
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Meta Player

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

CH 9: Intentions

Zane :"How is it that the people who get back with their exes are always so happy?"

Alistair :"You ever seen a sad clown?"


Zane nodded :"That's true. I didn't even know someone could pull off so many combos in one turn. I wouldn't have believed that kind of a duel had happened if someone else told me."

Alistair laughed lightly with a big smile :"And you haven't seen anything yet."

Zane raised an eyebrow :"What does that mean?"

He shrugged, grinning smugly :"Exactly what it sounds like. I absolutely adore my Darklord Despia Deck and every card in it, but it's actually not even my main deck!"

Their eyes widened. Alexis exclaimed :"What?! That's not your main deck?!"

Zane frowned in curiosity :"How is it even possible to make a secondary deck that's that strong? I would even partially believe you if you said it is the strongest deck, yet you're saying it's just a secondary deck?"

He snickered :"That's right! And guess what, I made this deck in my free time! I still poured my heart and love into making it though, so don't think it's not important to me." 'It's true. This deck wasn't just given to me randomly, it's one of the decks I actually had in my past life. It's the exact same deck.'

Alexis looked baffled :"How is that even possible? Most people spend their entire life making a single strong deck, which doesn't even come close to yours. But you're saying this deck was made just for fun."

He raised his nose proudly :"That's right. I had free time, and felt like making a deck that spent less time making combos."

She was speechless :"...Less time?! How many combos does your main deck have then?!"

He snickered mischievously :"Enough to make someone quit dueling after going against them!"

She rubbed her forehead, blinking in disbelief :"Jesus Christ... I had never thought I would see someone with multiple outrageous decks..."

Zane's eyes widened again :"Wait, what do you mean against "them?"

Alexis's eyes widened too, head spinning to stare at Alistair in disbelief. A giant grin, along with his signature snicker (A/N: Andrew Garfield laugh!), and the two got all their answers.

Zane grew amazed :"Then where are your other decks?"

He groaned, shoulders slumping with a sigh :"Let's just say... I had to leave them behind for now... Damnit, just the thought of all the hard work I had to endure to make my decks just to not be able to use them right now hurts like a bitch! Fuck!"

Zane :"And you laughed at my language."

Alistair :"Haaah, it's sad, alright? But I can't mop around because of it either, cause I'll get them back soon enough! And when I do... hehehehehe and when I do..."

A shiver ran down their spines at the evil grin on his face. But he stopped, smiling lightly as he put his hands into his pockets :"But even if I do get them back, I don't think I'll be using them much."

Zane :"Why not? Shouldn't you be using the strongest deck you have?"

Alistair shook his head :"That's true, but not for me. You might think I'm acting arrogant, but my decks are WAY too powerful. To the point where it sucks away all the fun in the game.

Believe me, getting to the 3rd turn using those decks is when you're unlucky. Heck, even getting to the 2nd turn is impossible with my decks that FTK my opponents."

Alexis :"FTK?"

Alistair :"First turn kill. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about getting the easy way. But sometimes, when you've gotten skilled in something, you want to see how skilled you are by facing challenges. My main decks basically make that impossible."

Zane :"But isn't that the same for your Darklord Despia Deck? Only a very strong duelist would manage to face the barrage of combos you pull in a single turn."

Alistair smiled :"That's true. That's why I'm planning to only use my Darklord Despia Deck for special occasions and make a new deck once again."

Alexis :"You're planning to make a new deck all over again?! Seriously?!"

Alistair :"Yeah. It's honestly not a surprising thing for me. I make new decks all the time. But of course, I go above and beyond to make these decks as strong as possible. Then I make a new deck when I've grown them to their max potential."

Zane :"So you're gonna make a new deck since your Darklord Despia Deck has grown completely?"

Alistair :"Uh huh, that's right."

Zane hummed :"How interesting. You know, I've never seen someone like you. Everybody else tries to do their best to make their decks reach their max potential, so that they can become the strongest duelist with their developed decks.

But you don't seem to care about that. Instead, you make your decks into their best forms, before making another deck. It's really intriguing. How should I say it... it's like you have a zoo, but instead of animals, you keep and grow decks in it."

Alexis :"Same, but I was thinking of a gardener and his flowers instead."

Alistair chuckled :"That's an interesting way to put it. But yeah, I guess you have a point. Then I guess it's time for a new animal to join my zoo!"

The two chuckled at his enthusiasm. His excitement made him look like a giant golden retriever. Alexis smiled :"You're a real amazing duelist, huh? I guess I really need to prepare for when we duel."

Alistair looked amused :"You wanna duel me?"

Alexis :"Just like you said, when you get skilled at something, you wanna see just how skilled you are at it. So I'm always up for a challenge to improve myself even further."

With a small smile, he winked :"And I'll accept that challenge anytime. Just don't expect me to go easy on just because we're friends. I tend to be a bit... sadistic, when I duel."

She smirked :"I will be angry if you —did— go easy on me. I want a challenge, so you —have to— give it all you've got."

As sparks sparked between their gazes, Alistair smirked confidently :"Then you're on, sweetheart. Hope you don't regret it later."

She smirked back :"Dream on."

After glaring at each other with smirks, he scoffed through his nose :"But you'll have to wait then. After all, I need to get my new deck going a bit before it's ready to duel."

Alexis shrugged :"That's fine by me. Take as long as you'd like if it's to prepare your deck. Then you won't be able to make excuses when you lose."

He chuckled darkly, his teeth showing with an evil smile :"We'll see, Alexis. We'll see." Zane interrupted their staring contest :"Sorry to get in the way of your provocations, but we're here."

"Oh." Said Alexis :"Alright then, I'll be off, boys. The welcome ceremonies are held in our dorms, so mine is in the girls' dorm. See you later then!"

As she walked away, the two gave a short wave :"Bye." As she got out of sight, Alistair turned sharply and grabbed Zane by the shoulders, face serious :"Are you sure you're not interested in her?"

"Well, aren't you straightforward?"

"I'm serious. It's in the bro code, you don't go for the girl you're homeboy is interested in."

Zane chuckled, shaking his head :"No, I'm seriously not interested in her. As I said, it's in the bro code. Your homeboy's sister is off limits. But thanks for worrying about me though."

"You're welcome. Then I can charm her?"

He cocked an amused eyebrow :"Charm?"

"I was going to say "seduce", but that felt too strong of a word since I wasn't going to do that."

Zane chuckled again :"No, I'm not bothered and I don't like her romantically. At all. Only platonically. So, yes, you can hit on her."

Letting go of him, Alistair bumped his fist cheerfully :"Hell yeah! Thanks, bro!"

"Heh, for what? For not liking a girl?"

"I guess. But anyway, I'm lucky! Don't worry though, in exchange, I'll find you a date later on too."

Shaking his head in amusement, Zane started walking to their dorm :"No need. I'm not interested in dating at the moment."

Alistair chased after him :"That's cause no girl has caught your attention! Don't worry though, I'll pick a pretty girl that will suit your taste."

"And how would you know about my tastes?"

"Eh, I'm good at reading people. You don't need to worry about it, just leave it to me."

Zane shrugged :"Whatever makes you happy I guess. You took a liking to Alexis, huh? Can't say I blame you. Every guy in the academy has a crush on her."

"And they have every reason to be. She's beautiful, with a rocking figure, seems to be a strong duelist, and best of all, she doesn't act like a bitch and actually has a nice personality! She's a ten. What more could you ask for?"

"Fair enough I guess."

Before they knew it, they had already entered the cafeteria of the dorm where the welcome dinner was being held. When a waiter holding drinks passed them, Alistair snatched two and held one for Zane :"We can talk about our dating lives later. But for now, let's enjoy the party!"

Grabbing the drink, they toasted :"Cheers." After gulping down the drink in a second, Alistair frowned in confusion :"This isn't wine?"

Zane meanwhile didn't drink everything. Swinging the drink gently in hand, he raised an eyebrow :"Wine? You realize we're underage, right?"

"Zane, where am I from?"

"Huh? Aren't you from Russia- ooh, now I get it. No, sorry, they don't let minors drink here."

"Shit. I knew I should have snuck in some drinks."

"Well, I'm sure not drinking for a while won't kill you. Come on, let's eat some food before all the nice snacks are finished." After finishing his drink as well, they put them on the table nearby before looking for food.


"Phew, I'm stuffed!" Alistair smacked his stomach on the way to their rooms :"You were right, they sure don't hold back for us Obelisks."

"I know, right? The gym and the cafeteria of this place makes up for all the annoyance you may suffer from because of the other Obelisks. Hell, they even take personal orders.

You can order any protein shake you want, by the way. I get mine from the cafeteria all the time. Pity we didn't get time to hit the gym though."

"Oh, no worries. We'll make up for it tomorrow."

As they reached their rooms, Alistair smiled :"Thanks for today, Zane. It was hella fun. Thanks to you, I don't have to worry about getting lost. And I'm glad I got myself a pal so quickly here."

Zane gave a small smile :"You're welcome, I had fun too. And I'm glad I got someone to go to the gym with. The others are all spoiled sissies who don't even know what the word "working out" means, so there's no one to use the gym beside us."

"Hahahaha, it would have been nicer to have a lively gym. But if it's filled with assholes, I'd rather it stays quiet like now. Then I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you. And as agreed, I'll wake you up extra early to take you to the card shop."

"I'll be counting on ya. Then goodnight!"


Zane was interrupted by Alistair's PDA beeping. Taking it out, he saw a video sent from Jaden and hit the play button :"Yo, Al, you ain't gonna believe this! Remember Chazz from before, he sent me a message challenging me to a duel!

I thought I'd tell you so you can come and watch if you feel like it! The deal is that the winner will take the loser's best card, so it's bound to be a wicked duel! If you wanna come, come to the duel arena from before at midnight!"

As the video ended, an evil smile formed on his face :'And I was worried about how to get a UR card quickly. Hahahaha, I guess I'll be able to bond with a strong duel spirit faster than I thought.'