
Zero hunter

I was once the greatest assasin, my new alone could make both the underworld and the police quake with fear and it was ZERO I would do anything for the right price , I was known to be creul and bloodthirsty. what happens when ZERO gets betrayed and killed at least that's what he thought until he finds himself in a white room with hundreds of people

staticz · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


I was once the best assassin in the underworld I was known to be cold, cruel and blood thirsty , I'll do anything for the right price and I became notoriously known in just three years I made both the underworld and the law quaver with just my name "ZERO" and I trusted no one but my partner .

I was on a mission to assassinate a millionaire, the electricity and security had already been disabled by my partner, I entered his office to notice him sitting on his chair as calm as could be he then said " I knew a day like this will come, I have no regrets in this life than abandoning my daughter so I beg you please don't kill my daughter" I said " I couldn't care less about your daughter the mission was to kill you" he then released a sigh of relief and stood up and I took my aim as I was about to take the shot his daughter jumped in front of me but I already pulled the trigger , I could only watch as the bullet pierced her head , I looked up to see her father's face in dismay and disarray, in a split second he hit an alarm on his desk it started buzzing and I knew in minutes the entire office will be swarmed with officers and guards , before I could think of what to do he lunged at me pushing me to the ground and eat trying to stab me with a pen I then shot him in a moment of shock after I recovered from the shock I realized he was still breathing he was trying to crawl away but a shoved a bullet in his head I then asked my partner to send a chopper to came pick me up but he said "Mission compromised initiating protocol" before I could respond he then said "Thank you for your service ZERO, .....GOODBYE". And then I could see the building engulfing in flames from the gate I tried to break the door but it seamed to have been made from a strong metal I shot bullets at the glass but it seemed to be bullet proof I then saw a vent and I tried to climb through it but as I reached the vent I heated a huge boom and everywhere around me was engulfed in flames . Then a piece of the ceiling fell one and the I lost consciousness I woke up in a pile of ruble I could hear the sirens and immediately knew the police and fire fighters were here I tried to move my head but then I felt a sharp pain it was at this moment I started to feel like my entire body was being strapped by tiny pieces of glass It took all of my energy to move an arm and I barely managed to crawl but as I was crawling I met a pair of black shoes At my front forcing my self to look up, and towering over me was my partner with a smirk on his face the smirk was more like a sickly grin a psychopath gets when he's about to slaughter a new born baby , it was at this moment I realized that he intended to kill me but before I could ask him why he shot me and then I died at least that's what I thought .

hey guys author here this is my first novel and sorry for the format, I know that it's not like most novels, so if you guys like the format I can leave it the same : )

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