
Happy birthday Kacchan~

Today was Kacchan's 17th birthday. Me, Mina, Todoroki, Kirishima, Tsuyu, Ochaco, and Lida were planning to throw a surprise party for him. We all met in the Main hall to start setting up.

"I know he hates parties." Kirishima said

"But what I have in plan will make him love parties." He said smirking.

" I can't believe what your actually going to make Deku do tonight." Ochaco said.

"What are you making me do t-tonight?" I asked.

"Oh nothing!" Kirishima and Ochaco said together!

"Can you guys come help me, Todoroki, and Lida help set up? It's kinda hard decorating this whole place with only 3 people." Mina said annoyed.

"Ok!" I said

I went over to the couch digging into the box of decorations. I finally found the streamers I was looking for. We didn't want Kacchan to come back while we were setting up, so I texted his mom asking if she could hang out with Kacchan for the day. We asked her to give us a heads up if he was leaving early or when he was leaving so we could surprise him. I told the group that I was gonna go pick up Kacchan's cake. We couldn't decide if we should get him a cake of himself or a simple cake with his as candles, but we decided with getting him a simple cake. The cake shop a couple blocks away so I just walked there to get his cake. But before that I had to stop at a few shops. The first shop was a custom tshirt shop. On the shirt I put a photo of me shirtless on there. Once I got the shirt I walked over to the next store. The next store was a All Might store. After Kacchan had left to hang out with his mom for the day I had went in his room to find what All Might stuff he didn't have. I noticed he didn't have an original platinum All Might Figuring. I walked into the shop and it took about 15 minutes to find the figuring. After I got that, I then went over to the cake shop.

"Cake for Izuku Midoriya." I said

The lady working the counter looked at me then walked out the back to grab the cake. She gave me the cake and gave me a little smile.

"Who's birthday is it?" She asked

"Oh it's my boyfriends birthday today!"

"Tell him I say Happy Birthday." She said with another little smile

"I will and thank you." I said as I was leaving the store.

Once I got back to the main hall everyone had already finished decorating. I set the cake down on the table so I could go wrap the gifts. I walked up to my dorm to wrap the gifts using the deku (as in the superhero Deku) wrapping paper. I finally finished wrapping them and once I got back downstairs I sat them by the rest of the gifts.

{30 minutes later }

I got a text from Kacchan's mom saying he'd be there in five minutes. We all ran into our hiding positions. When I was running to mine I turned off the lights. I was hiding behind the coach ready to jump out from my spot and yell happy birthday.

{ 5 minutes later }

We all heard the door open and turn on the lights.

We all got up and yelled, "SURPRISE!!"

Kacchan looked at us pissed. But we were all expecting it. I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Happy birthday Kacchan~" I whispered as I gave him a little kiss on the lips. I think that helped calm him down a bit because he looked less pissed at us. I grabbed his hand and brought him over to the couch and gave him one of teh presents I got him. He ripped open the gift and got a little flustered. He held up the shirt of me shirtless and smirked at me. I let everyone else give him their presents before I gave him my last one. Mina had gotten him a blanket with a bunch of pics of me and Kacchan (almost all of them were us making out.) Lida and Ochaco both got him a $100 gift card to a restaurant that only serves spicy food. Kaminari and Jirou got him a drum set, And finally Momo and and Todoroki got him a trip to a hiking place. I gave him my gift as he opened it he smiled. This is my first time seeing Kacchan smile like that. Then Kirishima made an announcement.

"Bakubro. Give me ten minutes to set up your gift. Ochaco, Midoriya, follow me." Me and Ochaco stood up and followed Kirishima. I looked at Ochaco and mouthed, "what are we doing?" She shrugged her shoulders. I couldn't tell if she knew or was just as lost as I was. Once we got to Kirishima's room, Ochaco and kirsihima turned off the lights and grabbed me.

"What the heck?!" I yelled I noticed they were taking my clothes off. "Why are you guys taking my clothes off?" I asked confused. Once they had fully striped me they put some other time of clothing on me. It was tighter I could tell and it kinda felt like a dress. They then put a blindfold over my eyes like I couldn't already not see and then they tied my arms to each other. They then tied me to his bed. I could hear someone flick the light switch on even though I couldn't see it.

"I'm gonna go grab him know." Kisrishima said

"Okay. But hurry up." Ochaco said.

I was stilled tied to the bed for about 3minutes. I then heard the door open.

"Open your eyes in…3…2…1!" Kirishima yelled. Kacchan opened his eyes and yelled at everyone to get out. Once everyone got out he took the blindfold off me. I could tell he wanted to fuck me.

"What am I wearing? I never got to see it Kacchan." I said

"Hear let me take a pic and show you…." He said with a smirk on his face.

Kacchan took a photo and showed it to me.

"I'm wearing a Fucking amid outfit?!?" I said annoyed.

Kacchan looked at me and then kissed me on the lips. He bite my bottom lip asking for an entrance into my mouth. I let him in and he started moving his tongue all over my mouth making sure he touched every spot. He then broke away from the kiss and started kissing and biting my neck leaving little pink spots and some bite marks. After what felt like ages, he licked my chest with his warm tongue. I let out a soft moan. He then started playing with my nipples while kissing my chest. Before I knew it Kacchan picked up my dress and went straight down on my dick. I could see his head bobbing up and down. I let out some soft moans. He started bobbing his head up and down faster.

"Ka~Kacchan! I'm gonna c~cum!" I said holding back a moan.

"Cum in my mouth then Deku." Kacchan said. The second he said that u cummed right in his mouth. He then ripped off the dress. I then noticed that he was taking off his clothes. We were both completely naked.

"Suck." Kacchan said shoving 3 fingers in my mouth. I started sucking on his finger and licking them. He then took them out and shoved them up my hole. I let out a loud moan yelling Kacchan's real name.

"OMG KATSUKI!" I yelled. Before I knew it he shoved his dick into my hole. He started off slow making sure it was all the way in. I nodded at him to begin. He started moving it up and down.



"F~faster Kac-Kacchan!" I screamed. Kacchan listened and sped up. He started thrusting himself into me as fast as he could. I turned into a moaning mess. He then hit my spot making me grab the bedsheets like I was holding on for dear life.

"I'm gonna cum Deku~" he said

"D~do i-" I yelled. Before I could finish he cummed inside me. Once he finished he came over to cuddle with me.

{ the next day }

Me and Kacchan got up and changed the bed sheets. After we finished that we went to go to take a bath and clean each other up because we still had cum dripping down our legs. Kacchan helped me wash my hair and body while I did the same to him.


1,459 were used! Sorry this took me so long I've been really busy lately!

I’m gonna try making a new chapter for this book or my other one!! luv y’all!

Kendall_Evergreencreators' thoughts