
Zombies Guide To The Apocalypse

We've heard of the old zombie setting where there's suddenly, a disease, virus, bacteria, etc, causing all the people being infected to be turned into monsters Zombies!!? I've heard that everywhere I go, screams that would echo from my surroundings and growl coming from every turn I take In this apocalyptic world, the survivor of the fittest shall stand, along with heaps of undying monsters everywhere you look Meeting lots of people that will join you on your journey, a lover and your best friend that would support you in any way Kill that monster!?? Let's just skip all of that part and just about go to the end, also known as being bitten or dying in the hands of the people you trust Well for me, I became a zombie I don't know how but my consciousness is intact, im getting hunted down just because of my figure. To think that I became a zombie is one of the most hated things in this apocalyptic world im getting hunted by my previous kind

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Mutation Orb?

I've lost my left arm and most of the bones within my preserved body are near their breaking point. It sounds like a chaotic situation I've seen so far in my second life, but my feelings about my situation changed for the better. After I found something that I came to label as the mutation orb

"Graaaahh(What a wonderful discovery)," Leo was happily eating the corpse of the mutated zombie's victim after their match was over. He started with the person's innards, from large intestines to organs that came in all shapes and sizes. As long as he cuts the organs to a different shape he didn't have any sort of clashes with his morale. Along with blaming the mutated monster for the acts of taking the life of the corpse he was eating

'Changes in sense of smell and taste, blood tasted so sweet, the meat of the person im currently eating is comparable to beef. Even though it was skinny and frail but I don't judge by their size, I don't have any complaints about my predicament. I just wished that I can simply reattach my arm, but that's not how it works I don't have any working cells and the only connection it has is completely severed. At least I wasn't left-handed, the rest of the organs are going to rot, electricity is down so I don't have any way to preserve it,'

He was about to depart after he broke down the window where he can safely jump even in his current state. Until he found a certain glow inside the corpse of the mutated zombie he previously clashed with his pursuit to quench his thirst, an anomaly? He thought to himself, completely curious about the strange glow he took his knife and started making his way through its body. To find a glowing marble-like item that was attached to its veins that were connected throughout its body

"What the hell is this?'

Mesmerized in the glowing marble-like item he found he notices his body reacting differently than he would rarely see. Even with his stomach being full after he filled it with the organs he obtained from the fleshly killed corpse. His mouth watered and drooled over the floor, the zombies behind the door would react indifferently to the point where their growls would be comparable to his frenzied state. Without a doubt, it was due to the item he found within the corpse, seeing as the was close to the rooftop he evades

'No fucking way ill be taking those chances,'

Just before the zombies could burst into the room he already jumped onto the next terrace and used the remaining time he had left to climb through the roof. Luckily for him, the other zombies weren't able to retain their knowledge, making it harder for them to climb the terrains. After a few minutes of searching the area for any kind of way for a survivor or an infected to enter his location, he took the strange item from his pocket that glowed even stronger at the night

'It's located in the center of the mutant zombie, is this related to its transformation that turned it into some sort of monster-like figure? Ehh what do I have to lose, down you go. That's it? Huh, here I thought there was going to be something strange to occur,'

Upon swallowing the strange material he didn't feel anything weird in his body. With no reactions whatsoever he walked back to his entrance which was filled with silence. The zombies that were experiencing a certain change after they saw the glowing orb were nowhere to be seen, with just a step toward the exit he suddenly felt a surging pain throughout his body. A sensation that he didn't feel after he came to be a zombie would appear as a result of consuming the item

[Grow, you must grow if you want to survive]

A mysterious voice suddenly appeared in his mind which resulted in Leo acquiring a headache in the middle of his agonizing process. His screams would echo through the schools and the infected wouldn't dare to get near his location. Most of them would distance themselves from his area, and slowly after that gruesome experience, he blacked out. He didn't feel anything different in his body, he rose back up after regaining his vision and seeing the light of day. It shined upon his eyes and he was flabbergasted by the arrival of his newly formed arm

"What is this?" Shocked by what he heard, instead of a growl he heard a voice that was close to his original tone. Yet that wasn't enough of a mystery when he found his body to be back in its original form. His missing limbs were recovered and his face and injuries were healed along with a voice that suddenly gave him information about his predicament

[Evolution has been a successful process, the entity has acquired the abilities of the former wielder of the mutated entity. Your current shape has been formed by what you wanted the most. Some changes have been made to your body, transferring the abilities and information along with the basic knowledge of evolution... the process will now begin]

"Headache? I can feel a little irritated even though im a walking corpse, did that thingy I've swallowed have to do anything about my experience? I regained a little sense of pain before I could make my conclusion I need to take those tentacles on my way back to the gymnasium. This knife isn't going to be useful if I use it against another mutant," Witnessing the drastic change within his body that remained useless only made him more curious about the virus. The voice he heard when he changed his body, what does it mean? What is its purpose? And why was there a plague?

He wasn't sure about his next action at hand, something that he saw as an occurrence of an unknown virus had a deeper meaning. The voice said to evolve, evolve for what reason? Why did it even appear in his moment of suffering why was it connected to the plague? He only acquires a ton of questions that we're left unanswered, but he knows one thing for sure. If he wants to survive he has to evolve the reason for that advice would remain a mystery for a long time to come