

Zafira Yusuf, a determined beautiful young lady. A demeanor so confident she did whatever she put her mind to. Her best friend's brother, Zubayr Umar, had just returned from England where he was based but not in time for their graduation. He seemed so unfriendly and reserved, she began to wonder why. How could anyone be like that? There had to be a reason. What happens next? Well... Let's read and find out. Have fun!

Zee_Abee · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

Walking through the garden, Zafira began to recall events of previous years. She remembered how she would pick a fight with Mahmud and Zaid when she was younger. Being the only girl before Mariya came along, Alhaji Yusuf would always side with her. How she and Mariya would makeup and dress up as models.

"Oh Childhood!"

She exclaimed shaking her head.

Then she remembered when she and Aliya first met. She could remember the very words she said to her.

" Excuse me... Could you please lend me your pen?

Zafira asked nicely.

"Of course. I'm not in use of it. You can have it."

Aliya answered.

Since then they just synched naturally. They were only in primary school and what made them even closer was how they understood and believed in eachother's dreams. Zafira loved computers and Alee, designing. Their families were aware of their dreams and encouraged them to follow their hearts. Zafira had gotten admission to study Software Engineering and Aliya, Architecture in the same university. Now it was only a matter of one year and they'd be graduates.

She and Alee were roommates since day one. Though they had separate lectures to attend and sometimes only saw each other at night, still they found time to hang out on free days. She remembered how not once, guys would ask her and Alee out and their friend Adam would say,

" Guys! Guys! This is the 21st century. Don't just snub them. They asked for your phone numbers didn't they? Well give it to them. Eleven digits are easy to create."

They'd all laugh. One time, they went camping with some friends. They had to build a tent themselves. Adam tied the ropes while Alee and Zafira collected woods. While they collecting Alee heard a sound.

"Wha- What! Was that?"

Alee asked exclamingly.

"What was what? Did you hear something?

Zafira returned.

"I could have sworn I just heard something."

Alee said looking rather frightened.

"It's prolly just the wind. Scaredy-cat. Be fast so we can make a fire already."

Zafira said.

Then there was the sound again. This time Zafira heard it too.

"Now this is getting really freaky. I just heard something. Alee let's get going, I don't like this." She yelled.

"Didn't I tell you... I heard something."

Alee returned.

Just then something came out of the woods. It looked like a pig, only this one had horns. Alee and Zafira's feet went cold. They didn't know what to do.

"A...Alee. Don't make a sound."

Zafira said shushing Alee.

They were behind a tree and decided to be quite till the animal leaves.

When it did, they came out with a rush.

They took to their heels and went back to their camp site.

"Why do you girls look like you both just saw a ghost? Did you guys get chased or what?"

Adam and the other guys making tents asked.

"We saw something in the woods."

Alee and Zafira returned.

"It looked like a Tiger. I almost passed out when I saw that thing. When are we leaving?" Alee asked rather scared.

"We just got here silly girl, chill! That's part of being out in the woods. Now stop whining already." Zafira answered hilariously.

Everyone laughed and went back to completing their tents. When they were done, they all sat round the camp fire they had made and told stories. Adam wanted to scare Alee some more and decided to tell them a scary myth he once heard.

"I heard bush babies live in the woods. They're very scary looking creatures. Nobody knows if they're animals or spirits. And the worst part of it all is, they love pretty ladies."

He said turning to look at Alee.

"Aaaaaaah! Not fair Adam. What if one really does come for us?" The girls shouted.

"What are we here for? We'll be your knights in shining armors. We'll protect you." He answered sarcastically.

"Maybe you'd be the first to run into your tent!" Alee returned, making everyone laugh.

It was a starry night and they all decided to lay their beds outside and watch the stars and constellations before going into their various tents.

The following day they went hiking. It was an interesting experience.

Zafira laughed as her life had been filled with so much drama and she loved every bit of it.

Just then, Hajjo called out to her saying Hajia needed her attention.

" I'll be right there."

She answered with a smile.

Hajia Halima loved cooking with her girls around. She enjoyed their company more than anything else. Though Hajjo was sometimes lazy because Zafira loved doing household chores, she never complained because Hajjo always behaved herself. Talk about putting up a show so you wouldn't get in trouble with Hajia. She was treated as a member of the family and knew what was expected of her after been given so many privileges.

When they were done making dinner. Mariya came to help in bringing the plates to the dining room. Zaid and Mahmud were just in time for dinner.

"Where were you two? Haven't seen you all day?" Hajia asked.

"I went out to see a friend and I'm sure Zaid was in his room playing games all day." Mahmud answered.

"I wasn't playing games all day. I went out too." Zaid said with a smirk.

"Oh you two! Let's have dinner before it cools off." Hajia returned and they all laughed.

After dinner, Hajia watched TV with her children. She had a pretty busy day at work and needed to rest.

"Goodnight my loves. You kids shouldn't stay up too late okay?" Hajia said.

"Yes mum." They all answered.

"Momma, can I sleep in your room today?" Zaid asked funnily.

"Not for all the tea in China Sweetheart. Get a wife! Naughty boy."

Hajia answered as everyone laughed at Zaid.

"Dhadak! Dhadak!"

Mariya shouted excitedly.

"What! What? What's Dhadak? Are you sure your sister is okay? Mahmud let's take her for a check up before things get out of hand."

Zaid said teasingly making everyone laugh.

"It's an Indian movie. It starts in ten minutes." Zafira returned.

"I knew it had to be something of that sort. Mariya, Miss India. Maybe someday you'll become a Mrs Khan."

Mahmud said standing up to leave for his room.

"Hahha! Big brother. I'd rather become a Mrs Khatter."

Mariya said blushingly.

"Who's that again? I thought you and Zafee were crushing on Hrithik Roshan or was it Ranveer Singh?

Zaid added.

"Hrithik is a constant crush! Ishaan is just so cute."

Zafira returned.

"Meh... Meh... Alright we'll leave you Bollywood lovers to your movie. "

Zaid said.

Hajjo couldn't stop laughing.

"Do guys even watch Indian movies?"

She asked.

"Don't mind them, they act all American. Of course they do."

Zafira returned.

The girls giggled as the movie was just about to start.

"Aaaaaaah! Ishaan! Ishaan!!"

Mariya shouted out of excitement.

"Hold your horses little lady."

Zafira said trying to make Mari keep quiet.

"Hahaha! Her crush is about to be shown on screen, what do you expect Zafee?"

Hajjo returned.

"Alright, shhh everyone."

Zafira said.

Mariya watched the movie till the end. She'd have been asleep but since it was a Friday night, they allowed her. When the movie ended, they said goodnight and went to their various rooms.