
Zombies in Narutoverse

[r18] [Fast paced] [Do not translate my work you rulate site bastards.] In a twist of fate, Fred Evans, a skilled yet forsaken spy, awakens to find himself transported to the world of Naruto, armed with an extraordinary arsenal of spells and wielding a wand that channels immense power. However, this once vibrant ninja world is now overrun with hordes of undead and relentless zombies, turning it into a grim and perilous place. As Fred explores this altered reality, he discovers a harrowing truth—the curse of the undead has spread, causing a sharp decline in the human population. Men have become impotent, and the birth rate plummets, pushing humanity towards the brink of extinction. Determined to fulfill his duty, Fred resolves to save the world and restore hope to the fading human population. Equipped with his unparalleled magical abilities, Fred embarks on a treacherous journey, facing the nightmarish undead creatures that infest the land. However, amidst the chaos, Fred also finds himself irresistibly attractive to the few remaining women in this ravaged world. While the odds seem to be in his favor, he soon realizes that winning the hearts of these women may not be as straightforward as he initially believed. To prove himself worthy of their affection and loyalty, Fred must navigate the complex dynamics of this war-torn realm, balancing his mission to save humanity with the emotional bonds he forges along the way. Sex, Women, and More Sex. MC isn't a hero or a villain. He will use his power for his own gain, so, don't complain later. [#Pregnancy] **Alternate OC world. *********** Since this is fan fiction, I don't own the characters, story, or world except for the characters, story, and world changes I created. *********** www.pa treon.com/XcaliburXc If you want, you can support me here. And I will be grateful. Thank you. [Remove space] ************ I am also posting this on Royal Road and Scribblehub.

Xcalibur_Xc · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs


A dragon!

It's 30-40 meters tall. Maybe more. Thousands of pitch-black scales covered its majestic body like a gigantic suit of armor. And for some reason, the sunlight isn't getting reflected on its body.

The two massive wings were resting on its back. I am sure that one flap is all it will take to annihilate an entire city. Its long tail is slowly wagging on the top of the tree. A tiny wisp of green fire is burning on the end of its tail. Two burning dark green eyes were fixed on my existence.

I can not move.

My heart escaped a beat or two.

It's hard to breathe.

What kind of freaking djinn is this?

I can feel it in my bones. My body is trembling in fear. Humans that I can face, but this... How could anyone possibly prepare to face such a dangerous existence?

I clenched my wand tightly. Since the limiter is lifted and the system is gone, I should be able to use all spells. If that thing tries to attack me, I will use the final forbidden curse and kill it instantly.

But will it work on a dragon?

"You didn't you abandon your life?"

"Everyone who came before you have perished in this endless desert. So, what made you struggle to live? Your body fell apart, yet you refused to die. Why?"

The voice of the dragon echoed through the world. It carried an oppressive feeling that made me nearly fall to my knees. Such a majestic creature, yet someone managed to bind it in this dungeon.

"I have already died once, so I have no plan of dying again. Furthermore, how could I die without killing the bastard that put me through all that pain and agony?" I replied directly.

It's still hazy, but I can remember the pain of the burning heat, frying me like a fish.

"Hahaha. You are an interesting human. Very well, I will grant you your wish to kill me. If you manage to even put a scratch on me, I will give you 10% of my power. If you manage to kill me, my heart will merge with your heart, and I will accept you as my master..."

The dragon's voice once again echoed through the world.


"If you die, how the fuck will you accept me as your master?" I inquired.

"Hahaha! Human is worried about me?! Wahahaha! Do you think you can kill me? Me, the greatest and mightiest Hell Dragon? You make me laugh, human..." The dragon's words were followed by earth-shattering laughter.


"Alright, I guess you are really a majestic and almighty god. So, for the next 30 minutes, I will try to kill you with everything I have. But since you are so powerful and mightiest Hell Dragon, you wouldn't attack a puny and insignificant human like me... Will you?" I asked.

This monster is powerful, yes. But it's not very different from others. Power makes one arrogant and careless, and so does blind trust. That's why... I have to make sure that this bastard won't try to kill me when I am attacking or when I am leaving while exploiting its arrogance to my advantage.


"Human finally understood this lord's greatness. Alright, I won't attack you or kill you. I will even let you leave this dungeon unharmed for praising my greatness..."

"Show me your strength, human... Show me that you are worthy of wielding my power..."

The dragon spoke without moving an inch. It's just hanging on the tree while wagging its tail as if I am a mere amusement. I guess it doesn't see me as a threat.

Very well...

Let me torture you first...

I closed my eyes. I remember it clearly...

The Cruciatus Curse inflicts excruciating pain upon the victim. The effects of the curse depended upon the desires and emotions of the character- to produce the excruciating pain implied by the name, the caster must truly despise the victim and enjoy causing pain. The extreme pain inflicted by the curse made it uniquely suited as a form of torture.

I am not unfamiliar with the process of torture. There was a time when I really enjoyed it. I think it's time to bring out those emotions and feelings.


I will put so much pain in this bastard that it will beg me to put him out of misery. I hate it. I despise it. I want to kill it. I want it to feel the pain I felt. No, I want it to feel the pain a hundred... no, a thousandfold.

"Crucio," I chanted the curse and waved the wand, targeting the dragon while despising and thinking of a way to torture it.

A bolt of dark red light flew from my wand and struck the dragon. The bolt was like a tiny grain of sand before it.

Everything is quiet.

The dragon has stopped wagging its tail and is looking at me. The scales on its body are moving like the armor of Stephen Wolf from that Justice League S-cut movie. It's kinda weird.


The dragon flew up in the sky with a painful roar- I think I should say scream. And then it fell on the sandy desert, screaming and writhing, wriggling its body like a worm. Its body started to shrink rapidly until it became the size of a human arm.

"Stop it, bastard..."

"How dare you insignificant human hurt this majestic dragon?"


It's cursing me to its heart's content. Majestic, my ass. This freak must have used its power to grow that big. I lifted my wand away from it.

"You... You... You dare humiliate me?! I will tear your soul apart... Dragon's breath..." The little dragon jumped up on its tiny little two feet and threw a stream of white energy beam toward me.

[Phew!] It stuck my leg and disappeared.

"Uumm... Was that attack supposed to kill me?" I asked. It felt like a tiny mosquito bite.

"You... I will..."

Let's go once more...

Hehehe! Let me show you how it's done. You bastard scared the shit out of me before, now I will make you shit...

"Crucio," I used the curse once more, "Bad dragons must be punished for breaking their promise. You need to learn your place, insignificant worm."


It feels great to see the mighty Hell Dragon screaming in pain. Forbidden curses are awesome. Let me use some other spells on it. This great dragon is the perfect dummy for my spell practice.

I still can't believe I was shaking in fear a moment ago- in front of this weakling.

"Leviosa," I lifted the little freak in the air.

"Descendo," I yanked my wand down, throwing it on the scorching ground with a loud bang. Once again, I pulled my wand up and slammed it down. I slammed that freak for a few minutes.

"Bombarda," I waved my wand with the chant. A couple of thunder arks flew toward the half-dead dragon, and a loud chain explosion occurred, "Have enough fun? Huh? Or do you want more?"

"Please... s...stop... I... Surrender..." A meek and weak voice came from the dragon. It has shrunk to the size of my palm.

"Isn't it better to just kill you and take your powers?" I asked with a sinister smile. Expression is important in a one-sided negotiation.

"I am sorry... I... I don't want to die..."

"I will give you all my golds. Please spare this life of mine..."

Begged the majestic palm size dragon.

"What the hell would I use gold in a zombie world? Won't I get that automatically after killing you?" I inquired.


"Very well. I will accept you as my master and give you access to my power. You aren't ready to use 100% of my power, but 20% will do for now," said the dragon.

"So, what's your metal vessel?" I asked.

"Metal vessel?! Hahaha! I don't need one, for your heart will become a vessel," replied the dragon.

My heart!

The dragon turned into a bolt of green flames. Then it shot itself like a bullet and struck my heart.


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[Advance chs are released on Pat reon first] + [5 advance chs of MY HAREM IN DC & MARVEL MULTIVERSE]


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