
00: Resurrected

" Ngk..! Uggh.. my head hurts.. " I said, waking up in an unfamiliar surrounding as I gently rubbed my head, trying to ease the pain.

" Huh? Where am I? " I looked around me just to see several leaves and trunks--

Wait.. leaves and trunks? I looked around once again just to confirm and..

* gasp * w-w-what the?! 

" What am I doing in a forest?! "


" Ah? Oh? Eh? Huh? What the hell's happening here?! "

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait..! Speaking of the forest, well.. am I supposed to be in the forest? No no no no no~ Yes! I remembering something..! That time, after work, I-I was drunk.. a-a-and I was driving.. driving, then then.. there's a light.. light?



" ... "

" So, I died.. "

* few moments later *

" Aaarghhh! Why do I have to dieeee???!! " I lay down in frustration, looking at the peaceful blue sky.. sighing, I started thinking..

I died.. Sighed.. Hmm~ so if I actually died, does that mean this place is..a paradise?? Nah, it can't be. The place is too disturbing to be a paradise.. this can't also be a purgatory since there are no signs of St. Peter at all.. plus, I'm pretty sure that I'm perfectly alive right now. I'm not even floating! Oh. Did I perhaps..resurrected? but in the different dimension/world? Yeah, I have this feeling that this world is different..

I then looked at my self, noticing that I'm still wearing the suit I have wore before I died, although, I no longer have its coat.. *gasp*

" So it's true! I've really got resurrecte-- wooah~! " I suddenly shouted and almost fell my butt on the ground out of shocked when a sudden black visual screen-liked appeared in front of me.

What the hell is this screen?! It doesn't have anything on it. Just a pure black screen? out of curiosity, I unconsciously touched the screen only to reveal a bunch of texts about..me? Eh? Is this my new information in this world? Eh~ let's see..



Name: ZERO

Age: 16



Magic Type: NULL

Magic Points: UNKNOWN

Guild: N/A

Title: N/A

Level: 0

Skills: NULL


[!] ???

Eh? What's up with my name in this new world? Zero? I mean who would name someone, Zero? And oh! I'm sixteen? Hmm~ I guess I went back half of my age from my previous life in this world huh? No wonder I kinda felt myself shrink from my usual size. Sighed. Hmm~ I see.

So based on my information, it looks like this world is more likely of game-liked type of world, in which everyone has their own character classes, magic type, and levels.

But mine is..quite interesting, huh? To think that I've died in previous life yet become an undead class in my present life.. Hehehehe~ wew..did I somehow meet the goddess of luck? But my magic, it's null? Also my skills! Hmm~ I've never encountered a null magic type in my previous teenage life. My magic points or mana just states unknown here.. And my level..ugh, zero.

" So what is this? Everything about me is Zero? " I frowned but notice the strange exclamation point and question mark from the last part after my info. I didn't say anything and clicked the strange text!

There appeared another strange text saying [MAIN MISSION] on it. I again clicked the icon only to see a single quote of..





" But how am I going to survive? I'm only a Level Zero! "