
Zhongli's Story

As a god, Zhongli had faced many things. This is Zhongli's background story and many things we do not know about him. This story is simply to tell the character's background story. This is not original. All credits belong to Genshin Impact and it developer, MiHoYo.

Archangel_Queen · Others
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An Old Friend

Zhongli remembers it all so clearly. His past, his old acquaintances and most certainly his old friend.

When Zhongli was still known as Morax or Rex Lapis, the God of Contracts, he was the eldest of the Seven Gods. Mora was named after him and was used as money all over Teyvat. As the founder of Liyue Harbor, "contracts" are the most important thing to Morax. He would often drink some wine with his fellow God, Barbatos the Anemo Archon also known as The God of the Wind.

During the Archon War, he had his best friend, Guizhong, fight beside him. But eventually, she got killed. Zhongli was devastated. Guizhong then died in a field of Glaze Lilies. Oh, how Guizhong loved Glaze Lilies.

Zhongli caught every creature that sought to expand its domain. He had promised to protect the people of Liyue Harbor.

Zhongli's constellation is Lapis Dei, meaning Divine Stone.

On the battlefield, Zhongli met Xiao. A god had taken advantage of his weakness and he had served him ever since. Zhongli fought that same god and gave him his name, Xiao. Xiao is now an adeptus, serving Zhongli to protect the people of Liyue as a sign of gratitude to the Geo Archon.

There is a secret agent from the Qixing. And that secret agent runs the Wangshu Inn. Xiao would often stop by Wangshu Inn to have a bowl of Almond Tofu. Xiao loves Almond Tofu.

Xiao has killed many people in battle

And yet, Xiao does not feel any hatred. Having lived for over two thousand years, no single karmic debt constitutes anything more than a fleeting memory.

No grudge can last a thousand years nor is any debt so great that it cannot be paid off in this time.

Xiao has spent many long years alone, but his battles have never been in vain

The other adepti are Madame Ping, Qiqi, Yanfei, Ganyu, Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, Cloud Retainer. There is another adepti, but during a certain battle in the Archon War, the opposing god slashed Mt. Tianheng, causing it to start collapsing on the village at the foot of the mountain. To save the villagers, Skybracer had an adeptus friend chop his antlers off and use them as a wedge to prop up the mountain, causing it to rise far higher than its original height. He then continued to do battle, even as blood gushed out of his head until he died of blood loss. The blood he lost then became the Bishui River. Skybracer is a very good friend of the adepti. But his death has made them all separate.