
Zenin's Last Plan:

An adult from Earth is reincarnated into JJk with no knowledge and is forced into Zenin's desperate plan to finally kill Gojo.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

Chapter 126: No Hope

This sudden energy, shook the whole of Shibuya, as the skyscrapers, trembled and all of the sorcerers present in Shibuya, looked towards the source of the energy in shock. Including Mute who leaning on a wall, trying to regain his curse energy. 

" Looks like he's awoken " 

Murmured Mute, until the sound of hurried footsteps caught his attention, Mute glanced over and saw Mimiko sprinting towards as quickly as she possibly could, Mimiko locked eyes with Mute before she shouted out. 

" There you are, I've been looking for you. I was going to ask you to kill the fake Geto, but it looks like Negi, has already asked Sukuna to kill him. "

Mute looked at Mimiko perplexed before he spoke." Yeah, I doubt that's going to happen. "

Mimiko stared at Mute until she responded. " What do you mean? Do you not think Sukuna would kill the fake Geto? " 

" Obviously? Why would he take orders from Negi? "An awkward silence engulfed Mute and Mimiko until Mimiko's lips quivered and she spoke.

" T-Then, do you think Negi is dead? We were going to give Sukuna another finger, if- "

Before Mimiko could finish her sentence, Mute walked past while cutting her off, from speaking. 

" He's dead. Sukuna is fighting Jogo right now. I don't know if you know who that is. But if Negi got caught in the crossfire between those two, he would surely be dead. And to answer your question before you ask it, I'm under a binding vow with Geto. There's no way for me to kill him. But If I were you, I would flee Shibuya. If you think things can't get worse, you are mistaken. "...

In the middle of a street, Panda and Kusakabe were shouting at the remnants of Geto's group. As thunderous explosions erupted all around them. 

" What the hell are you doing? Two special grades are fighting each other, we have no time to engage with each other- " Right as Kusakabe was about to finish his sentence, a nearby skyscraper exploded into flames, before the flames started to swirl around each other, forming a massive magma meteor. 

Floating right in front of the meteor was Jogo who was glaring at a skating Sukuna, before he shouted out. 

" Maximum Meteor! " 

The meteor hurtled toward the ground, causing Kusakabe and the remaining members of Geto's group to stare in disbelief. Sensing an opportunity, Kusakabe swiftly grabbed the handle of his katana and effortlessly cut through the remnants of Geto's group, all while delivering a message.

"Listen up! We need to move quickly and escape. There's no time to fight, our only priority is survival. Let's run-"

"You won't."

Just as Kusakabe turned to make his escape, Sukuna materialized beside him, startling everyone, who instinctually froze. All eyes were fixed on Sukuna as he spoke with a manaical grin on his face.

"None of you are allowed to run until I give the signal. Anyone who disobeys will face death. I will let you know when it's safe to flee."

The sound of the approaching meteor reverberated in their ears. Fear gripped Panda's face, as Sukuna brought his hands closer together, he clapped.


Instantly, all of the sorcerers vanished, as the enormous meteor slammed into the ground causing skyscrapers to fly up into the sky, until they crashed back down into the ground, standing on top of the meteor was a panting Jogo, who murmured to himself. 

" That surely would damage Sukuna. "

" If it had hit. "

Said Sukuna sitting on the meteor with his legs crossed until he spoke asking a question. 

" Why haven't you opened your domain? " 

" I know I can't win in a battle between domains. "

" Because? That's what happened with Satoru Gojo? Spoken like a true loser, but you have managed to pique my interest, So let me fight using your specialty. "

" ■ OPEN..."

As soon as Sukuna said this, elegant flames sprung from his fingertips, shocking Jogo who stared at the flames, before Sukuna smirked and spoke. 

" Arm yourself, we're going to have a firepower battle. "...

As Jogo and Sukuna are about to clash, hundreds of feet away. An exhausted Megumi could be seen standing next to Nobara, they were currently face-to-face with Haruta who only had one mark on his face. Nobara glanced over at Megumi before she spoke giving Megumi a warning. 

"Watch out for this guy, he's strange. I've already defeated him twice, but he keeps bouncing back."

"Don't worry, someone of his caliber shouldn't pose much of a threat to us. By the way, be careful of Mute. He managed to defeat both Yuki and Yuta somehow," Megumi responded, his exhaustion evident.

"Mute? Is he as powerful as they say? I've never crossed paths with him," Nobara asked. 

" Yes, not only is he incredibly powerful, but he's also merciless. He forces people to fight each other for his own amusement. That's what he did to Maki and Mai. But let's not focus on him, we need to focus on him. " 

Said Megumi as he glared at Haruta who twisted his sword in his palm, until suddenly, a massive explosion of fire erupted behind them, causing the street they were standing on to tremble. Startled, Megumi and Nobara turned their heads trying to witness, the massive explosion but before they could, Haruta lunged toward them. 

" Don't lose focus, you'll need it to fight me. "...

As Nobara and Megumi get rushed by Haruta. Standing on the meteor, was a burning Jogo, while Sukuna stared at the corpse coldly, until a sudden kneeling figure appeared next to him, making him speak.

" Master Sukuna, I've come to escort you. " 

" Who are you? "

Responded Sukuna as he glared at this figure coldly, until his eyes suddenly widened and he shouted out in surprise. 

" Uraume?! "

" It's nice to see you again. " 

Said Uruame with a pleased smile on their face...