
Halloween episode!

{couples: Bakugo and Deku, Momo and Todoroki, Mina and Kirishima, and Jirou and Kaminari}

"Deku! are you coming." Ochaco yelled

"Yeah I'll be done in a sec. Let me throw a hoodie on."

I looked through my closet hoping to find my All Might hoodie. I finally found my hoodie hidden in the back of my closet.I ran downstairs to find Ochaco.

Ochaco and Todoroki were waiting for me downstairs.

"Come on Deku we need to get going before anyone gets the costumes we want!" Ochaco whined.

"It's not like the costume you want will disappear Ochaco." Todoroki said.

"But what if it did!" Ochaco said

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After Ochaco and Todoroki stopped fighting we went to the Halloween store to get our costumes.

Once we walked in Ochaco ran to the witch section to find her outfit. All of a sudden we hear her squeal. We walked over to where she was and she was holding the costume she wanted.

" I FOUND IT! I FOUND IT!" Ochaco yelled.

Me and Todoroki started laughing at Ochaco.

"What are you dressing up as for Halloween, Todoroki? I asked

"I think me and Momo are dressing up together but she already bought my costume." He said.

"So what are you dressing up as Midoriya? Ochaco asked.

"I'm not sure. Do you guys have any ideas?"

Ochaco and Todoroki grinned at each other.

"We have an idea but you can't see your outfit until the Halloween party tonight!" Ochaco said.

"Ok I guess." I said

After that they told me to go sit in the car and wait.

~ 10 min later ~

Todoroki and Ochaco came back smiling holding the bags in their hands.

We got back to the dorms and went upstairs to Ochaco's room to rest and talk about what we're planning on doing later tonight at the part.

~ 3 hours later ~

{ it's 4:45 }

"Guys! We should get ready for the party now!" Said Ochaco.

"Ishould probably go now so I can get ready with Momo." We all said our goodbyes to Todoroki and told him that we'd meet up with them at 5:30.

"Close your eyes Deku!" Ochaco squealed! I could tell she was excited to show me my outfit.

"Open your eyes now!" I opened my eyes and my jaw dropped to the floor. The costume was a sexy version of Kacchan's hero costume. It was a one piece suit. Where the green X was supposed to be on the chest was a green lacing that was somewhat see through. The grenadier bracers were still the same. For shoes there was black and orange high heels. And the head gear was still the same.

"I ca-can't wear th-that!" I yelled

" Of course you can Deku! We chose it because Bakugo would like it~" she said with a smirk on her face.

"Y-you th-think? I said

"Deku. He literally loves your ass. That pervert loves you ass with a passion, it's probably unhealthy for how much he loves it." Ochaco said."

"I g-guess that's t-true." I gave Ochaco a soft smile and walked into the bathroom to change.

I looked in the mirror after I finished getting ready. Why does my butt kinda look good in this tho….

"I'm done Deku! You can come out know."

The second I came out I saw Ochaco's outfit. She had a black one piece suit on with a dark purple skirt. She also had a black hat with a dark purple ribbon. I noticed she was holding something in her hand and then realized she was holding a broomstick.

"You look great Ochaco!"

"Thank you Deku! You look great too! Bakugo will definitely notice that ass now." She said

I turned a bright shade of red.

By now it was 5:25 so me and Ochaco went to go meet up with Todoroki and Momo.

Once we got to the main hall we saw Todoroki and Momo in their costumes. I alsmost started dying. They had switched outfits! Todoroki had a short skirt and a top that was showing off his abs. While Momo's outfit had half of her body covered in ice and the other half in a white body suit with white high-top boots.

Todoroki and Momo's jaws dropped to the floor when they saw my outfit.

"De-Deku you look great." Momo said with her jaw still on the ground.

"Uh-huh. He's definitely gonna notice that ass know." Said Todoroki.

"Th-thank you Momo and Todoroki." I said while blushing.

We then all started heading to Kirishima's dorm. The entrance was decorated with Halloween decorations.

I second I walked in I saw Kacchan sitting on the couch wearing m-my hero costume. I was in shock for words. Kacchan looked at me and stood up. He walked over to me with a smirk he always has on his face.

"Who you dressing up for Deku~" he said in a flirty tone.

"N-no one." I said

"Don't lie to me Deku." Kacchan said

"I'm n-not. O-Ochaco and T-Todoroki chose my ou-outfit."

"Did they, you say…."

" I sw-swear!" I said

"Whatever damn nerd."

Kacchan then grabbed my ass and brought me over to where he was sitting. He made me sit right on his lap. Everytime I tried to get up he would push me back down on to his lap.

"Ka-Kacchan. Do you have something sticking out of your pocket? Something's poking me."

"I don't have anything in my pockets Deku…"

"Wa-wait am I sitting on your di"-

(How is his dick already so hard?!)

" Shuttup Damn Nerd! Not everyone needs to hear that!" Kacchan said.

" I'm getting up." I said

" Oh no your not…" Kacchan said.

Kacchan grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room.

"K-Kacchan what are w-we do-" before I could finish he kissed me. He licked my lower lip asking for an entrance. I let him in and he started licking inside my whole mouth. I let out sounds of pleasure. I knew he liked it when I did that. Kacchan then unzipped my one piece

"I think this should be your new hero costume instead~" Kacchan said winking at me.

"N-no!" I said

Kacchan went back to unzipping my costume making me completely naked. I then unzipped his costume making him completely naked too now.

( I guess Kacchan's giving me a blowjob now)

Kacchan got on his knees and started moving his hands up and down my shaft.

"I'm gonna make you die of pleasure Deku~"

Kacchan then kissed my tip and started licking the head.


Kacchan then started bobbing his head up and down. Making me moan. He then started going faster

"Ka-Kacchan~ uhh~ I wa-want ~mhm~to see y-you~."

Kacchan looked up noticing I was at my limit. He started sucking harder.

"Ka~Kacchan not so fa~fast."

I was gonna cum, but I couldn't tell him.

"I'm sorry Kacchan."

Kacchan looked up at me confused then he felt my hand grab his hair and push his head down making him deppthroat me.

"I~I'm gonna c~cum."

A wave of pleasure came through and filled me up and made me fall back into the bed. Kacchan stood up and coughed a bit.

( I'm so dead, but it felt so fucking good)

"You didn't listen now you must face the consequences Deku~." Kacchan said in an angry tone.

Kacchan switched spots with me, making me fall onto my knees.

I started doing what he did to me. I started moving my hands up and down his shaft. I then gave him a little kiss on the tip and started licking the head. After that I felt a hand grab my hair making me bob up and down. Kacchan let out some moans. Once he let go of my hair I looked up at him noticing he was about to cum. I started going faster and harder.

"Sl~slow down Da~damn Nerd~!"

I started going as fast and as hard as my body would let me. Kacchan then did what I did to him. He grabbed my hair and made me deep throat him. I stood up licking all the cum off my mouth.

Kacchan picked me up and threw me onto the bed. He then shoved two fingers up my hole. I let out a soft and quiet moan. He started moving them faster. I let out a louder moan this time. He then flipped me over so I'd be on my back and shoved his dick in my ass.

"K~Kacchan it hu~hurts!"

"It's j~just because you so tight!"

Once it was all the way in felt better.

"I'm gonna start moving. Ok?"

I nodded my head and I could feel Kacchan going slow. It felt so good. He then started speeding up.


"Ahmm~ Kacchan it's so g-good!"

"Faster Kacchan! Faster!"

"You forgot to say please."

"Please go Faster Kacchan! Faster please!"

Kacchan started moving faster. I turned into a moaning mess. I threw my arms over my eyes so I couldn't look. Kacchan grabbed my arms and set them back down to the side.

"I wanna see your f~face Deku."

He leans down and kisses me on the lips.

"Kacchan! Im gonna cum!" I yelled

"Hold it in for a second!" He yelled back

He took his sick out and shoved his mouth into my hole. I cummed right in his mouth again. I let out a load moan of pleasure. He got up and went to lay right beside me.

"How did it feel Deku~" he asked with a grin on his face.

I blushed

"It f~felt good~." I said

"I'm gonna go take a shower because there is cum dripping down my chest. Wanna join?" Kacchan asked.

"Yeah. If that's ok." I said

After the shower he lent me a hoodie and a pair of shorts to put on. The rest of the night we watched horror movies and cuddle. I ended up staying the night at his place.

The end :)

I’m gonna be making a new story everyday if I can!

Kendall_Evergreencreators' thoughts