
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

DSComeback · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

The Crossing

[Lost? I lost? I... lost to a Slifer loser?!]

Chazz kneeling, his empty eyes gazed on the ceiling.

[I even prepared the card to counter his fusion summon, but he beat me without fusing one?!]

His cronies, the glasses guy and the flat cut haired guy, were shocked. That Chazz Princeton, the one who's supposed to be the top freshman was lost to another freshman, even so that another freshman is from Slifer Red, a dorm as only an idiot, struggling, and dropout duelist were housed.

[Damn it!!!] said Chazz, as he punched the floor.

The mouth of the glasses guy were hanging opened, but it quickly shut, the corner of his mouth bent upward slightly.

[This! I can use this!] Say him in his mind.

Without mercy, and consideration for Chazz, Yuji pointing his fingers like a gun to him.

"Alright, Good Game Chazzy!"

Chazz eyes moves, his empty eyes glance at Yuji, his victory pose reflected on his eyes.

He grits his teeth, hands clenched that his nails almost pierced the flesh, face red because of embarrassment.

"Don't..." say Chazz in low and hoarse voice.

Yuji raised his eyebrow slightly, curious of what he wants to say.

"Don't get carried away!!!" Shout Chazz furiously, his voice reverberates to the whole room, and loud enough to be heard from the outside.

His angry shout surprised Yuji.

"You're just lucky right now!!" Shout Chazz.

Yuji casualy reply, "Yep, I know"

"Yes you... huh?! What did you say?!" Chazz stop shouting, instead he was confused by Yuji's word.

Yuji folded his arms, "That's not your best deck, right? The one you used against me?"

"Haa?!" Chazz become more confused, [Not my best deck? What the hell he's talking about?!]

He wants to ask, but his pride won't let him. Instead, he glares at Yuji fiercely, like a dog ready to bite its prey.

Hearing Yuji's words, the other also curious. What is it about Chazz deck? What, even his best deck? Are Chazz dueling Yuji with handicap or training deck? They curious! Even Chazz was lost in thought, processing Yuji's words.

"It's been so long, but... as I remember, isn't your specialized in Dragon type deck?" Say Yuji, as he rubs his temple.

Chazz narrowed his eyes, not even let go of the intensity of his fierce fighting spirit called pride.

[That's my deck from years ago]

"You... who-" Chazz want to ask, but Yuji cut his words to continue his speaking.

"Light and Darkness Dragon"

When Yuji said this name, Chazz eyes widen, surprised.

"Yeah, I remember that's your Ace monster, Light and Darkness Dragon" say Yuji nodding his head.

"Man~ It's so nostalgic, I wish I could see him in action in this duel, but a wish is still a wish in the end.

The duel ended before I could see that majestic dragon" say Yuji, as he let out a sigh.

Chazz trembled, his mouth open and close repeatedly, and finally he says, "Who are you?! How do you know him?!"

His mind now working overclock, he's trying to remember the past events, details, and anything that seemingly related or contain "Yuji" in his memories.

But he can't remember it, there isn't any "Yuji" in his memories, from the first time he played Duel Monster to when he first saw Yuji on practical exam in Kaiba Land, he can't remember anything about Yuji.

Then he arrived at one or two possible answers that-

"Let's do this!" Yuji raised his index finger.

"Chazz it..." Then he extends his fist in front of him.

"Chazz it!!" he then turned around, then swing his hand.

"Chazz it!!!" he's then gesturing his hand like a stop sign.

"Chazz it up!!!!

Finally, he points his index finger to the floor and drags it, pointing toward the sky.

The other three were speechless watching Yuji's ridiculous performance.

Except Chazz, who's now trembling much more.

[That's my!!!]

Yuji nodded in satisfaction, and facing the confused and curious Chazz he says, "Name's Yuji Kusanagi... your fan"

Chazz blinks repeatedly, with his eyes widened like an owl.

The glasses guy and the flat cut hair guy looking at each other surprised, then they look at Chazz, then to Yuji.

Sakura is expressionless like always, but the corner of her right eye twitched slightly.

""""... What?""""


Duel Academy, hallway toward The Duel Field.

Two guys were running frantically toward the duel field, excited to see what kind of equipments that it offers.

"Come on Sy! Faster!!"

Say the dual colored hair with light brown at the top and the rest are dark brown.

"Ha... Ha... wait... Aniki (Big Bro)" say the light blue haired short kid with bated breaths trying to catch up.

Yes. They are Jaden Yuji and Syrus Truesdale.

"I can already smell it! No! Not only smell, but also hears it! The smell and sound of the duel!!" say Jaden with excited expression.

"Mou... I wonder how can you smell and hears the sound of a duel?" Say Sy.

Jaden answering Syrus' question while he's running, "Hehe! A number one duelist like me c-"

"Aniki, watchout!!"

Syrus tries to warn Jaden, but he was seconds late, when Jaden were speaking, he crashed into other people.

"Hu- uagh!!"


Both of them fall to the floor, a loud crashing noise was heard.

Sy avert his eyes when Jaden crashed with other people,

"Aniki? Are you alright?" Then he runs to Jaden, trying to help him get up.

The one who Jaden crashed into, his face fall and planted to the floor like a stamp to a letter, his cards are scattered everywhere on the floor.

Jaden's victim struggle to get up, and when he does he-

"Oi!!! Watch when- huh? Jayden?" say him, with blood dripping from his nose.

Syrus grabs Jaden's arm trying to help him out, when Jaden's victim speaking, both him and Syrus looks at the victim.

Dual colored hair with Black as the majority and blue colored bangs and side locks, clear green eyes like peridot.

"Yuji?" say Jaden as he surprised to see him.

But, after he saw blood dripping from Yuji's nose, he began to panic, "Uah! Your nose!!"

Yuji tilt his head slightly, looking Jaden frantically looking for something all over his uniform.

He then brings his fingers toward the nose, then he finally realized he had a nosebleed.

"Sy! Lend me your handkerchief or tissue!!" Say Jaden still panic.

"O- O- Of course!!" Now Syrus also looking for his handkerchief all over his uniform, "Found it!"

"Yosha!" Judai relieved, and then he takes the handkerchief from Sy, and giving it to Yuji, "Here's!!"

"Ah, Thank y-"

The moment he wants to take the handkerchief from Jaden's hand, it was quickly snatched.



Syrus, Jaden and Yuji, both surprised and confused.

The three of them then look at the person who snatched the handkerchief, it was a girl with siverish-white hair and expressionless face.

"Sakura?" ask Yuji, confused looking at her who snatched the handkerchief.

"... not good" say Sakura with uninterested flat tone.

Yuji's now confused, both Jaden and Syrus look at each other, then back to look at Sakura, both also confused.

"Handkerchief... dirty... here... take mine" tell her slowly.

Syrus who hears Sakura's word can't help but wants to throw a tantrum words to her "What do you mean dirty?! I'm always washed it, you know?!"

Yuji didn't think further about it, and just take Sakura's handkerchief with smile.

He then wipes his nosebleed with Sakura's handkerchief, while Sakura's eyes watch the way Yuji using her handkerchief tantatively.

"Here, thank you as always" say Yuji smiling.

"No problem" say Sakura, as she takes her handkerchief from Yuji, and tuck it into her pocket.

Of course, she didn't forget to give Sy's handkerchief back.

Syrus received the handkerchief back with a frustrated expression, and mumbling about "What so dirty about my handkerchief?" etc.

After the shenanigans about Yuji's nosebleed, what comes after is...



The awkward atmosphere filled the air, the only thing they heard is a weak lonely sound of wind breeze.


Talk won't you?!

After a brief moment of silence, Yuji finally cough and ask Jaden of "what or why the hurry?" That he's been crashing into him.

"Well... you see..." Jaden scratches his head, with an embarrassing smile he answers Yuji's question and also try to apologize.

"I see... I accept your apology, but don't run in the hallway in the future" say Yuji casually.

"Sorry, sorry" apologize him, as he scratches his head.

Then an idea stuck Jaden, "Oi Yuji. Why don't we duel? There's a duel field, right? I hear it has the latest tech-"

"Yup, I know" Yuji cut Jaden's word, "I already had a duel before you came here, and it was quite a thrilling one" say Yuji smiling.

"Not fair! Then let's duel! You and me, one round is okay"

Yuji then nod at Jaden's proposal, it made Jaden happy that he can clash with Yuji, a HERO user just like him.

"But not now"

Jaden tilt his head, "Eh? Why?"

Yuji looks toward Sakura, "I promised to touring the Academy with her, and... I already had a duel... maybe later"

"Che, not fun at all" reply Jaden dissatisfied.

"Don't worry though, as long as you and me still here at the academy... we can clash to our heart content!" Say Yuji grinning and glaring at Jaden with fierce eyes like a dragon.

"Alright, but don't you ever forget those words! I really want to duel with someone that use the same HERO deck as me!" Reply Jaden grinning, and also glaring at Yuji like a tiger.

Both boys glaring at each other, creating imaginary sparks between them.

The image of a Dragon rise up from Yuji, on the contrary the image of a Tiger also rise up from Jaden.

Both animals, roaring at each other, trying to intimidate the opposite opponent.

Syrus who watch both of them also didn't want to lose and nod to reaffirm himself, "I- I'm also a duelist! I also didn't want to lose!" Say hin as he unknowingly points his finger to Sakura.

He then blinks repeatedly, and realized that he was impolite pointing his finger to Sakura.

Sakura, who saw Sho pointing his finger, lowered her head slightly.

Her face slightly obscured by the shadow, but her cold eyes wasn't.

"Fine... I'll take you on" tell her coldly and flatly.

"Hiik!!" Sy shudder as he saw Sakura's cold expression.

The gears of fate and destiny already moving.

The time of clash in night.

In a duel, only one would rise as a victor, while the other one as a loser.

"Just you wait, Jaden... I'll take you down sooner"

"Bring it on!! Let's see between you and me... which of us is the strongest HERO, Yuji!"

J*zz it up!!! Wkwkwkwk

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