
O1: The Summoner

" Mhm, I see. So this thing also has the ability to store things. " I said while walking around, trying to find the exit of this forest.

As I was searching, I've discovered another fact about this black screen. It can actually hold things occupying the space inside this mystic screen. Not to mention, it can also be resize depending on the size of the object through my command, of course. So basically, it still depends on me, lol.

 Oh! How did I found out? 

Simple. By throwing a punch to it. Pft. Yeah, right. I know it doesn't hold much of gravity but the details are still superb so better listen. Being born a curios guy, makes me do things unconsciously. And one of it was punching a black screen. ^^|| that actually gave me a real good taste of outcome, though. Heh.

I noticed that it just swallowed my hand cutting it to half without of course hurting me. I was first shocked but in the end, it only makes me think of the probability it is a sort of spacial storage which is indeed it is since I've already been stored my tie  on it. HA HA HA HA HA!

" Hm? " I murmured still walking.

Someone's following me? So I'm not the only one in this forest huh? Hmm~ should I approached? Maybe this someone can help me escape this forest? I mean, I've been walking for  4 hours now and until now I can't still find the exit. But what if this someone is a thief? Or worst a murderer?! Chills run down my spine from the thought, But we should take some risk, right? If I want to leave this forest somehow.. Okay! I've decided--

" U-Uhm.. M-mister? " I stopped from walking just to face the owner's voice that calls me since I guess, I'm the only one here who's a guy and can be called as Mister, right?

" Hm? " I said looking at the person who's just standing right behind me..

. . .

A loli? I thought, as I stared down at the cute little loli in front of me.

To think I would meet a real Loli in this world.. I mean, I've never met one in my previous life. Although, I've been watching this colorful moving stuff my younger sister's watching. Well, it's not like I want to, she wants me to watch it with her. Sigh. Thinking about her, I wonder how's she right now now that I'm gone..

" U-uhm.. " I snapped back in reality, returning my attention to the Loli.

" Oh! I'm sorry, I kinda spaced out all of a sudden, haha. " I apologized, scratching my head..

" N-no! It's okay.. L-lita just want to Mister something.. " the loli shyly said while playing with her silver hair. Lita? Is that her name?

" Sure, what is it? "

" L-Lita just wanted to ask, M-Mister if he knows how to get out of this f-forest? " Lita asked stuttering.. She's talking in a 3rd person point of view..how cute..

" Is Lita your name? " she looked at me with a shocked expression because of my sudden question but then nodded in response.

" Y-yes.. " she said while blushing a light pink.

" Mhm! Well Lita, my name is Zero. Nice to meet you! " I said cheerfully, extending my hand to the girl.

She looked at my hand then to me. At first, she was hesitant but when she looked back to me again she just then accepted my hand still being shy, " N-Nice to meet you too, Mister Z-Zero. " Lita said making me smile.. She's just like her. They're quite alike in terms of personality.

" To answer your question, Lita, I'm afraid that I myself don't know.. " I said, honestly with an apologetic looked on my face as I noticed my hand is still holding hers.

" I-I'm sorry! I didn't noticed! " I said, apologizing again, taking back my hand.

God, I'm not really good at handling this kind of situation! Damn. I suddenly heard her giggled making me blushed.

" S-Silly, Mister. Hehehe~ " Lita said still giggling.


" Mister? "

" Yes? "

" You said you also don't know how to get out of this forest? Are you also lost? " Lita asked. This  girl is quick to think. I also need to think of some good explanation too!

" Sigh. Since a cute girl like you asked, then who am I to not to answer? " I started noticing the girl's blushed.

" Well.. Sigh, I was actually robbed. All of my belongings were taken away from me by those thieves.. I didn't even have anything beside the clothes I'm currently wearing. The main reason of why I'm hear is too find something to eat..but I've been here for almost 5 hours now yet I still didn't find something to eat, plus..yeah as you can see..I'm now lost. " I said looking at the girl.

Is it good? Do I sound convincing?

" T-That's sad, ther are so cruel! H-how could they do that to Mister? " Lita said getting sad?

Oi oi am I supposed to be the sad one here? Why are you getting sad now? 

" L-Lita-- "

" I-is M-Mister alone? " she suddenly asked, making me blinked.

" Mhm. " I agreed, nodding as she walked towards me.

" T-Then can I follow Mister? "


" Huh? "

" L-Lita can give M-Mister food! " Lita suggested showing me her ring!

Eh? She wants to follow me? For what? And she said she give me food? What does she mean? And what's with those ring?

" Lita is a summoner.. s-spatial ring is requires for us summoners. Lita have stored lots of food in her spatial ring! Lita can help Mister! " Lita said, seriously.

Woah woah woah! Is she serious? She's going to help me? Aren't she being too good for a stranger like me? I mean, she can't just trust a stranger!

" Neh Lita, are serious? I mean, I know you're a kind-heart ed person but.. didn't we just met each other just right now? Plus I'm a stranger? Aren't you afraid of me? Aren't you afraid that I might just take advantage of you? "

" NO. I'm not afraid.. " I looked at her in surprised.


" Lita's a summoner. Lita might not look like it but Lita's strong enough to protect herself from danger. " said Lita, " Plus, Lita knows that Mister won't take advantage of Lita.. Lita trust Mister! " she continued, looking at me so desperately.

" How are you so sure? " I asked scratching my head again, looking somewhere from embarrassment. I was then surprised when she suddenly reached for my other free hand with her both hands..

" I.. Lita honestly don't know.. " she said looking at me, " But that shake hands from earlier, makes me felt something I've never felt before.. "

" What did you felt? " I asked, curiously.



" Safety.. You make Lita feel safe, Mister Zero! " Lita honestly said, smiling sweetly.


I then smiled, reaching the cute little Loli's head as I started to pat her, gently, " Fine, then. Follow me from now on.. " I said not really thinking about the gravity of my words. I then saw her smiled brightly before me still holding my hand.

" Yay! Hehehehe! "



This is going to be a long day with a cute Loli, lol.