such basic knowledge that anyone who is vaguely aware of what the government decides and what their role is should have known this law... you would have to be completely cut off from society or willfully ignorant to not know this (and because the novel is so full of these kinds of illogical storytelling choices that readers think the writing quality is horrible)

    That was when those people who considered themselves invincible understood that the country was still their country. They couldn't act unbridledly whenever they wanted.
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • LostEra

    this whole conversation lacks a certain level of intelligence....the mc acts as if he cannot imagine that this rule might have been set by the government and that the shop has no choice but to demand the customer leaves behind that number.... the logic used in this novel in general lacks this level of intelligence, too often things that should be obvious are treated as if it is not obvious at all

    Wang Teng nodded as he contemplated. Really?
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu