

A child born from the two powers of heaven and hell the devil and all angels are fighting for the right of the boy

dantae_mcearson · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Steel finished his ten bowl of rabbit stew and crawl up to his room he laid on his bed and fell a sleep in an instant , he began to have a dream that felt real as he was there himself but he didn't see from his own eyes instead he was looking through a male that looked exactly like him but he had blue hair and and darkly lit yellow eyes

Now the the dream is as follow

the dream began with a voice vey familiar narrating the dream

' hera ' steel thought in surprise

In the beginning our father created : man , beast , fishes and birds and after this lucifer betrayed father so father created torturous where he imprisoned lucifer for a thousand years . Within all this time lucifer tried to manipulate father's creation from the shadows but father created a special angel to defeat lucifer , father sent down the angel to the mortal realm where he would live until lucifer is released , one special thing about this angel is that he was also a demon , he entered the mortal realm through a human , his name was Ezra shin he grew up with immense power. He grew up in a warriors village called ZYRONNY , he was trained by his father the chief of the village , his father's name was Enrias and his mother demily , they loved their only child with all their heart but the people from outside the village thought that Ezra was a walking destruction because they didn't understand his power .

Ezra's parents were granted immortality until the end wars , on Ezra's 120th birthday the lord said to him

" keep strong and improve your skills for dark times were near "

Ezra was always kind and caring but in his own way , sometimes his demonic side would take over but he trained and trained to keep it under control , on his 125th birthday Ezra got married to four princesses from neighboring villages the names of the princesses are Emrald the princess of Tyran , she had long green hair , bright green eyes and a nice figure , second princess Rebecca and she was from Zabron , she had purple hair , purple eyes and a nice refined figure , third princess was rose she was a demon from the village Ibbeccus , she had long red hair that cover half her face and she was short but also had a nice refine body and the final princess was Bliss she ruled the village of byronia in place of her father who passed away in battle , Ezra told his wives about the situation and they understood the situation

" anything thou need I'll provide "rose said trying to become the favorite

they made a promise together to kill the serpent lucifer so they all trained together while preparing for battle lucifer was also preparing and salvaging any weak faith person for his army against father when 3 days remained everyone remained patient for those three days all soliders were shaking in there boots at the thought of going up against lucifer the ruler of the underworld , when the final day had arrived Ezra turned 1000 years old , everyone went to the battle field and waited for the demon army when they did everyone was ready to attack ..... Ezra received a sword from father for his 500th birthday his sword was very special because t was made from devine ore ; they all charged into battle with Ezra at the lead

" CHARGE " Ezra shouted

swords hit each other gashing creating small sparks of fire



The swords echoed as they connected

blood flew in the air , magic was being used by the demons but Ezra had placed his own protection magic on his soliders , on the end of the demon army Ezra saw lucifer with a big evil smile on his face

" come to thee that thy shall destroy thou " Ezra shouted

lucifer smirked at him

" father has created something to stop thee but thou shall not succeed " lucifer shouted while releasing his huge red demon wings and flew into the sky then fire began to take over his entire body and then he turned into his true form , he had two horns his hair was replaced by red crimson fire he now had for wings and had the feet of goats and he had a sword as long as his body that was 8 ft tall

Ezra saw this and turned into his true form he had an halo that shined brightly , he had two horns his hair became white and reached his waist he had four wings 2 huge golden wings and two dark red wings his sword began to immit dark and light energy and as soon as he reached lucifer they began to fight , they pulverized everything in there way nothing was speared except for the soliders and demons who retreated before the both leaders began to fight , the sky became dark , lightning and fire came from the sky anyone who was still on the field would have been burnt to a crisp , lucifer and ezra fought and fought for hours when they created ground between them they both looked at the battle field below them it looked like an earthquake had past then a tornado and then a tsunami

lucifer got angry because he saw how power Ezra was and he couldn't stop him easily so lucifer placed his hand in a void and pulled a sword from the abyss , this sword had the heat of a thousand furnaces and it had the color of melted iron .

( part 1 of the past will have a part 2 so bare with me )