
Zone Meli Corine Leslie

A poor girl called Candy striving to have the best grades ever in her education so as to uplift her family from poverty. she then meets Daniel, a rich billionaire at a very young age who disguises as a transfer student in the same school as Candy to find true love. Will he find his true love? Will Candy be able to persevere right up to the end? Life has a lot of obstacles in store for them. Read with me till then let's find out together.

pjtcoco · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Group project!

Tuesday morning!

Claris sat in-between Candy and Daniel today during lecture and noticed Daniel kept staring at Candy while Candy stiffly looked forward as though she didn't notice. After the first two lectures, Claris couldn't take it anymore so she asked "what's going on between you both? Is there something I'm not aware of? I wasn't in school for just a day and I come back to this mood? You guys should start talking because this mood is also affecting me. Daniel keeps staring at you while you stiffly look in front as if that's where your destiny is found. Are you quarreling?" they answered in unison: "NO!" Claris: "Then what's going on?" Daniel "the thing is…" before he could continue, the lecturer entered the class so he had to stop to continue later on. The lecturer taught and at the end of his class, he gave an assignment and students were asked to divide themselves into pairs within the group of three. Daniel, Claris and Candy formed a group. As soon as the lecturer left, everyone started discussing on the project with their group members except Claris' group. Candy hasn't even for once turned to look at Daniel. Claris felt they needed to talk so she excused herself and went out.

Daniel approached Candy and asked "what's wrong? Did I do anything to upset you?" Candy "No" Daniel "Then why do you keep avoiding me?" Candy "Let me be honest with you. I don't know how to act when I'm with you or around you. This is my first relationship and I don't even know what to do and what not to do" Daniel "I didn't ask you to do anything specific. Just be yourself and treat me like the way you treated me when we were just friends but with more affection. You could do more when we are having our alone time." Candy "What will we be doing in our alone time?" Daniel chuckled and responded "don't think too much about it. You'll find out when the times comes but for now just act normal. With regards to Claris are we supposed to tell her now? She definitely knows something is going on and I have no problem with telling her. I even have no problem with telling everyone." Candy hurriedly said "you are not telling everyone anything. We could tell Claris but not everyone. For now it will just stay between the three of us." Daniel leaned forward and whispered in her ears "Anything you say goes baby" Candy blushed and said nothing. Daniel: "Can we now talk about our group project?" Candy finally responded they discussed on the project for close to thirty minutes before Claris arrived. Seeing them finally talking to each other made her breathe a sigh of relief. Claris "I can see you guys have sorted out your differences. Can you now share with me?" Daniel looked at Candy then spoke "There's something I want to tell you but you have to promise me not to scream." Claris "you are getting me worked up. Can you just tell me already?" Daniel "I am Candy's boyfriend" he immediately added "Don't scream and you are not allowed to tell anyone so keep it down." Claris turned to look at Candy but she turned her face to the other direction pretending not to have noticed Claris' glare. Claris just smiled understandingly and said nothing to Candy. She looked towards Daniel and said "I'm happy for you guys but if you cheat on her or make her angry then you will need to deal with me." Before they could continue the conversation the lecturer entered the class so they had to put the conversation on halt. That was class of the day. After the class, they made an arrangement to meet at Daniel's place to work on their project. On their way home, Daniel asked Candy if they could go grab a bite but Candy didn't respond so he took her silence as a yes. They arrived at a restaurant and booked a private room. Daniel began talking "hey babe what would you like to eat? Can Stop being so distant towards me? I am your boyfriend not a thief so please relax when you're around me." He approached her and sat beside her. At this point Candy who was a bit relaxed became tensed. Daniel "Relax babe. Ok let me sit farther away from you." He woke up and sat on the next available seat. After the meal he dropped her off at her house. Before she got out of the car, Daniel blocked the doors of the car. "You know you need to start giving me hugs right? You'll also need to start kissing me too. I know you are sensitive to such topics but we'll eventually have to talk on that. I won't force you to do anything. I'll wait until you are ready. You have my words." Candy: "I've heard you and I appreciate how patient you are towards me. So from now on I will do my best to be a good girlfriend. Can we now eat? Because I am starving." They ordered for food and left the restaurant after eating. The ride home wasn't that tensed and boring. On arriving at her home, she gave him a hug and immediately rushed of the car. Daniel chuckled and rode off to his house where his mom and sister were waiting for him. He entered the house and went straight to his room, living his mom and sister with their questions unanswered. For the past five days they have been meeting at Daniel's house to work on their project and within these days their bond has become stronger. Candy is now used to Daniel's presence and almost all the time they are glued to one another. The trio made plans before parting ways on Friday to meet at Daniel's place the next day at twelve noon. Daniel made plans with candy for her to come one hour earlier so they could spend time together and she happily accepted. On arriving at his place she noticed there was no one in the parlor so she decided to go find him in his room. She knocked for a while but no one answered so she turned the doorknob and to her surprise the door wasn't closed. She opened the door and went in only to see Daniel peacefully sleep on the bed with his laptop by his side. She carefully removed the laptop from his hand and kept it aside the covered him with a sheet. Sensing the movements around him, Daniel slowly opened his eyes. He didn't overreact since he was accustomed to her smell and knew it was her. Candy was looking at his peaceful face and almost drooling not knowing he was awake. She was about touching his brows when Daniel pulled her towards him. Caught unaware, she stumbled on his body and was blushing to the extent where she couldn't lift her face and look at him. Daniel kept laughing the whole time. Candy's shame later on turned to anger and she rushed out of his room and went to the living room and turned on the television. Daniel later on followed her to the parlor, sat beside her and took her in his arms. No one talked about the bedroom scene. They talked about everything and nothing until Candy's stomach grumbled. Candy: "it's not my stomach." Daniel: "ohh yes. I figured that out but I am hungry." Candy: "No food at home?" Daniel: "Only food stuffs." Candy checked the time and said; "Claris should be on her way by now. Come help me in the kitchen. We should be almost done by the time she arrives." They went to the kitchen and cooked Yam and tomato sauce. The atmosphere in the kitchen was joyous. When Claris arrived, she knocked at the door which was slightly open but no one answered for a very long while so she decided to go in. arriving at living room, she heard familiar laughs coming from the kitchen so she decided to go check it out. Claris: "We know you guys are in love." They ignore her and continue with what they were talking about. Claire just sighed and went to the parlor to wait for them. After about fifteen minutes Claris was called to go eat. After the meal, they finalized on their project and submitted it. They awarded 'Best Project of the Class'.