
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 49: Yanyan's Worries (R-18) (Under construction)

At the dining table, the five of them were eating in silent.

Until Xiaoyun decided to speak up.

"Yunyun did you get Yiming's offer to be full time?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Yeah I did, but I rejected it." Yunyun replied.

"Why?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"I can feel my body isn't as it used to be... almost as if somebody knocked me up. You dummy..." Yunyun got quieter as she finished speaking.

"Oh right, I'm such a silly goose." Xiaoyun suddenly realized.

"I'm already told Yiming that I'm planning to quit next week."

"Has he agreed to it?" Yanyan chimed in.

"Yeah, but he want me to working as the security guard for the store." Yunyun explained

"That seem fine to me, some people thinking they are clever and had tried to shoplift." Xiaomi agreed to the idea.

"But security guard sound so boring..." Yunyun complained.

"Well its a safe job, thinking about down here." Xiaoyun rubbed Yunyun's slight bulging belly.

"Yeah whatever." Yunyun finally folded.

Yanyan face seemed to be worried about something as everyone finish eating. But Yanyan doesn't say anything

It was finally time to sleep, as Xiaoyun noticed Yanyan is taking extra long today.

Just as Xiaoyun thought he was sleeping alone, Yanyan finally opened the door.

Yanyan was in her nurse outfit, but not her normal hospital ones. But rather the only you see only in certain media.

With a barely fitting one piece nurse dress that can barely cover her thighs. Combined with black thigh high-stocking with garter belt. To top it off, an cute nurse hat and an pair of glove.

"I-I asked Yunyun for this and she said only this fit me..." Yanyan embarrassingly just stood there.

"What suddenly made you asked her for all this?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"F-few weeks ago I saw you and Yunyun did it in her cosplay? Is what people call it? So I-I want to try it out." Yanyan face blushes.

"Babe you look very hot in this. I love it." Xiaoyun pulled Yanyan to the bed.

"Really honey? Is it that good?"

"Yes, I mean it. Let me prove it." Xiaoyun moved her hand to his crotch.

"Oh my..." Yanyan finally realized what she had done.

Xiaoyun laid on the bed and moved Yanyan on top of him.

Xiaoyun took off his cloths and lifted Yanyan's nurse one piece up a little, revealing her garter belt that is attached to her black undergarment.

Xiaoyun slightly moved undergarment to the side, exposing the lips to the entrances.

"Lets play a game, whoever comes first loses." Xiaoyun suddenly suggested

"Um, sure." Yanyan understood what he trying to do and got in an Sixty-nine position.

"Then ready... set. Go!" The two immediately went down on each other.

Xiaoyun could feel Yanyan trying her hardest as she allowed it to go further than it ever had been inside her mouth.

Yanyan meanwhile could feel Xiaoyun kept teasing her weak spot, making her almost lost strength.

Suddenly, Yanyan started shoving her head forward as she grabbed Xiaoyun's leg, then moving out as fast as possible to catch her breathe.

Xiaoyun who didn't want to lose, started using his hand to allow his tongue to push in further at her weak spot.

Just as Xiaoyun was about to win as he could feel Yanyan tightening up, Yanyan suddenly started messaging the testicle with her hands, combined with surrounding the rod with her pairs squeezing the rod.

The two both reaches climax at the same time as the two swallowed every single bit to avoid the bed getting all dirty already.

"I-I guess its a tie." Yanyan was still panting.

"Then there only one way to settle that." Xiaoyun was fully ready again.


After two hours, the two was finally finished as they cuddle on the bed.

"What's wrong? You seem to be worrying about something since at the dining table." Xiaoyun finally brought it up.

"I-I am just worry about the two of them... pregnancy is really hard to deal with for the first time. Especially with all the possible complication." Yanyan spill half of her worries.

"I'm sure its fine. We are building a hospital as well. So its going to be fine. Don't worry about it." Xiaoyun held Yanyan closer.

"B-but I am still worried... what if our babies is... not right?" Yanyan finally spill it out.

"I mean, do you think the three of them are fine? Just look at Qiqi and Yunyun, or even Mimi. They are all perfectly healthy." Xiaoyun dismisses her worries.

"Maybe you are right... it does take several generation in a row to have any major issue." Yanyan remember her lessons at medical school.

"Yeah so don't worry about it. As long as our children doesn't do anything crazy. It will be all fine." Xiaoyun calmed Yanyan down.

"Yeah, that if somebody can control their urges to not mess with his daughter." Yanyan grabs Xiaoyun's rod.

"I-I didn't know that before I did it okay? I swear I won't have anyone else beside you three." Xiaoyun made a promise.

"Yeah yeah that what they all say. Xiaomi's right, men's word can never be trusted... Why don't you prove it to your mother?" Yanyan taunted Xiaoyun as she stroke the rod with her hand.

"You gonna regret this." Xiaoyun lifted Yanyan back up and rip through the undergarment into pieces.

By the time the two was finished, it was already six in the morning.

"Fuck, how long has we been doing this?" Xiaoyun laid on the bed completely exhausted.

"The whole night... my belly is already bulging so much... Geez did you really have to unload so much inside me?" Yanyan laid down next to him, with all three entrance having white stains.

"Somebody shouldn't have taunted me like that, and wearing all these." Xiaoyun picked up the fabric of the nurse outfit that has been completely ripped to pieces.

"You better make a new one, I still have to return it back to Yunyun." Yanyan punched Xiaoyun in the chest.

"Yeah yeah, here it is." Xiaoyun handed the exact same cloths to her.

"Anyway I'm so sleepy I'm going back to sleep." Xiaoyun immediately fell asleep.

"Me too." Yanyan fell asleep as well.


When the two got to the administrative building, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Geez what took you two so long? Did you two pull an all-nighter?" Xiaoqi complained as she was already working.

"Not my fault." Yanyan innocently responded back as she sat down.

"Yeah yeah, its my fault." Xiaoyun joined in and started working.

After few hours of working, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Xiaoyun went to open the door and it was Yezi outside.

"Come on in, is anything wrong outside?" Xiaoyun asked.

"No, but I want some resources and few people to go outside with me." Yezi replied.

"Why? Didn't you just married with Yiyi for less than a month. You sure you want to go out now?" Xiaoqi asked.

"She knows I ain't the type of men who want to stay in a nest. I want to go out and take risk. I am rotting here staying in this town all day."

"You got a plan where to go?" Yanyan asked.

"I can go scout the path to the casino since I know where it is at."

"Fine, how much resource do you need? And how many people?" Xiaoqi asked.

"Just few box of canned food and water should do. And I want to bring Jixi and four people with me. Its only going to last less than a week. I'm going also need a car." Yezi listed his demands.

"Sure, you can get the food down the store, and for people you want, you need to go ask Yiming if he lets you." Xiaoqi replied back.

"I'm sure Yiming wouldn't mind." Xiaoyun commented.

"Thank you!" Yezi left with the stamp of approval on his paper.

"Maybe I should go wit——" Before Xiaoyun can stand up and finish speaking, the two instantly interrupted him.

"Hell no! You can't leave the town. The food situation can only last three days without you and the farm is not even close to supply enough food... And as the mayor, you can't take risk like that." The two pushed Xiaoyun back down on the chair.

"Fine fine, let get back to work." Xiaoyun discarded his idea.

Thirty minutes later, Yezi was back with five people.

"They are the one I want." Yezi walked in the the five inside.

"You guys know the risk you are taking to go with him right?" Xiaoyun warned.

"Yes sir! We know the risk we are facing." The four saluted.

"Jixi, Yiming agreed to this?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Yes sir! He said its a good idea to not lose track with the outside world." Jixi replied.

"Fine, then you guys are all set to go... do you guys have any family member? Have you said your last word to them?" Xiaoyun asked.

"I picked them because they are all alone." Yezi answered it for them.

"Don't worry, we won't forget your contribution. Godspeed soldier!" Xiaoyun saluted back.

"Thank you sir!" They saluted again and left downstairs with Yezi.

"Geez you guys don't have to make it as if it is the last time you guys seeing each other..." Yanyan commented.

"Its hard to tell if that is going to be the last time we see them... so many people has lost contact..." Xiaoyun thought back to dorm mates who hasn't pick up any phone calls.

"You right..." Yanyan looked out the window as she thought back to her two best friend.

"Lets not get all sad. Just because they lost contact, maybe their phone just have no battery left. You know electricity is hard to get outside, how is anyone suppose to change their phone?" Xiaoqi comforted the two.

"Yeah you right, maybe they are still out there. Let get back to work." The two seem to have recovered.

Few minutes later, suddenly the door was slammed opened. It was Yiyi standing there.

"Where the hell is Yezi?" Yiyi looked extremely angry.

"Um... he just went outside on a mission for a week." Xiaoyun replied nervously.

"That bastard! I-I shouldn't of pushed him so hard in bed... I-I'm so sorry." Yiyi suddenly started crying.

"D-don't worry, he had five people protecting him as well. And he got a car with him. I'm sure he will make it back fine." Yanyan walked over and comforted her.

"I was even surprised he stay at a desk job being co-mayor for an entire month. You know, he's an arm smuggler for a reason.

He want to live life with risk... um he will be back soon, don't you worry." Xiaoyun tries to reassure Yiyi but seem to had done the opposite effect as Yiyi cried even harder.

"Babe you really don't know how to comfort people." Xiaoqi commented.

"My bad." Xiaoyun sat back down and stay silent.

"Yiyi, what do you mean you pushed him so hard in bed?" Yanyan asked as Yiyi seem to calm down a little.

"I-I heard that Xiaomi said you guys are all already pregnant so I wanted to have a kid as well. But Yezi didn't want to have a kid yet and kept avoiding me." Yiyi sobbed as she spoke.

"Oh..." Yanyan went completely silent as her face blushes.

"Xiaomi need to shut her damn mouth... I'm teaching her a lesson in privacy." Xiaoqi face blushes as she left the room.

"Don't worry Yiyi, I will talk some sense to Yezi when he come back. He's almost in his forty, he going to want to settle down." Xiaoyun sudden remember something.

"Oh right you guys are already married... well its only a matter of time before he wants one. Don't you worry Yiyi." Xiaoyun finally talk some sense rather than making it worse.

"Thank you, I guess I just need to wait for him to come back." Yiyi stood up and left the room.

"So Yezi wasn't telling full truth when he went out... man really are bunch of liars." Yanyan commented.

"Hey! That's his issue, not me okay?" Xiaoyun pushed back as the two got back to work.

No more boring town building and *bonk* scene... Only actions. Yeah actions. Fighting scenes! Zombies! We about to move to the next arc with massive expansion and growth next.

Reclaiming the city outskirt and starting to exploring the outside world... Of course most of them wouldn't be Xiaoyun himself going outside, as he is a literal ATM machine lifeline for the town.

Instead it will be Jixi and Yezi's with four soldiers story arc. Don't worry other people will still appear once in a while.

Just imagine it as one chapter about them, one chapter about still about Xiaoyun and the town. (He will always be the center to the story.)

One bonus chapter down, oh collection brought it back up again? Smh i guess back to 15.

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