
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 73: Break time in the Office (R-18)

After picking up all the paper to the trashcan, Xiaoyun noticed Xiaoqi's long skirt and casual blouse.

"Xiaoqi why you wearing so casual all the sudden?" Xiaoyun asked.

"They doesn't fit me anymore, so I had to wear this." Xiaoqi replied.

As Xiaoyun sat down on the sofa watching Xiaoqi work, he couldn't resist the urge inside him.

"Hey Xiaoqi... you still remember you still have to grant me a wish?"

"Yeah, what do you want?" Xiaoqi doesn't pay attention Xiaoyun's voice changing.

"I want to do it right now." Xiaoyun got up from the sofa.

"Hm? W-wait we still in the office, and there still people outside working." Xiaoqi looked up and realized Xiaoyun was talking about as she can see the tent below.

"Please darling, you promised me that I can do anything." Xiaoyun pleaded as he grabbed her arm.

Xiaoqi hesitated for a second but finally folded.

"You really are a hopeless pervert... Fine, how do you want to do it?" Xiaoqi sounded a little annoyed as she got up from the chair.

Xiaoyun cleaned everything off the desk into the drawer.

"Come here Qiqi." Xiaoyun patted the office desk.

"Now what?" Xiaoqi sat down on the desk.

Xiaoyun suddenly kissed Xiaoqi on the lip.

As the two exchange saliva and mixed their tongue, Xiaoyun slowly moved his hand underneath the skirt.

Xiaoyun rubbed the panties a little, leading to Xiaoqi moaning out a little as the two continue to kiss.

The two finally separate as the two catches their breathe.

"Look like someone is already all wet down here."

"S-shut up. That because you keep stimulating me." Xiaoqi nervously replied back.

"Sure sure." Xiaoyun lifted up the skirt, revealing the white panties underneath.

"Y-you going to do something?" Xiaoqi asked as Xiaoyun just kept staring at it.

Xiaoyun finally snap back to his sense as he took unzipped his pants and moved his boxer down.

"You ready?" Xiaoyun asked as he moved her panties down to her knee.

"J-just do it already." Xiaoyun could see Xiaoqi already soaking wet at the bottom.

As Xiaoyun slowly moved inside and lifted her blouse up to play with the pair, suddenly someone knocked on the office door.

"Quick, pull out!" Xiaoqi panicked as she tried to get up but fails due to the belly too heavy.

Xiaoyun lifted Xiaoqi back up but accidentally fall back to the chair, leading to Xiaoqi sitting on top of Xiaoyuns lap as the two are on the chair.

"Just act natural okay? I got a plan." Xiaoyun pulled back down Xiaoqi's cloths and created a container full of pasta at the desk.

"I-I can't act natural when you are still inside me! And what is this for?" Xiaoqi whispered.

"We don't have time. Just don't move okay? I'll do everything." Xiaoyun whispered back.

"Okay you can come in!" Xiaoyun ran out of time and just yelled out.

The accountant opened the door, only to see Xiaoqi sitting on top of Xiaoyun.

"What's the issue?" Xiaoyun picked the pasta and fed it to Xiaoqi as she opened her mouth.

"Oh um, today's store report is done here." The accountant put it onto the table.

"T-thank you, you can go now." Xiaoqi kept a straight face as she grabbed the paper and acting as if she is reading it.

"Madam and boss, are you two okay? Your face looking a little red." The accountant turned around before leaving.

"Yeah, s-she just a red because the pasta was a little spicy." Xiaoyun answered it.

Xiaoqi grabbed a bigger folder from the drawer to cover herself as she climaxed.

"Boss do you hear something? What's was that sound?" The accountant asked as Xiaoqi's covered her mouth.

"Must be someone using the restroom in the store downstairs." Xiaoyun could feel Xiaoqi getting tighter inside and couldn't hold it anymore.

Xiaoyun unloads it all inside as Xiaoqi climaxed again under the folder.

"Okay boss... do you smell anything?" The accountant turned around again instead of leaving.

"N-no w-we don't s-smell a-anything." Xiaoqi replied this time.

"Oh okay then." The accountant finally left the office and closed the door.

"Man, I wish I had a husband that can feed me like that... boss is so gentle when he used that fork to feed her." The accountant didn't notice anything as she walked toward her cubicle.


"I'm comi——!" Xiaoqi finally couldn't hold her mouth anymore but Xiaoyun rushed his mouth to prevent her from moaning it out loud.

The two reached climax again as Xiaoqi collapsed on top of Xiaoyun.

"Y-you dummy! I-I am never doing this again! W-we almost got caught!" Xiaoqi punched Xiaoyun on the chest out of frustration.

"I'm sure she didn't notice anything. Beside, you're the one who was moving the whole time, I was just sitting there." Xiaoyun put Xiaoqi back on the desk as he finally pulled out.

"S-shut up! Y-you got harder too! A-and I-I just couldn't control myself okay?" Xiaoqi face blushes as Xiaoyun started wiping the semen leaking out of her entrance.

"Yeah yeah it's my fault." Xiaoyun took all the blame as he grabbed another napkin.

"You done w-wiping?" Xiaoqi nervously asked.

"Yeah... but c-can I do it again?" Xiaoyun was all hard again.

"No! I'm not letting you do it again." Xiaoqi voice sound determined.

"B-but I'm still hard." Xiaoyun showed her his rod.

"Fine, help me get up first." Xiaoyun carefully lifted Xiaoqi back up from the desk, then Xiaoyun sat back down on the chair.

"I can't believe I have to do this again in this office." Xiaoqi tied her hair to a ponytail again as she got down to her knee.

"S-sorry darling." Xiaoyun apologized sincerely.

"Yeah whatever, you better not find any more women than us three." Xiaoqi moved her mouth on top of the rod, then started licking the tip.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door again.

Instead of letting it go and get back up, Xiaoqi moved forward and let the entire rod go inside her mouth.

"W-what are you doing?" Xiaoyun looked down under the desk.

"Punishment for somebody who kept bullying me." Xiaoqi mumbled as she kept moving her tongue around the rod as it is all inside her mouth.

"Fuck... Come in please." Xiaoyun moved the chair forward to act as if nothing is happening.

It was the head of the trade department.

"This is the trading report for the month." The office worker handed Xiaoyun the stack of paper.

"Okay I'll read over it. Anything else?" Xiaoyun bits his lips as he maintain a straight face.

"Um boss, there's been a lot of trader who wanted to stay here for the night. I was wondering if we can built an hotel or some sort of safe zone where they can trade and rest afterward. Like a trading zone outside the walls perhaps." The office worker replied.

"Sure, that sound like a good idea. How about you write a draft and plan and hand it to me?" Xiaoyun could see Xiaoqi started using her pairs and mouth to simulate the rod even more.

"Sure I'll do that boss... um, boss do you hear some slurping sound?" The officer worker asked.

"What? I don't hear it." As Xiaoyun replied, Xiaoqi made it even louder and started shoving the rod deeper inside her mouth.

"You sure boss? I just heard it again." The officer worker asked.

"Nope, here I can do the trading plan tomorrow. Hm! Y-you should go see a d-doctor." Xiaoyun couldn't hold it anymore as he unloads it all inside Xiaoqi's mouth.

"Thank you boss. I'll go get it checked out." The office worker closed the door and left.

Xiaoyun moved back a little, only to see Xiaoqi's face completely covered in semen, with her mouth completely full as well. With her hand down below touching herself.

"Y-you okay darling?" Xiaoyun nervously asked.

"I-I want to do it again, Babe I don't care if what they think anymore!" Xiaoqi pushed Xiaoyun onto the chair and jumped on top of Xiaoyun.

"Um d-darling?" Xiaoyun looked confused by the sudden change from Xiaoqi as if something snapped inside her head.


By the time the two left the office with everyone else, the entire office's faces was red as Xiaoqi's loud moaning sound was heard throughout the main office.

"You dummy! Now everyone in the office knew what we just did!" Xiaoqi punched Xiaoyun in the shoulder as the two walked back home.

"That's crazy, almost as if somebody said they don't care about what other thinks." Xiaoyun poked fun of Xiaoqi.

"Hmph!" Xiaoqi walked faster, but Xiaoyun just walked faster as well.

"Fine fine, its my fault for tempting you like this." Xiaoyun held Xiaoqi hand before she can get away.

As the two walked in silent, Xiaoqi suddenly asked a question.

"Babe, do you think everyone will lose respect of me? I-I moaned so loud and sounded like a whore..." Xiaoqi looked down.

"Not gonna happen. People will just think you have a soft side. After all, everyone in the town call you the "Iron Lady" for a reason. Beside, people will forget about it after a day or so, so don't worry about it." Xiaoyun patted Xiaoqi on the back.

"I hope so." Xiaoqi looked a little cheered up.

First break scene. Xiaoqi is just so tolerant of Xiaoyun's bullshit. Wait you telling me I'm the author and I wrote her like this? Oh okay.

*Proceed to give myself a pat on the back*

Anyway, there's still two more from two different people. Still three day from the celebration start.

Woo hoo, finally the bonus chapter is getting down and down. I'm winning! (Totally didn't rigged it for myself)

Bonus chapter count:9

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