
Zero System

Living in a world dominated by races whose abilities far surpassed those of humans, it was difficult to have a good outlook on life, and when these same beasts had superior intelligence to humans and the ability to manifest supernatural powers, no one would doubt that the days of humanity were coming to an end. However, was that really right? [Fusion core created! ] [Welcome Host! ]

NobodyW · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Ancestral Lineage

The next day, after school ended, Nicolas did not go home as usual, in fact he followed a path that no human being in that city would dare to follow, this path led to the margins of the boundaries of territories between humans and Stonemans.

Obviously by that time he had already activated his Stoneman bloodline eliminating the risk of being killed when entering that territory. Nicolas made the extreme decision to enter the wolves' lair for one simple reason: He wanted to become stronger!

There was no more powerful power in that region than the Stone Men, so they will definitely have better and more effective methods to improve their own strength, so he wouldn't miss a thing if he received some of those methods while disguising himself as Stone Man.

There were only two rules he had to follow, he shouldn't sleep or be unconscious at any time in that territory or else his bloodline would be deactivated and his identity would be exposed, plus he should talk less and listen more, if he said something that revealed his identity, he could have problems, since morph abilities were likely to exist.

Both territories were separated by a 5 meter wall with an electric fence installed at the top, there were also several openings that revealed cannons pointing directly to the ground below. In fact, it was as if human territory had been isolated inside a huge circular corral that was made of several layers of bricks and cement. Those huge walls clearly gave the feeling that animals lived there.

As he passed two rusty iron gates, Nicolas's vision abruptly changed. Dozens of buildings rose nearly a hundred feet, plus all the streets there were clean and luxury-looking and expensive shops were as common here as food stalls.

The amount of cars walking on the streets was 10 times greater than in human territory, moreover, instead of Volkswagen Beetles and public transport vehicles all the cars that roamed the streets were extremely luxurious, only one of them being enough to buy about 100 houses in human territory. Nicolas didn't know clearly what those cars were, but if he lived in reality he would easily identify several Camaros, BMWs and Ferraris...

Not wanting to start drooling and looking like a hick, Nicolas quickly looked away from the cars to see even more shocking scenes. There were bakeries with windows displaying food he'd never seen in his life and some Internet cafes that held state-of-the-art computers and video games instead of those huge boxes that stone men threw at them and called computers.

Best of all, on the desktop of these computers there wasn't the usual program that filtered human polls and posts, this fact obviously gave Nicolas shrewd ideas on how to target Brutus into his ego. Even with all these attractive services, Nicolas still slapped his forehead trying to internally focus on his goal, despite all this being very good, Nicolas' goal was still to find ways to become stronger.

He walked the streets of Stone Men territory, watching each establishment closely for something special.

Mr. Wuang Bakery

Lan House Digital World

popova bar

Alchemist's Flower Room

Alchemist? Will they be like the ones in the books your grandfather gave you? People who mastered certain skills and were thus able to create and produce various potions and pills with magical effects were called alchemists.

Although he had already imagined that there would be real alchemists in the world, Nicolas was still excited to see it for himself. Without hesitating, he started walking towards the Alchemist Flower Hall.

The place looked like a luxury store adopting oriental style decorations, looking at the kanji written on banners hanging from the ceiling Nicolas was curious as to the meaning, after losing interest in those banners Nicolas quickened his pace and dodged all the shelves until he reached a counter where behind him stood a middle-aged woman.

She did not appear to be of the Stone Men race. In fact, she had characteristics of the race of Elves, which were pointed ears, pale eyes and thin wings on her back. Seeing that woman there Nicolas was instantly confused, the relationship between all the races was not good, to be honest the reason they still had not destroyed each other was the fact that none of them had the confidence to subdue the other side easily. Some smaller and weaker races even disappeared after wars and bloody clashes.

"Lady?" Nicolas approached and greeted her. If she was so blatantly in that territory, then she should be allowed to do so.

The middle-aged woman held in her hands a strange sphere divided into several rings by means of black lines, in each of these rings were engraved kanji preventing Nicolas from knowing the meaning of those words.

"Kon'nichiwa" The woman replied calmly.

[The host contacted a foreigner. Starting automatic translation mode! ]

"What did you say?" Nicolas asked confused.

"I told you hi." Surprisingly, Nicolas could speak that language and clearly understood what the woman was saying. Even she was surprised by this, as she always had to communicate through gestures with clients due to language limitations.

"Oh... Hello, nice to meet you..." Nicolas totally forgot that Stone Men were not used to being polite and ended up scaring that woman to death with her humble attitude.

'What's with this Stone Man?' She thought.

"I would like to buy some healing pills..." said Nicolas bluntly.

"So are you going to start a hunt in the Forest of Judgment too?" She started a conversation, it had been a long time since she spoke to anyone, so when she saw that the Stone Man understood her words, she didn't mind talking to him.

Forest of Judgment? Nicolas was immediately interested. With a calm expression, he shook his head with a smile and said.

"Unfortunately I can't…I have to take care of my sick mother, she's been bedridden for a few years." Nicolas replied sounding sincere. "I'd even like to go…but unfortunately I can't."

"Such a good young man?" she thought feeling moved.

During the years she spent in that place, she grew to hate the Stone Men more and more, they were selfish, arrogant and violent, if not for the rough and gray skin of the young man in front of her she would have really suspected that he was not a stone man. Seeing the sad expression on Nicolas's face, she was moved.

"But maybe it's good for you…" she said with a smile. "Although there is a lot of treasure, the survival rate in that forest is also very low. Also, it will only be open to adventurers until the day before the execution of some humans in the lower territory. "

"Yeah, it's really a shame... if only we had more time."

"If it wasn't for the Tournament between the other races maybe you young people would have 2 or 3 more months to explore the forest. I just don't understand why Brutus decided to merge such an important event with a human execution. "

Tournament?! Nicolas's interest suddenly increased. As Nicolas understood from the woman's words, the execution and this tournament would take place on the same day and in the same place, considering the Stonemens' ego, this was quite strange, as the execution would take place in human territory, to have an event as important as a tournament in that territory should seriously hurt his pride.

"Actually…I thought it was weird too, but anyway, our seniors must know what they're doing." Nicolas replied. "I would just like to prove myself in the forest of judgment, if I could increase my strength in that place, I could probably give my family a better life."

The image of a humble Stone Men family suddenly appeared in the middle-aged woman's mind making her eyes water.

"Young man, what's your name?"

"My name is Kaio..." Nicolas replied shyly.

"My name Dana. Pleasure to meet you... "

At that moment, Dana bent down on the counter, and Nicolas could tell from the noises that she was rummaging through some objects in a box. When she stood up again, Dana had in her hands 3 advanced grade pills and the same sphere she had been playing with earlier.

"These are healing items…" She held the pill out to Nicolas.

"Healing items? "Although Nicolas had already identified the function of these items at the beginning due to the similarity to the items from his loot from the previous fight, Nicolas still pretended to be surprised, the story he invented would be strange if he knew of such rare items.

Yes...she replied "...and this is an item I stumbled upon. I don't really know its functions, but it's a good decor item anyway. Please accept these gifts."

- Ma'am, but this is too much... Nicolas tried to refuse.

"Don't worry boy. This is nothing to me." If Gael heard those words, he would likely spit blood. The loss of that high quality pill still hurt her heart.

"In that case..." Nicolas reached into his pocket and pulled out all the copper coins he had. "Please accept this, I know it's not enough to pay, but it's all I have." After some reluctance, the middle-aged woman accepted the copper coins.

Holding a bag with the items he had received, Nicolas bowed deeply and left after saying goodbye. Getting these things for free really wasn't in his plan, he might be ashamed, but not to the point of fooling a nice old lady, much less one who treated him so well.

Deep down, Nicolas didn't care about anyone's race, as long as they treated him right, Nicolas would treat them right. That's what he believed. With narrowed eyes, he promised to pay that debt in the future.


"Your Majesty, I am at your service." In a luxurious, well-lit hall, Brutus bowed to the emperor.

"Well, you're not dumb enough not to realize that my interests in this place extend far beyond this execution. In fact, I come here with a goal. "

Brutus's heart raced. If the emperor knew about the statue, Brutus would be dead flesh.

"May I know what Your Majesty is referring to?"

"In this place, some time ago, a human awakened an ancestral lineage. "

"What?!" Brutus' eyes widened in shock and terror.

What does an ancestral lineage mean?! It meant an existence that could evolve to a level where it could easily decimate the entire Stone Men race.

"Who is it? I will send soldiers to execute him right now." Brutus couldn't make room for someone like that to grow in strength.

"Wait! I can't identify the person at the moment, I only know their race and they live in human territory. Also, this person has awakened only a few traces of bloodline, it would take at least a few years for these people to even discover they have such a treasure. big on your body…" The emperor said calmly. "I am very interested in this specific bloodline, when you find this human, bring him alive to me, I will use an extraction method to claim his bloodline before I kill him. It would be a waste not to take such a chance."

"So how do I identify this human?" As he thought about Emperor words Brutus felt calmer.

"Dispatch your soldiers to the lower territory and give them this." The emperor held out a translucent sphere to Brutus. "When this sphere touches the body of a human who has a bloodline, it will glow red. I have 200 more spheres of this type, take and bring this human to me. "After Brutus took the sphere the Emperor threw a storage ring towards him.