
Zenin's Last Plan:

An adult from Earth is reincarnated into JJk with no knowledge and is forced into Zenin's desperate plan to finally kill Gojo.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

Chapter 58: Red

Before the massive explosion happened. Null was standing over Shoko who was kneeling in the middle of the road. Null wasn't staring at something on a rooftop. Null stared at a figure standing in front of the full moon. Its white hair blended in with the white moon, however, its bright blue eyes were impossible to miss.

" Yo, long time no see, Null. "

Said Gojo with a cocky grin on his face. He quickly hopped over the roof before gently landing on the road. Null stared at Gojo with a shocked look on her face. She didn't expect him to arrive so soon. 

Null took a deep breath before responding. 

" Indeed, what has it been, four maybe five years, since the last time we met? "

Gojo scoffed, before taking a single powerful step forward, sending a wave of energy that engulfed Null's body. However, Null stared at Gojo calmly before a grin appeared on her face. She reached into her cloak before pulling out a small dagger with a red flag dangling off a hook at the end of the hilt.

Gojo glanced down at the dagger before he spoke arrogantly. 

" You're going to use your cursed tool again, even though it had no effect last time we fought? " 

As Gojo said this, the dagger in Null's hand split into fragments before floating into the air and circling around her body. The fragments of the dagger started to glow a bright blue before electricity spewed out connecting the fragments together, forming a bunch of blue lines of electricity around Null's body. 

Null's cursed tool was quite simple. It formed a barrier between herself and the opponent making it in theory impossible to touch her without being badly electrocuted, except due to Gojo's infinity, he could easily strike Null, punching her through the cursed tool. 

Null and Gojo locked eyes, as Shoko stood up before stumbling back, gaining distance from Null and Gojo. Gojo takes a single step forward before his body flickers, reappearing behind Null. 

Null spun around before crossing her arms blocking the powerful punch as she slid back. Gojo in a split second appears in front of Null throwing another punch, however, Shoko watches the two battle. A sudden sharp pain engulfed her face before her body was sent flying towards Gojo and Null.

Gojo watches as Shoko's body flies in front of his punch. Gojo stops his punch before realizing that if he doesn't catch Shoko, she's going to be electrocuted by Null's cursed tool. Gojo cancels the infinity around his left hand before he snags onto Shoko's shirt and is about to pull her back before a stinging pain ripples through Gojo's left hand.

Gojo pulled back Shoko before gently dropping her onto the road. Gojo glanced at his left hand before seeing that it was badly burned. Gojo looked up at Null annoyed. Her plan was quite simple. She was going to use Shoko as a means to attack Gojo, while he tries to save her from Null's cursed tool.

Null dashed towards Gojo before her hand flickered as she grabbed onto Shoko's hair before yanking it back. Shoko's body started to grind across the road before Gojo threw a kick toward Null forcing her to dash back. Null came to a stop a few feet from Gojo. 

Gojo and Null locked eyes before Shoko's body started to slide across the road coming directly towards Null, Null repeated the action of pulling Shoko's hair as Gojo dashed forward throwing a right overhand at Null, the punch hurled toward Null until the stinging pain repeated in Gojo's hand making his punch narrowly miss Null's face.

Null felt the power force narrowly miss her face before she stomped towards the sliding Shoko. The stomp inched closer to Shoko until suddenly Shoko glanced up at the incoming kick and caught it with her left hand. Null stares at Shoko in shock as electricity runs through her body. Shoko holds onto Null's foot tightly as she gets electrocuted.

Null feels a gust of wind blows into her face. Null glances forward and stares at an outline of knuckles before Gojo slams a powerful punch into the bridge of Null's nose. Null's body is launched through the air repeatedly flipping while slamming into the road. Null's body crashes through a building before she glances to her right and crosses her arms blocking a kick from Gojo.

Null grits her teeth in pain before she flips onto her feet. Null's momentum keeps her feet sliding across the road, as Gojo in a split second appears in front of Null throwing a spinning kick. Null ducks the kick as it slams into a building. Null watches as Gojo's leg rips through the building before he throws another right hand. 

The punch sails toward Null until a stringing pain repeats. Gojo's fist becomes more burnt however, the punch doesn't change direction instead slamming directly into Null's chin. Null stumbles back clearly dazed as Gojo grins at her cockily before talking.

" You were trained your entire life to defeat me, yet this is the best you can do? "

Null stared at Gojo before spitting out blood. Gojo was correct. Null's story was extremely similar to Mute's. She was forced into isolation and hell to be able to defeat Gojo. The dungeon in the mountains where Null took Mute to master his technique was where Null was forced to train. 

However, Null wasn't the only Zenin to be forced into isolation. Unlike Mute who was the only one in the cellar or dungeon, Null had 20 others. Null trained with others to sharpen her techniques and skills. She grew close to the 20 others, however, on the final test of the dungeon, Null was forced to kill other Zenins becoming the last one in the dungeon. 

That was the reason the dungeon was covered in dry blood and why Null was in such deep thoughts about being in the dungeon. Null stared at Gojo before she took a deep breath regaining her composure.

Gojo took a single step forward throwing a kick, that Null pivoted before she slammed her hand onto the broken wall next to her, the cracked wall crumbled making the wall fall toward Gojo, Null dashed back as the wall collapsed on top of Gojo.

Null eyes glanced around looking for something. The thing Null was looking for were people. After Null's first battle with Gojo, she quickly learned the only way to injure Gojo was to use others against him. Null kept looking until broken wall fragments shot toward her. Null effortlessly dodged the debris until a red light illuminated Null's body. 

Null stared at Gojo pointing his index finger in the air as a red aura swirled around him before a red ball formed on his index finger. Null stared at the red ball before she extended her right hand forward. The cursed tool surrounding her body compacts transforming back into the dagger. 

Gojo grins at Null before murmuring.

" Red "

In less than a split second, the red ball shot towards Null. Null barely tracked the attack before narrowly blocking the attack with the dagger. Null's body is repelled back as the red ball pushes on the dagger sending Null's body flying back.

Null slams through several buildings as she grits her teeth struggling to hold the dagger. The sound of screeching can be heard from the dagger trying not to break. Null glances back at an incoming building until the red ball explodes creating a massive explosion. 

The explosion engulfs Null creating a massive crater and smoke cloud. The smoke cloud lingers over the crater before a breeze blows it away.

Null could be seen kneeling in the middle of the crater with the right side of her cloak destroyed. The mask Null was wearing is severely cracked. Null grabs onto the mask before ripping it off her face, tossing it onto the ground. 

Blood was pouring down the right side of Null's face as she looked forward, hearing the sound of footsteps. Null watched as Gojo slowly approached the edge of the crater...