
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 74: A Day in Lili's Life

When Lili woke up in the morning, Banli was already awake.

"Go wash your face or something before you can eat." Banli was cooking an Chinese-style omelette wrap on the portable propane stove.

"Yeah yeah I'm getting up." Lili stretched her arms as she got up from the bed.

After changing to her militia uniform, Lili left the cabin with an wash basin that had her towel and toothbrush.

After walking for a minute, Lili arrived at the public bathing house. Unfortunately for her, due to her being late today, there was already was small line outside.

Lili had to waiting for three minute, then it was finally Lili's turn.

Lili brushed her teeth and washed her face with a towel. After using the bathroom, she headed back to the cabin.

Banli was already sitting on the chair waiting for her at the table.

"Good morning Banli... how do you always wake up so early." Lili asked as she sat down and started eating the breakfast.

"You ask this question every day. Just get use to it." Banli started eating her breakfast.

"But I always want to sleep in more." Lili complained.

"Too bad." Banli finished her plates as she put it on the counter.

"Ugh I miss living at Yanyan's house." Lili complained again.

"Ironic you the one who asked to move out." Banli replied back as she started tying her shoes.

"I-I mean we shouldn't interrupt their s-sex life like that. I can hear Xiaoyun begging them to let him in but they didn't because of us." Lili argued back.

"Well then too bad. I'm going to work now. Don't forget to lock the door." Banli left the cabin as she walked toward the school.

"I have to earn more money to move us out of here!" Lili looked determined as she finished her breakfast and puts the plate on the counter.

"But how?" Lili locked the door as she left cabin.

As she walked to the training field, she kept thinking how she can earn more money.

"Lili you good?" One of the militia asked as Lili looked lost deep inside her mind.

"Yeah I'm good. I'm just thinking how I can earn more money." Lili accidentally spoke her mind.

"Oh you worried about that? I mean if I were you, I would just marry a rich man. Look at your body, its just so handsome even I am falling for you even though I'm a women. I'm sure there's a market for people like you." The female militia walked closer.

"That will never happen. I-I need a more legitimate way." Lili seriously considered it but then rejected it as all she can think of is Banli being left alone.

"Well then either construction or office work. Militia is only a part time job you know." The militia member moved back to her position as Yiming was now at the field.

"I know but both jobs are so boring. Its just the exact same thing everyday... I kind of hate this job as well. Its just the exact same thing everyday." Lili whispered back.

"Good morning everyone. I know usually its Gantian or Jixi as your drill instructor. Well they will be here later. I'm here to announce that we are recruiting militia member to be full time soldiers. The starting pay is ten food stamp a day, as well as free housing..." Yiming started explained benefits of being a soldier.

"You might be wondering why the wage is suddenly increased for soldier, well there will be now a new requirement for soldiers as they will be required to join Yezi's rescue team and go to the city outskirt."

"Anyone who want to join can stay after today's training. Gantian, take it over." Yiming left the training field.

"Everyone, run five laps as warmup!" Gantian yelled out.


After the training was over, Lili decided to stay after the training.

Lili can see others also stayed after the training.

"You guys want to join to be a soldier? I need to warn you, its a full time job and you have a chance to die and never return back. Its not like militia where you just stand on the wall everyday." Gantian warned.

Nobody moved at all.

"We are only recruiting eight people as eight people had died from last mission, You guys sure you still want to stay?" Gantian warned again.

Still nobody moved.

"Very well then. We'll be testing your physical ability and gun usage as we had taught you in the militia." Gantian led the twenty people to the training field.

After a intense training and range shooting, Lili was able to make it as the only female who made passed the test.

"Congrats, you eight are now soldiers. You can go take a break now and report here tomorrow in the morning. I would recommend leaving any last will as there might not see the sun tomorrow." Gantian dismissed everyone.

Lili walked to the administrative booth to put her will to Banli in case of death, then collected the thirty food stamps bonus for new soldier.

"Can I ask how can I upgrade from living in the ten food stamp wooden cabin?" Lili asked.

"To upgrade from cabin to house would cost fifty food stamps upfront, and thirty food stamp per month."

"Meanwhile mansion are only for head of an department or soldiers who wanted to live at 301. But unfortunately they are all full, so none of them is available." The booth paused for a second.

"However the cost for a house for soldiers is only fifteen per month and has no upfront cost." The booth person added.

"I will take that." Lili handed fifteen food stamp to her.

"Here's your key ma'am." The booth handed her the key to the house.

"Thank you." Lili took the key and left.

"I'm finally out of the cabin! No more spending time in this small cabin!" Lili excitingly jumped in the air as she walked back to the cabin.

After getting back to the cabin, Lili brings the dishes to the public bathing house and washed the dishes there.

Lili brought the dishes back to the cabin and waited for Banli to get back home.

One hours later, as the clock hits three, Banli was finally back home from work.

"Banli welcome back!" Lili excitedly jumped on top of Banli.

"Okay okay, why are you so excited today?" Banli looked confused.

"We're moving out! I got an house for us!" Lili announced.

"Wait really? How you got the money? Your militia salary can barely afford rent and food."

"I got a full time job as a soldier, so I got like an bonus and discount for it." Lili explained.

"Soldier! What! But you might die out there. I-I rather live in this cabin with you." Banli looked worried.

"Come on, its not that dangerous. We both already lived at the outside world for like almost five months. Its also so exciting outside!" Lili reassured her a little.

"Fine, if that what like." Banli still looked a little worried.

"Anyway lets pack up!" The two start packing up everything they own into their suitcase.

After packing everything, the two have one last look inside cabin.

"The queen size bed, the wooden table with two chairs, an countertop and stove with kettle and big thermos bottle. Finally I'm out of this no running water cabin! I finally can have my own bathroom!" Lili pulled the suitcase out of the cabin.

"I kind of gotten used to this cabin, and the public bathing house." Banli seem to already have nostalgia feeling despite only leaving the cabin for two minute.

"You will forget about it in a day." The two finally arrived at their house.

Its still very small from the outside, but it's much bigger than the wooden cabin.

"What a coincident we live next to Yanyan's house... man I'm still jealous of that mansion. I want to get my own one day." Lili mind was filled with determination.

"Yeah sure, you totally going to be a head of a department or be the mayor and be able to live in one of those mansion." Banli sarcastically replied.

"Just you wait, anyway lets go inside." Lili put the key inside the house and opened it.

"Wow, this is a lot bigger than the cabin. We finally got a living room and a bedroom! And a restroom! Oh my god its running water!" Lili ran through all the different room.

"Well this is certainly an upgrade." Banli commented as she walked to the bed.

"I'm going to take a shower first!" Lili went to the restroom.

"I guess I go cook dinner then." Banli walked toward kitchen that is connected to the living room and started cooking.

As she finished cooking dinner, Lili was out of the restroom.

"Damn, there still no hot water. But whatever, its better than taking a shower in the public bath house." Lili walked out of the restroom her pajama and a towel on her wet hair.

"You making it sound like its that bad. It got hot water there and separate shower room for male and female." Banli argued back.

"Yeah yeah, says the one who always go late at night because they are scared of other women seeing their body." Lili poked fun of Banli.

"S-shut up. I'm going to go take a shower now." Banli left to the restroom.

After waiting for ten minute, Banli walked out with towel wrapped around her body.

"I-I forgot to get my cloths." Banli quickly grab her cloth and ran back to the restroom.

Banli finally came out in her pajama and sat down on the dining table.

The two started eating.

"Hey Banli you heard about the New Year celebration in two days?" Lili asked.

"Yeah, everybody in the town knows about it at this point. The empty field out there has like a full stage with hundreds of tables and chairs." Banli replied.

"Yanyan gave me a ticket to their table too." Banli went to her bag to give Lili one of the ticket.

"Oh how considerate of her. She's so nice." Lili put the ticket inside her bag.

"Yeah..." The two fell into silent as they finished dinner and then walked toward their bedroom.

"This bed is exactly the same as the cabin... I though it going to be at least a little bigger." Lili looked disappointed at the bed.

"I mean its already a queen size bed. They only intended for two people to sleep on it. You can request for more bed if you have children." Banli replied.

"Whatever. I'm going to sleep now." Lili jumped slept on the left side of the bed.

Banli got on the right side of the bed and closed the light.

"Hey Lili... a-are we just close friend?" Banli suddenly asked.

"Y-yeah. W-why do you suddenly ask that?" Lili nervously replied back.

"N-nothing. Goodnight." Banli turned around and went to sleep.

A person recommanded me to write a chapter more focus toward the average person in the town. And what average person who is living in the town that is already mention in the story I can write about? It's Lili and Banli! They are pratically what every person are living in when they first moved in the town.

A lot of public services like a public bath house or bathrooms located at each of the group of cabins. (How do you think they be able to build so much wooden cabin without running water to catch up with demands? Just make a massive public area with running water to avoid the need for plumbing in designated area. Very common thing people had done in the past. A public washroom for the masses.)

As you can see, there is an ladder that a person can save up and climb. Either work long enough to rent an house, or joining militia then go be a full time soldier. It can practically jump the economic class instantly rather than just saving up slowly.

The moment you stopped working, you won't able to afford the rent. That's why everyone call Xiaoqi the 'Iron lady'. Her policy are what they call 'effecient' that is extremely exhuasting for the average person.

It keep them needing to work. But hey, its the apocalyse after all, can't have high expectation and welfare for them. (Cough cough politician trying to solve LA homeless issue cough cough)

Anyway, let me tell you that if Banli saved up for two more month, she would able to afford an house by herself. But dummy Lili doesn't know her teacher's wage.

Man those two are so sweet. I can't split them up.

Bonus chapter count: 8

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