
~•°The Gifteds°•~

In University of Governor Pedro...It was a nice day not until the former principal went missing and her cased was closed after 3 years of investigating...but little did they knos that some of the students where extraordinaries that can help finding the missing former principal but the question will they make it?..

Mamoru_Endou · Others
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4 Chs


Mr Shian:Hello Sir Alexander please take a seat

[The Current Principals Great]

Xander:Hello Sir Shian..please just call me xander

Mr Shian:If you say so..

[Suddenly the type of his faced changed]

Xander:Are you ok?sir...Shian?

Mr Shian:Since you're in a young age..cause you're 28...i hope you understand this rules..

Xander:What is it?

Mr Shian:First....do not enter the Staff room or the storage room...Second,do not dare go the old library and lastly,dont you dare enter my room ok?

[that rules made Xander a bit confuse]

Xander:But why--

Mr Shian:No questions just follow the rules

Xander:Ok bu--

[Before he take the principals arms he suddenly touched the vace and a scences impact at his head]

"a scences where the principal was hit by the vase"

Former principal(girl):NOO PLEASEEEE STOPP!!

[a man was holding a vase]

"Hit her.."

[Then the man hit the former principal by the vase]


[Xander hold his head beacuse of the sudden pain]

Xander:What the hexk is that?...

[Xander then looked at his hands]

Xander:What was that?...