

Our MC spencer had an unexpected death by the hands of two men and was transported to a world filled with powerhouses capable of destroying worlds. wielding powers bestowed by a god, follow Spencer in his journey to the zenith. this is my first novel, I would like to give it a try and see how it goes, please give constructive criticism. to those that are telling other people to not read the novel for themselves because of a stupid reason or some randomness, or any reason in general, and without even taking into account that they are one person and people might like what they don't is disgusting and incompetent.}}

heliumjax · TV
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64 Chs

//Unexpected Assault//

Months have gone by since Spencer has been on this planet, he had long since familiarized himself with the landscape and had come across many other inhabitants of the planet, he had also come in contact with the same creatures he met in his first week of being on the planet on a few occasions, considering he didn't know what they were called, he decided to go with the name Lacertilia, solely because the creatures were lizards.

He also met some creatures that greatly resembled spiders in the way they were structured, eight legs, eight eyes, thick carapace, massive mandibles, also the fact that they were roughly ten feet tall, seeming like the average nightmare fuel to anyone normal. He also didn't forget to take the traits of as many creatures as he could find, in addition to his needles, which was now capable of paralyzing whatever they come in contact with due to a little modification Spencer added, he had also gained the ability to see on a variety of light spectrums from consuming a kind of giant dragonfly and breathe out a lethal poison mist due to consuming a what looked to be a butterfly.

Everything on Mars seemed to simply be a bigger and slightly modified version of what was already on earth, which was somewhat disappointing, but he couldn't complain seeing the traits he was gaining by consuming them, now the only other form of life he was looking for was the Martians, he thought that maybe the alien life on this planet could give him a challenge and make him struggle to survive, but it seems that the only beings on this planet that could achieve this would have to be the Martians.

Right now Spencer was in the middle of fighting another creature of this place, a creature that greatly resembled that of an earthworm. If an earthworm had rows of teeth and could grow to the size of a pickup truck while reaching the length of a football field, Spencer came in contact with this thing while he was strolling through the landscape, "minding his business", when suddenly this thing spawned out of nowhere and attempted to assault him from below.

Staring at this thing, Spencer felt no threat from this creature and only lowered his head, releasing an audible sigh of disappointment. He had his arms crossed with an expression of boredom, this place was supposed to challenge him in ways he could never think of, not make him more bored than when he was on earth, the terrain was just soo plain, the creatures here were just a waste of his time and this overgrown worm was driving his patients.

Spencer couldn't bother anymore, he had already seen what the meager creatures on this planet could offer, and it wasn't much, he only shook his head and started walking past the worm. Seeing that Spencer wasn't paying attention to it, the worm spat an unknown liquid at him in annoyance.

Sensing this, Spencer casually blocked it with an energy field, the liquid looked to be acidic due to the smoke coming from the sand on contact with the liquid. Spencer couldn't bother with the creature any longer and turned around to look at it, the creature immediately dove at him upon seeing that the acid attack did not affect him.

Spencer clenched his fist as it disappeared into a blur, in the next instant, a blare rang out as the worm fragmented into an explosion of blood and guts, but before the fragments could touch the sand, it all quickly converged towards Spencer and was absorbed into his body.

"We need to speed this up"-Spencer

Growing almost restless at this point, Spencer channeled a large portion of his energy into the area perpetually, hoping to find the Martians, but there were no signs of the Martians he was looking for. he was becoming agitated, In his agitation, he kicked the ground, spurring up a giant sand wall before him.


While he was throwing his tantrum at his failure to find them, the energy within his body was being stimulated greatly by his anger, sending sparks into the atmosphere, he continued kicking the ground while sending a storm of sand forward, quickly raising his leg above his head, he then formed a crater by violently stomping the ground beneath him. Soon ending his outburst, Spencer felt how unstable his energy was growing, he promptly calmed himself and flew over to a rock in the distance, reaching it, he sat down and began to meditate to get his energy under control.

A decent distance away from Spencer, two vaguely humanoid silhouettes were apparent, standing and carefully observing him from a distance. The two seemed to be tall almost reptilian creatures, Sporting tails with digitigrade legs and bodies covered in a minuscule layer of an armored carapace, their skin being extremely pale, appearing practically white to those who view it.

The silhouettes stood next to each other completely hidden from Spencer's sensory abilities. Cutting back to him, he had finally managed to regain control of his energy and was about to continue his search, until he was hit by a sudden sharp pain in his head as if something was attempting to forcefully invade his mind. Holding his head, Spencer fell to his knees confused as to why his brain felt as if it was being pricked by hot needles.

Repeatedly wincing in pain, Spencer struggled to get back to his feet as his body slowly began to adapt to this sudden assault on his mind. After some time, he stood up somewhat disoriented.

"What's going on, my head feels like it's going to split open"-Spencer

Spencer's tone was very uneven and strained, but he soon managed to collect himself a little. Racking his already hurting brain about what was the possible cause of the assault on his mind, he couldn't come up with any conclusions or possible theories as to why it happened so suddenly, but before he could think any further, he once again felt his mind being invaded.

"What sort of creature are you!?"-?

A sharp but aggressively toned voice range out in his head, startling him greatly. He franticly began to look around while raising his alertness to their peak, yet he still couldn't find anything.


He continued to search, but it was fruitless, he could not find them no matter how much he searched, he soon gave up and stood on guard.

"What are you!!?"-?2

A second yet softer voice although still aggressive, rang in his mind, causing him to have another headache. Spencer couldn't handle the strain on his mind any longer as he quickly tried to fly away only to collide with an unknown force and be violently thrown back to sand.

Spencer tried to get up but was forced to his back by something pressing against his chest, He looked up and was appalled by what he was seeing. Sleek, intimidating, and stronger than anything he has ever faced in this world, as well as the very thing he wanted to find since the beginning.

"A Martian!"

The Martian had Spencer pinned to the floor beneath its foot, and unable to move, while a second one appeared next to him, observing him as he laid on the floor in distress.

The once Apex predator beneath the foot of another creature at the peak of it's ecosystem.


Another chapter, finally meeting the Martians, sorry if it's not up to par, ideas, and comments are taken into serious consideration.

I'm starting to work on the next chapter right away, and probably gonna go back to earth in 2 to 3 chapters because I know very little about Martians, and I don't want to make my novel go too far down the drain.

If I made any grammar, spelling, or dc mistakes, feel free to comment theme so I can fix them.

heliumjaxcreators' thoughts