
Zero hunter

I was once the greatest assasin, my new alone could make both the underworld and the police quake with fear and it was ZERO I would do anything for the right price , I was known to be creul and bloodthirsty. what happens when ZERO gets betrayed and killed at least that's what he thought until he finds himself in a white room with hundreds of people

staticz · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


Chapter 2

I was engulfed in darkness my mind was weary I felt like I was going to loose consciousness at any time, but all of a sudden I heard a loud noise and then I woke up in a white room with hundreds of people all who seem to just be regaining consciousness they all wore a worried look on their face as they began to ask questions but to no avail because no one knew where they were and it seems that everyone in this white room where already dead, 5 minutes had passed and then everyone began to calm down there and we all noticed a stage in front of us some people tried to climb it but there was some sort of barrier around it,then the people decided to give up and we're returning back to their original spot when a huge portal opened up on the stage and a man wearing a black robe appeared he then said "Hello everyone I am aware that all of you are confused about what is happening and what you are doing here since you've all died , well today is your lucky day because you've been given a chance to live again that is if you manage to pass the tutorial, in other to increase your odds of passing the tutorial THEY have given you something very special , all you have to do is say the word STATUS" . Then everyone started saying STATUS , I decided to say STATUS. And in front of me a screen popped up before I could explore it the man on the stage then said "The screen that pops up when you say STATUS contains your class , skills , manna , level and passive skill" he then proceeded to say "skill are unique to your class and are grouped into 'S,A,B,C,D,E,F'. Skills are classified based on their strength and the higher the class the skill is the more manna it tends to be used when activating the skill, while passive are skill that don't need manna to be used a person only has one passive in a normal scenario. And as you may have guessed manna is the energy used to activate skills " as soon as he stopped talking people started checking their stats I opened up my stats and this was the screen that appeared in front of me :

Class : shadow assassin

Level : 1

Passive : clairvoyance

Skills: *************( S rank )

Manna : 5000

Equipment : ------------

I couldn't see my skills so I decided to click the info button beside my passive

Clairvoyance: is a skill which enables the user to see the stats of other people it can also see the stats of weapons it can also be used to see the description and stats of monsters.

The man of the stage appeared again he said "Am sure you now know your capabilities, I'll be sending you to a training ground to get used to your skills " I was about to ask why I couldn't see my skills but I was to late I was sucked in through a portal and appeared in another white room but this time smaller and with only me In it , there was also a button at the center with the words start training written on it , as I was about to hit the button ,I saw a streak of light pass the corner of my eye, as I turned around to look at the streak it was gone so I thought I was just imagining but then as I approached the button the streak of light passed in front of me again but this time I followed it with my eye and at the end of the streak was a floating clown wearing a cloak, at first I thought I was hallucinating if not for the fact that it spoke it said "I am ZORO the great clown I am your spirit clown "he started rambling about stuff but I paid no attention because I was shocked at his stats



LEVEL : 9999999999999999999999999999999


MANA: Infinite

He then said "would you like to activate your class advantage " I asked him what is a class advantage and he immediately flared up and said "I the great ZORO took my time to explain it to you and you didn't listen , am starting to get a feeling that you don't take me seriously" I then responded by saying "I take you as serious as am supposed to take a floating clown " he then shot me a glare and I could feel it it was like the reaper was at my back with is scythe at my neck I was to afraid to breathe talkless of moving a muscle it was a feeling I've never gotten before . He then stopped his glare and I immediately fell to the ground gasping for air , it was at this moment that I realized that I wasn't back at earth I wasn't the all powerful zero I was once, I can easily get killed by anybody I have to get my shit together else I won't be able to survive this shit hole . I then asked ZORO what a class advantage is this the calmly he then said "imagine you were a doctor while you were alive if you got a healer class you will get an advantage because you were already used to the job " I then thought that since I was an assassin in my last life and am also an assassin In this life it makes sense to get advantage. I then asked him what was my class advantage, he then told me that it was a random equipment gotten from an equipment box .

hello guys author again I know the plot is a little wonky and that was my fault but it will get way better in the next chapter

staticzcreators' thoughts