
Zombies Guide To The Apocalypse

We've heard of the old zombie setting where there's suddenly, a disease, virus, bacteria, etc, causing all the people being infected to be turned into monsters Zombies!!? I've heard that everywhere I go, screams that would echo from my surroundings and growl coming from every turn I take In this apocalyptic world, the survivor of the fittest shall stand, along with heaps of undying monsters everywhere you look Meeting lots of people that will join you on your journey, a lover and your best friend that would support you in any way Kill that monster!?? Let's just skip all of that part and just about go to the end, also known as being bitten or dying in the hands of the people you trust Well for me, I became a zombie I don't know how but my consciousness is intact, im getting hunted down just because of my figure. To think that I became a zombie is one of the most hated things in this apocalyptic world im getting hunted by my previous kind

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

A Whole New World

It's only been a day before I turned into a mutant zombie, but I already figured out the meaning of that voice. The zombie apocalypse is one of those changes but I noticed after I came out of the gymnasium that the greenery around the school was rapidly growing. Even though the apocalypse was already a big shock to my surprise it wasn't the only thing that changed after the world turned into hell

[Daily logs: the 2nd topic of the daily logs has been named [Evolutions] please wait until the app is currently processing the name of your topic. Please don't exit or back away from the app or the processing will be halted making the user restart the process back to the beginning]

'Status you gained the title [Improviser], just kidding it would've been great if there was a system like the ones in the novels. It would be even better to have something like that in my current situation. Guess I'll just have to stick with my daily logs, it's pretty clear that a ton of people have died over the past few days. But the electricity isn't going anywhere, it seems that the dams and a few electrical companies must have been ordered to keep the power from going down. To think that they're trying their hardest to make this hell of a situation easier for the survivors,'

Unlike anyone else within this apocalyptic world that was driven to its core by this mysterious virus that's infecting most of the populated city. Leo was mimicking the work of a few people that came to be known as what he called the watchers. People or zombies in his case is currently dedicating their life to observing the day-to-day basis of their chosen subject. Apart from the overgrowing rate of the greenery around him, he noticed that the normal zombies are distancing themselves from his location

[Daily log: The subject [Evolutions] is now available to be given a ton of information that the user has acquired]

[The second topic is evolutions:

Origin: The evolution trigger has been found within the corpse of a mutated zombie, the founder that will be named [L] for privacy. Has deemed this material as mutation orbs

Uses: Once swallowed by a zombie they will experience a variety of changes, one of these change are their body formation. Which will change from the desired form of the infected

Voice: There isn't much to be known about this mysterious voice, it spoke to the one that swallowed the orb and left without any further information

Ability: While the orb can mutate the zombie that swallowed it whole, they'll instantly acquire a skill and information on how to use said skill

Information: The acquired information was talking about a few ways to evolve, it's 1. Eat as many people as possible to satisfy the newly gained urges 2. Evolve through natural means such as time, the longer the corpse remains alive they'll slowly evolve 3. If the other two choices aren't your drift how about a battle royale with the zombies? Unevolved zombies currently have an orb within their bodies and if their hunger reaches its limit, well it's natural to eat the weak]

"Well, that's the newly released information about my experience within this week-long experience as a zombie. It's time to move on to the big city, there's a only a few zombies that remained in this place, I would've been scared or supposedly miss this school. But I learned everything that I need to survive, plus I haven't found the other zombies that are hiding behind the school walls," Behind his body was a pile of rotting corpses that were shredded until they were dead

'It's a good thing that I've been able to acquire a ton of these orbs, I didn't place it on my daily logs due to it revealing my identity. It has another use, one orb can satisfy my hunger without any need to devour ugh you know human flesh. Adding that to my daily logs will reveal that the author is a zombie before I can find a place that has an internet connection I'll keep writing a ton of information,'

In search of more, he takes the tentacles that he acquired from the mutated zombie and equipped the armor he acquired from the corpse of the soldier. With his preparations completed, he went on another tour within his area in pursuit of the remains of the zombies after he locked every kind of exit to be used. He started from the exit to the farthest room within the school grounds, the only noise he could hear was the one that came from his weapon. His location grew so eerie and he could feel a certain vibe that he was being watched from afar

"Oh boy, the bunch of you must be a different kind of breed, I can already smell that you entered my level," Leo took a step upon detecting the scent of his enemy that struck the ground where he previously stands. Its odor was a little different from his own, containing a few remaining scents of its former self, he can safely say that it was a newly evolved one at that. Without any hint of hesitation in his movements, he rushed to his target with his inhuman speed and threw his chains in the range of his target

'Focus... sense the connection within my mutations orb and my entire body, create an image, and order your ability. Manifest the power to envision your command now come forth and grant my weapon their very own intellect, activate mind projection,'

The zombies around him started to make their way into his location, as he remained in a frozen state. His mind was deeply immersed in his current goal, slowly the flesh of his palms would open revealing a few nerves that attached themselves to his weapon of choice. Within that moment he catches a glimpse of his weapon that was encircling his body that gained a mind of its own, while his enemies either suffered a lethal wound or escaped within a short period that could've ended their lives

"This is mind projection?" His weapons weren't hostile to his movements, rather they were caring and protective to the point where they wrapped him in their body as a means to preserve his life. The mutants weren't able to reach his body no matter what they tried to do, his weapons wouldn't let them escape their grasp. Even though he was able to activate his skill in the nick of time to protect his body, he wasn't able to properly command his weapons which remained in a protective stance

"Graah!!!" The zombies started to encircle his position where he remained incapable of commanding his weapon even though he was able to activate his ability. Whether he was at a disadvantage the tentacles would protect his body without any failure to be seen, their speed and power were completely different when he face them in combat. It was faster and more powerful, and its blade was sharper than ever before when he noticed that these weapons were devouring the blood of its injured victims

He already knew it was alive to begin with, that his weapon was part of a particular mutant zombie that can use a variety of weapons to attack. Yet such a sight was peculiar to his perspective, he can see a jaw that appeared on the edge of its weapon. Devouring and growing faster than before the more it swallowed a portion of the infected corpse. While a few of the tentacles would target those that were hostile to their host until not a single one of them was left to even stand

"It's a good thing that their faces haven't changed in the slightest bit after they were able to evolve into a mutant. Now that's all of them, I've killed over a few hundred of my kind and most of them weren't even from my school," He opened up a yearbook photo album that contained every single picture of both the students and the teachers. Filled with x marks for everyone that he killed and most of them weren't even found to be a corpse or a zombie

'She's not here, that means she was able to escape, but how? I remember that by the time the zombies were able to breach the school most of their numbers can overwhelm a dozen students combined with their overall numbers. Unless she was excused from the class I remember her to be so sickly, bright, and cheerful even though she's shy and frail apart from that she was the school's diva. I wonder what she'll taste like wait no, I haven't gotten her to answer to my confession, remember Leo lives with no regrets you can't eat her until you hear her answer,'

After killing the remaining monsters and reinforcing his blockade within the school, he takes one of the bags belonging to a student. Filled with a few materials he had acquired along his journey and left a printed copy of his book throughout the school, he was now in front of the exit of his school

'I can't believe there will be a day when I'll say that im going to miss this school, gardening club has a bunch of seeds inside their shed. No one will have a problem staying in this place, the track field can be used as a means of a training program, and the gymnasium housed a lot of metallic equipment that can be used as weapons. I'm proud to say that I've made a haven for any homeless survivors to stay, now that my work is finally completed it's about time to embark on a new journey,'