

Zafira Yusuf, a determined beautiful young lady. A demeanor so confident she did whatever she put her mind to. Her best friend's brother, Zubayr Umar, had just returned from England where he was based but not in time for their graduation. He seemed so unfriendly and reserved, she began to wonder why. How could anyone be like that? There had to be a reason. What happens next? Well... Let's read and find out. Have fun!

Zee_Abee · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

Zafira went out along with her mum to shop for school. When she arrived home, she went straight to her room after thanking her mom. Packing her bags for school which was to begin the next day, her phone beeped. There was a missed call and a message. When she tapped the phone open, Alee's name popped on the screen. She had called and probably sent a message when she got no answer.

"Hey Zafee! I called you severally.

Where were you?"


Then she replied:

" I was out with mum. I went shopping."


Just then Zafira's phone rang.

On the phone:

Alee: Zafee what's up? Are you ready?

Zafee: I'm packing my bags babe.

Alee: Awesome. My driver would be the one to take us. Don't argue.

Zafee: Yes ma'am!

Alee: Alright. See you soon. I'll hang up.

Zafee: Okay bye.

The following day, very early in the morning, Aliya arrived with her driver. The driver helped Zafira with her luggage into the car. Aliya greeted Hajia Halima, Mahmud, Zaid and Mariya.

"What about Daddy?"

Aliya asked.

"He had some important work but sent his regards my dear."

Hajia Halima answered.

Alhaji Yusuf was back but needed to rush out to do some important work after praying for his daughter and giving her some advice and cash.

Zafira hugged them all. The two friends hopped into the car and the driver drove off.

When they arrived school, the driver drove them straight to their hostel. He helped them to their room with the luggage.

"Thank you so much. We'll miss seeing you guys."

Aliya said trying to put down the bag in her hand.

"Aww! We'll miss you two too. Be good girls okay."

Mr Ado, the driver said.

"We will. Send our regards to everyone when you get home."

Zafee added.

"I will. May Allah guide you both."

Mr Ado said as he took his leave.

The girls met their room as clean as ever. The cleaners always did a good job. The room was painted lilac with purple flowers on one part of the wall as decoration. It had a reading table, two beds, a two doored wardrobe and a bathroom.

When they were done arranging their stuff, Aliya fell onto her bed.

"Wooh! School, school. We're back again. Please be good so our last year will be the best. Insha Allah."

Alee said.

"Insha Allah it will be. I can hear the Adhan (call to prayer). It's time for Zuhr (afternoon prayer). Let's pray."

Zafira returned.

They both performed ablution and prayed four units (raka'ah). They said the salam which indicated they were done praying.

Just then they heard a knock on the door.

" Who's there?"

Alee asked.

"It's Hafsah (their friend nextdoor)."

Hafsah answered on opening the door.

"Hafsy! Come in, come in."

Zafira said standing up to hug Hafsah. Aliya and Hafsah exchanged hugs too.

"How have you guys been? Alee called to say you guys would be in school before afternoon. How was the journey?"

Hafsah asked.

"It was okay. Everything's still the same. Except the new structure at the school entrance."

Zafee returned.

"Yes and the new flowers I couldn't not notice that."

Alee added. They giggled.

"Final year babies! I'm so happy for you guys."

Hafsah said with a big smile in her face.

"Wallah, I'm so happy for us. We weathered all storms and finally we're here. I couldn't be any happier."

Zafira added.

"Hafsy, how's that your friend? Sayyid? He's also in his final year, right?"

Alee asked.

"Oh yes. He is. The funny engineering student. Adam, the crazy doctor. I dunno how he does it but he should be given a thumbs up. All the medical students I know are either too nerdy or quiet. All they know is books. But Adam, he's just off the hizzle."

Hafsah said.

"Adam, it's also his final year. Alee and I have known him since we were kids. He was two years our senior but then he found time to hang out with us."

Zafira added.

The first semester started off just fine. They had less lectures and more presentations. Zafira had more models and programs to create. Alee, more models, plans and designs. They had fun despite the stress. The semester ended just fine. They were given a two weeks holiday but decided to stay in school because they had tons of work to do before the second semester begins.

Time flew so fast and two weeks went by like two hours. It was their final semester in school, they had industrial trainings, excursions and projects. Towards the end of the semester final year students had to defend their projects and works before they could be deemed fit to graduate.

The two friends rarely saw each other because of their busy schedules. The only time they did was at night when they got back. Still they made time to hang out and have fun together.

Finally, they were done. The school knew no chill as dinners, get togethers and picnics were organised by different friends, departments and faculties. The final year students were obviously the happiest people on campus. Their episodes of sleepless nights had finally come to an end. Now all the stress was history and they couldn't have been happier.


Zafira shouted on entering the room.

"Baby girl!"

Alee answered.

"Finally. I'm done with defense. Before you standing is the latest Software Engineer in town!"

Zafira said with so much joy.

"Way to go baby girl. I'm so proud of you. I'm done too."

Alee returned.

"Yeay. Have you called Mum and Dad?"

Zafira asked.

"Not yet. We'll call everyone exchanging turns, how's that?"

Alee suggested.

"Awesome. What are we waiting for? Let's call them."

Zafira added.

Everyone they called express so much joy. They were so proud of their girls. That night the squad hung out. The Fab Five as they called themselves, they read together despite being in different departments and made good together.

Now the latest graduates in town;

Zafira, the Software Engineer.

Aliya, the Architect.

Adam, the Doctor.

Hafsah, the Industrial Designer.

Sayyid, the Mechanical Engineer.

Their joy knew no bounds as they bantered all night.

Alee and Zafira returned to their room to pack their stuff. They played and sang as they did, it was the cutest thing.