
Zone Meli Corine Leslie

A poor girl called Candy striving to have the best grades ever in her education so as to uplift her family from poverty. she then meets Daniel, a rich billionaire at a very young age who disguises as a transfer student in the same school as Candy to find true love. Will he find his true love? Will Candy be able to persevere right up to the end? Life has a lot of obstacles in store for them. Read with me till then let's find out together.

pjtcoco · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 13: Proposal!

During these two months they kept in touch and often called each other but as time went by they became busy and contacted each other less often while the bond between Candy and Daniel's junior sister, Jane was becoming stronger. They often went out on Saturdays and Sunday since Candy did not need to report to the company. They were of almost the same age they had a lot of topics in common. It continued like this for two months. It was the end of her internship but Daniel didn't show up as promised. She went home being happy that she had completed her internship but being sad that she nothing to distract her from thinking about Daniel. One week after the internship, she got a call from Jane telling her to come visit her at her brother's house.

"Hey Candy can you come visit me at my brother's house?"

"Sure! Coincidentally I have nothing to do at home"

Then after thinking for a while she said: "But why your brother's house of all places? You know I am trying as much as possible no to think about him. He hasn't been replying to my messages lately so I guess he is really busy but it doesn't stop me from missing him. I feel like I am losing it. I never thought I will reach this stage of love." She sighed and continued "Why is he doing this to me? I am already very angry at him. He will have a lot to explain. But why am I sounding like I am already his wife. I think I am going crazy. Have you talked to your brother these past few days?"

Jane: "Looks like you really needed someone to talk to. Why don't you just come and live with him so you'll have full control over his life? At this point you are already acting like his wife which is a good thing." "Atleast he won't invest all his time on controlling me" before continuing "not like I will take the initiative to contact him. I am no that stupid to report myself you know. You have all the right to be angry. As his woman he has no excuse to ignore you. Not even work. Don't tell him I said this. I still want to be receiving my monthly allowance you know. Will you still come?"

Candy: "We will go out to grab some ice-cream or perhaps eat outside but definitely not in his house." 

Jane: "My brother really needs to listen to this he will definitely be angry. Anyways I will text you the details. See you soon. bye"

After hanging up, Candy immediately went to go get ready. Her junior sister, Jenny was curious and asked: "Sis where are you off to? Can I tag along?" Candy thought for a while and replied: "Get dressed." Jenny felt like she was dream because she would have sworn that her sister will say no so she asked again to make sure she heard well: "Sis what did you say? Did I hear well?"

Candy: "The moment I get dressed I'll leave without you. Keep wasting time" she immediately started prepping. They both got dressed and left after Jane sent the location. They went to a five star restaurant to have a meal then later on went o the park to have some fun. It had been long since she took her sister out so she wanted her to enjoy the moment since it is usually rare. On their way home, candy received a message which shocked her to the core.

Daniel: "I am home. Did you miss me?" she was originally angry at Daniel for not replying to her messages so she decided on going home and not going to visit Daniel besides she couldn't go with her junior sister even though she knew Daniel wouldn't mind. They were in Jane's car and she was going to drop them off. She was seated at the co-passenger seat while candy and Jenny were seated behind. She sent a message to Daniel: "Just as you thought. She is going to her house. Hope everything is ready." Daniel sent her a 'tombs up emoji' and kept his phone aside while discussing with Candy's mom. About twenty minutes later, they arrived at Candy's home and they could tell there were visitors. Candy was trying to figure out if they had a meeting she wasn't aware of. She glanced around and saw two unfamiliar cars parked in the compound and she started panic king wondering if they had offended any big shots lately. She glanced at her junior sister but for some reason she was calm so she decided to go inside and have a look. On entering he house, she was shocked to see Daniel, his mom and some unfamiliar uncles seated in the parlour. She greeted them then went to her room to change. She sent a message to Daniel: "What is going on?" Daniel: "Ohh so you remembered to reply" Candy: "What's going on?" just then jenny entered the room and said: "Sis put on this dress and go out to entertain the visitors. You've spent too much time in the room already." Candy changed into the dress without giving it much thought. Just as she reached the parlour, she saw Daniel kneeling down with a ring in his hand. She was shocked to the point where she couldn't utter a word talk less of taking another step. Daniel: "Babe, Will you marry me?" she looked at the people around her in disbelief. So apparently they were aware of all this. She was in the dark all this while and they were planning to give her this big scare. She glanced at her mom and junior sister whom in turn just smiled at her. She then turned to look at the kneeling Daniel. Memories of how he was ignoring her messages came crashing into her mind but then she found and excuse for him. She finally regained her composure and then replied with tears in her eyes: "I will" then she whispered into his ears "we still have scores to settle." They embraced and the ceremony continued. Around six in the evening, Daniel and Candy's relatives had to go and continue with their activities so they left. Candy was already tired so she excused herself to go get some rest but her mum stopped her: "Where are you going to young lady? Did you not just willingly accept to marry this man? Shouldn't you be following him to his house?" Candy widened her eyes in disbelief. Before she could utter a word Daniel replied: "Mom its fine. She can stay here if she wants. Me suddenly asking her to marry her is already too much for her to digest. She will come live with me when she thinks she is ready." "It won't be long though." He muttered under his breath before continuing: "I also just got down from the plane so I need all the rest I can get. I will take my leave now." The families bade farewell to each other before leaving. Just as they left, Candy received a message. Daniel: "I love you babe. Don't be angry at me ok, I got you gifts. You can thank me in person tomorrow if you love them. Good night. Kisses" Candy read the messages, smiled and went to bed even though she found it difficult to sleep.

The next they, she cleaned the house, wash dishes and prepared to take a look at her gifts. She was flabbergasted when she saw the gifts. She had to ask her mom if it was part of the bride price Daniel paid the previous day but her mom said it wasn't saying those where the gifts Daniel brought back from abroad for her. She carried the bags to the room and began unpacking them. There was a lot. she received two new laptops; an apple and hp laptop, the latest iPhone, dresses of all styles and weather, shoes ranging from heels to snickers, school and outing bags, some electronic gadgets just to name a few. She didn't want to tell Daniel thank you on phone so she immediately changed and went to his house. On entering the living room she did not see anyone so she went upstairs to look for him in his room. She entered and met him changing. Apparently he just had his bath. Candy: "Sorry! Sorry! I'll come back later." She dashed out of the room as if someone was chasing after her. Daniel smiled and continued putting on his dress. Once he was done he went downstairs to look for his fiancée. She was in the parlour pretending to read a book. Daniel: "The book must be really interesting." Candy: "yeah it is. I should read such books more often" she was trying to make Daniel forget what just happened upstairs. Daniel asked with a cunning smile: "Are you sure you are reading that book?" candy stopped reading for a while and was deep in thoughts before she finally realized what Daniel meant. The book was turned upside down. Her face was really hot due to embarrassment. Daniel took the book from her and kept it on the table, sat down and brought her to his embrace before asking: "Are you not feeling fine? Why is your face so hot?" candy didn't answer and just sat quiet. Daniel continued: "You are my wife so you don't need to be easily embarrassed. No like we won't have children in the future. So you'll have to see me. All of me." Candy still did not reply. Daniel stooped teasing her and just held her in his arms. Candy suddenly asked: "Babe, have you eaten?" he said no he just woke up and is still to eat. She immediately went to the kitchen and cooked for him. While they were eating Candy asked: "Did you go abroad for a work trip or to shop for me? For how long have you guys been planning the proposal? Since when did you become hat close to my mom?" Daniel: "You sure have a lot of questions to ask. Firstly I went on a business trip but it was supposed to last for two months but I finished everything within a month and a half so I used three weeks to shop for you. There were some items I ordered online which had to take weeks to arrive. Reason why I came back a week later than expected. I have been planning the engagement since the day you accepted to become my girlfriend. As for the relationship between your mom and i… just forget about it. Did you like the gifts I bought?" Candy: "I loved them. I just feel like they're too much" Daniel: "Nothing is too much for my baby. As long as she loves them I will be satisfied" Candy smiled shyly before saying "how a m I supposed to repay you back?" Daniel had a mischievous smile on his face before pitifully saying "You can come live with me. I am really lonely living in this big house all alone" Candy said she will think about it. That was the effect Daniel wanted. She stayed for a while before leaving