

Our MC spencer had an unexpected death by the hands of two men and was transported to a world filled with powerhouses capable of destroying worlds. wielding powers bestowed by a god, follow Spencer in his journey to the zenith. this is my first novel, I would like to give it a try and see how it goes, please give constructive criticism. to those that are telling other people to not read the novel for themselves because of a stupid reason or some randomness, or any reason in general, and without even taking into account that they are one person and people might like what they don't is disgusting and incompetent.}}

heliumjax · TV
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64 Chs

//Battle For Dominance//


*ROAR*- creature

Spencer and the creature could be seen running at each other, charging headfirst. the ground trembling from the weight behind their charge.

Spencer began to pick up speed, building up his momentum, planting his feet and jumping towards the creature.

While Spencer launched himself at the beast, time seemed to have slowed as they got closer. the pressure in the air building up, until.


Colliding, the two generated a miniature shockwave on impact, both bouncing back to catch their balance from the collision.

Both contenders began showing signs of being disoriented from the initial charge.

Due to Spencer's smaller size, if he did not have his level of strength, he would have been at a great disadvantage.

The creature was visibly shocked, it did not expect this small creature to push it back, being used to easily killing its prey, but this small creature, despite being many times smaller than it was, managed to push it back.

"what's wrong, Never had a REAL FIGHT?"- Spencer said raising his voice in anger, causing an echo.

As if the creature could understand him, it ran at spencer. with its jaws agape, flashing its fangs, charging for a second attempt.

Watching as the creature rushed towards him, Spencer braced himself, placing his right leg back and bending his left, effectively sinking his feet into the soil.


The creature outstretched its neck, attempting to bite down on Spencer, seeing this, he further tightened his hold on the ground, holding his hands in position to catch the creature in its charge.

Within the next instance.


Colliding for the second time, spencer held the edges of the creature's mouth open. not letting up in its charge, the creature continued pushing spencer back, causing his feet to dig into the ground, displacing the soil.


Spencer's body was beginning to strain under the pressure, noticing this, he contorted his body beyond normal means, redirecting the creature's charge away from him, causing its head to plummet into the ground next to him.

The creature quickly recovered and lashed its teeth. Spencer evaded the creature by performing a double Back Handspring, jumping into the air.


This proved to be a mistake, as the creature wasted no time in spinning around, swinging its tail at Spencer, effectively swatting him out of the air.

This sent him flying violently into a few trees, snapping them in half.

*Whistle* "that's it, that's what I want, GIVE ME MORE"- Spencer was visibly excited, grinning without restraint.

Spencer picked himself up at incredible speeds, grabbing one of the fallen trees with his right hand, reaching back and hurling it at the creature. seeing this, the beast barely managed to dodge by shifting its mass to the left.

Noticing its unstable manner of dodging, spencer stomped his feet, taking in a deep breath, he then ran in a zigzag towards it, to disorient it.

Getting close enough, Spencer grabbed a handful of sand, chucking it at the creature's eyes, he then jumped, cocking his fist back as he launched himself forward.

As he arrived close enough to the creature's face.

Despite it not being able to see correctly thanks to the sand in its eyes, it opened its jaws in the direction of Spencer's trajectory. seeing this, Spencer quickly responded by using his tail to pierce the neck of the creature, pulling himself away from its jaws, before they could snap shut.

Landing only a few feet away from the beast, spencer immediately rushed at it, slamming himself into the creature's hind legs, throwing it off balance, tipping it sideways, this showed an opportunity.

Noticing his chance, Spencer jumped to the side of its face, as it was off-balance, cocking his fist back a second time.


Spencer slammed his fist against the creature's lower jaw, making its head fling back.

As the creature's head was coming back down, spencer contorted his body, twisting it while tensing his steel cable like muscle's to build up pressure behind his fist.

Noticing the creature's head coming back down, spencer released the pressure he was building up, untwisting his body.


Punching the beast with his stored up energy, Spencer tightly clenched fist, sunk into the side of the creature's jaw, causing its head to forcefully jerk sideways.


The immense force, driving the creatures face into the earth with a loud thud, almost knocking it into unconsciousness.

Not waiting for the creature to recover, Spencer sunk both his feet into the ground, running at the still disoriented beast.

The beast, gaining back some level of cognition during this time, noticed spencer running at it, and to retaliate, it used its hind legs while still on its side, kicking Spencer away from it.

Spencer had placed his arms up as to defend himself, despite this, he was still launched a great distance into some more trees by the beast.

"What's with you and trees?"- spencer asked picking himself up from the trail of broken trees

The creature ignoring his taunts got back up and ran at Spencer.

"This is just getting repetitive"- Spencer

Watching as it got closer, Spencer extended his claws and replicated the creature's course of attack.

As the two ran at each other, getting close enough, Spencer pivoted to the creatures left, slashing its Achilles tendon, causing its left leg to drop, he then simultaneously spun and sliced the other, incapacitating it.

*Thump* the creature fell to the floor unable to move.

Spencer walked up to the head of the creature.

As he did, the creature opened its massive jaws as a last attempt at retaliation.

Anticipating this, spencer quickly grabbed the edges of the creature's mouth.

"I think that's enough of that"- spencer said as he tensed his muscles.


The splattering of blood could be heard, as he then proceeded to tear off the beasts lower jaw.

*Thud!* throwing it to the side as if it was a piece of used tissue.

The creature began to squirm, obviously in pain, but unable to make a sound, consequent to its lack of a lower jaw.

Spencer then placed his dominant hand on the creature's face, leaning over, looking it in the eyes.

"Remember me?"- Spencer

The beast's eyes filled with fear couldn't understand Spencer, it began pleading with its eyes, hoping Spencer would not kill it.

Seeing this, Spencer made up his mind.

"An eye for an eye my friend"- Spencer


Spencer then stabbed the roof of the creature's mouth, piercing the brain, killing it instantly.

"Well that's that"- Spencer

Spencer removed his claws from its body.

"Let's see what I get from you"- Spencer

Saying this, Spencer began to absorb the beast. its body liquifying and fusing with Spencer,s mass.

"Huh?" - Spencer

In doing so, spencer noticed something was wrong, his body didn't change as he expected it to, he stayed relatively the same.

But after a few moments of inactivity, this observation quickly changed.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH"- Spencer began screaming from the sudden surge of pain he was feeling.

Spencer's body was giving off a golden hue, releasing a blinding light in all directions, he felt as if each of his cells were on fire, becoming stronger as if changing into something else entirely.

He began convulsing, his body growing and shrinking in size as his pupils vanished.

His body becoming heavier in an instant, the sudden shifts in weight, causing the soil under spencers' feet to cave in, creating a small crater.

Spencer felt as if his skin was being torn off his body, his nerves firing nothing but pain signals.

He stopped screaming, as he was forced into unconsciousness by the immense pain his body felt.


Falling backward the crater increased in size.

Spencer was just seen laying in the crater, his body increasing in density, glowing and changing, making itself stronger down to its very cells, becoming many times time more efficient than it was before.


Minor fixes

heliumjaxcreators' thoughts