
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

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72 Chs


"You worthless brat!!"

In an extravagant room that probably belong to a rich household, an obese man in a red suit is punching a boy.

His fist landed right in his left cheek, making him fall roughly to the floor.

The beaten touch his left cheek, and a painful sensation begin pulsating from there to his entire half of a face.

The obese man gaze at him with an angry look like he was in a trance of berserk.

"This is the third-no fourth time you failed to make a business deal!!" Shout the obese man.

He then continues, "Yuji can do it in his first try, if he can't- at least he can impress or secure the contact of the dealer!!"

The beaten boy biting his lip while looking downward.

In the extravagant room, there exist not only the obese man, but also other people.

The obese man then look sideways to the other, the other can't help but shudder being gazed at.

"You..." the obese man pointing him to the old maid.

"Yes, master" unlike the other servant and maid, this maid doesn't flinch when she was called.

"Bring, and tell me the report of Yuta's study report"

"Right away master" the old maid snap her fingers, and then an old man with long curly mustache bring him the report document.

The old maid then gives it to the obese man in red suit, while the master were reading she also tells him his 'son' progress.

After finished reading, and listening to the old maid report. The obese man rolls up the document.


He then hit the beaten boy again with the document repeatedly, while saying

"Disgrace!! Why didn't you place at the top?!! Not in the top ten either!!!"

The beaten boy repeatedly say "It hurts", "stop", "forgive me", "I'll do it better next time" like that repeatedly.

Having enough beating him, the obese man order the servant to help him stand.

The obese man then glanced at The Girl with bright blue hair at the corner where the servants and maids line up.

Unlike with the boy, he smiled widely like a cheesier cat toward the girl.

"Yui, my little angel, come here"

The girl then walks toward the obese man slowly, when she arrives, the obese man pats and rubs her hair like she was a precious doll.

The girl didn't flinch when she was touch by the obese man.

"Tell Mrs. Kito, what's about Yui's study"

The old maid then giving him the report, and also tells him about Yui education progress.

Just like the beaten boy Yuta, Yui also didn't get into the top or the top ten ranking of their school.

"Hmm, I see"

But unlike with Yuta, the obese man only nods. Yuta hearing this flinched a bit, and he looks towards the obese man and the girl beside him.


Think him.

The obese man then ask her a simple question, "My dear Yui, why didn't you tell me your current relationship with Mr. Akutagawa?"

The girl flinched when she's hearing the name.

Don't be wronged, even the obese man call him Mr. Akutagawa, he isn't some middle-aged man, but a boy with the same age as Yui and Yuta.

The girl then opens her mouth, "It's fine... he's so kind to me and... tomorrow we've going to Kaiba Land together" tell her, as she smiles toward the obese man.

The obese man then grinning widely, his smiles even much more repulsive than being Yata-locked, or even dealing with messenger of peace.

The boy then trembles, his eyes lock on to the girl.

[Why?! You're the same as me, but why?! Isn't it because you're a girl? Father, why it's only me?!! Am I not that good?! What about Yui?! She isn't as good as me, but you pampered her rottenly!! Is it because she's a girl?!! Is that's it?!!]

The obese man nod repeatedly, "Good, Good, if it's like this sooner or later... hmm maybe the sooner, the better" the obese man look at Yui's face, "Yes... I should make you engage to him sooner" tell him as he pats her hair.

The girl didn't talk any further and only nod.

The obese man, then order the servant and maid also including Yui and Yuta to get out from the room.

The obese man then sit in his exclusive extravagant chair, and he then he begins to smoke his cigar imported directly from Cuba.

He then gazes at the servant who is standing beside him, "Tell me Mr. Johannes, did you find any news about Yuji?"

The servant-or precisely a butler, is an old man, older than the master he's serving.

The old butler had long grayish and white hair, and also a long, well-trimmed mustache.

"I'm afraid not, master" tell him.

The obese man clicked his tongue, "Continue the investigation!! Only Yuji, only he is suitable to replace me as the successor of the Araki family and group"

Say the obese man, as he starts to inhale the cigar.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, the beaten boy Yuta is standing outside the door of the room, eavesdropping on their conversation.

He then gritted his teeth in anger.

[Why?! Why must be him?! Why not me?!! Whenever I do something, that bastard of a brother is always be the topic! Always an OBSTACLE!!!]

Yuta clenched his fists as hard as he can, he then quickly snap as he hears the sound of footsteps coming toward the door, and ran away from there.

[Yuji... it's because of that BASTARD!!]

Beside Yuta, Yui state also isn't any good.

She was crouching on top her bed, her feminine figure is concealed by the white blanket, pure as the falling snow.


She remembers the moment of her father patting and rubbing her head.

When she remembers it, she can't help but shudder like she was naked in the open winter.


She remembers her father's smiles, it is so ugly, so vicious, so perverted.

He also told her that sooner or later she would be engaged to that Akutagawa boy.

She remembers a chubby boy who is the same age as her. The way his looks, his breathing, his smell...


Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting!]

She clenched her blanket more tightly, tears begin to flow from her amber gem eyes.

"Yuji onii-chan... SAVE ME!!"

Outside the mansion.

The old butler, Johannes, picking up a black cell phone"Hello madam it's me, Johannes"

"Ah... Johannes, tell me quickly, did you have the report about Yuji?"

"Yes, he-"

Johannes told the one known as madam everything about Yuji's whereabouts and what is he doing.

"I see... continue your mission, don't let ANY-anyone knows about him"

"Understood, Madam"

The old butler put out his black cell phone, and he sighs deeply then watching the clear blue sky above.