
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Meta Player

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

CH 10: Alistair VS Chazz

Zane :"I can't believe you would do something that stupid!"

Alistair :"Zane, I think we all know I could and would do something that stupid."


Alistair and Zane showed up outside of the main building, where they met up with Jaden and Syrus :"Hey, Jaden, Syrus. We're not late, are we?"

Jaden smiled excitedly :"No way! You're right on time!"

Syrus, meanwhile, turned timid in front of his brother :"Hey, big bro, Al..."

Seeing no reaction from Jaden about Syrus's sibling, Alistair figured that he had already heard everything. Or maybe the important parts that Syrus was willing to reveal.

But he almost sighed when he saw Zane's eyebrow twitch :"Hey, Syrus, Jaden. Hope you're doing fine."

'Haaah, I need to help these two. I had family issues after all. I know the pain myself, so I'll help fix their relationship.'

Jaden still seemed excited however :"Glad you could show up. Now without further ado, let's get this game on!"

Nodding, they made their way into the duel arena where Chazz and his lackeys were waiting. Chazz smirked :"Well, well, well, he shows. And he seems to have brought a few friends.

Hey, Truesdale, Aliyev. What are you two doing here? I get why Aliyev's here, but why are you here, Zane? Was he too scared to come alone at night?"

Alistair grinned :"Oh, don't worry, I never "come" alone at night. Your mom keeps me company."

Zane took a deep breath, Syrus's mouth widened, Jaden looked confused, and Chazz gritted his teeth :"What the hell did you just say, asshole?!"

But he just scoffed, sporting a mocking smile :"What, didn't you get it? Should I explain the meaning to you in detail?"

Chazz's glare intensified :"You better watch your mouth, punk! Otherwise you're going to regret it!"

His smile turned wicked, his bracelet unfolding into his duel disk :"I want to see you make me regret it, fool."

Jaden's eyes widened :"Wait, Al?! This is supposed to be my duel, dude! Come on, I invited you to enjoy the duel, not steal it from me!"

Face turning to that of an apology, he rubbed his nape apologetically :"Sorry, J, but..." With a sigh, he leaned to whisper something into his ear :"Listen, I've made a deal with someone to get his rare card by giving him a rare card in return.

Problem is, I don't have any besides the cards in my own deck, which I can't remove. And when you told me about chazz's bet, I got an idea. So can you please leave this duel to me? I really need this card, alright? I promise I'll make it up to you later!"

Jaden looked reluctant. He was really looking forward to this duel after all. But in the end, he sighed in defeat :"Alright, fine." Before smiling at him :"I can't turn my back to my bro when he needs help, can I?"

Pumping their fists, Alistair smiled brightly :"You rock, J! Don't worry, for instance, tomorrow's lunch is on me in the Obelisk Blue dorm's cafeteria! And believe me, they can cook, alright?"

Jaden gulped as his mouth water :"You better keep your promise, Al, cause you've got me hungry now!"

He chuckled, gently hitting the shorter boy's shoulder :"You already know it. Believe me, you're going to love it. But now that that's settled, what do you say, Princeton? Ready for a showdown?"

Chazz frowned, crossing his arms :"I was planning on coming after you too, Aliyev. But tonight, I want to take care of Jaden here and show him his place in this academy, where the real professionals are."

"Pfthahahaha professionals he says!" Alistair laughed aloud :"Such pretty excuses, what make-up do you use on them? Please, just say that you're too scared.

You were talking such hot garbage, but you lack the balls to duel me? Heh, Chazz? More like cheese! You melted down the moment the real heat showed up! Hahahahahahaha!!"

Zane tightened his lips :'Damn, Alistair sure knows how to cause some effect damage.'

Chazz's face reddened in rage :"My name is Chazz, you ass! You wanna go down?! Fine! I was planning on saving you for later, but I'll just show you your place here and now!"

As he walked towards the stage, he turned and spread his arms with a smirk :"What did I tell you, Zane? Just provoking him will rile him right up!"

Zane sighed through his nose :'Yeah, all of these kids are the same. Provoke them a little, and they'll lose their minds.'

As they shuffled their decks, Alistair smirked tauntingly :"So ready to lose your best card, cheese?"

Chazz glared :"I said, my name is Chazz! Chazz Princeton! And believe me, I'll make sure you know your place after I get your best card!"

"Then let's see if you can walk the walk!" They inserted their decks (ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ) into the their duel disks slots.

Alistair/Chazz :"Let's duel!"

[Alistair Aliyev LP: 4,000

Chazz Princeton LP: 4,000]

[Turn 1: Chazz]

Drawing five cards and next another one, he smirked :"Alright, punk, for my first move, I'll summon Reborn Zombie in defense mode. And I'll also place one card face down."

[Reborn Zombie: Zombie/ Effect/ Dark/ Lv 4/ 1,000 ATK/ 1,600 Def

Effect(s): While you have no cards in your hand and this card is in Attack Position, it cannot be destroyed by battle.]

'Oh, right, they could summon monsters in face-up defense position here. Good to know.'

[Chazz's Field: 1,000 ATK Reborn Zombie/ 1 face-down]

[Turn 2: Alistair]

"Cool moves... not." As he finished his turn, Alistair's smirk turned into a true insane Yu-Gi-Oh character smile, freaking the others out a bit :"Now let me show you what a real turn is!"

Drawing his card, he activated a spell :"It's always all or nothing with me! I activate-" But before he could do so, a beautiful voice rang out :"I had a feeling I'd find you guys here."

Halting, his sadistic smile turned into a normal one :"Oh, hey, Alexis. What brings you here?"

She smiled back, her arms crossed under the hopes of humanity :"Oh, nothing. Just the duel that I could see happening from a mile away. Nice to see you all too. But I thought that Chazz would be dueling Jaden. Why is he dueling you instead?"

He shrugged, sporting a lighthearted smile :"Just looking out for my friend. What kind of a best friend would I be if I let some asshole bully him?"

His hand clenched into a fist in front of his chest, his eyes closing with a determined face :"So here I am, fighting this fool to protect my best friend! The fact that I'm in the mood to inflict emotional damage is completely irrelevant!"

Jaden raised his face grumpily :"What do you mean "protect me"?! You bribed me to hand you the duel with food!"

His face turned into a sad one, eyes still closed :"It's called tough love, Jaden. Sometimes, I show my affection to my friends like it's nothing. Other times, I show it through action instead of words."

A touched smile appeared on Jaden's face :"Aww, so you were just worried about me, Al?"

But Alistair's emotional face disappeared into a mischievous one :"Nah, I just felt like beating ass tonight! Hahahaha!"

Syrus and Alexis laughed as Jaden waved his fist :"Why, you little~!" But his smile betrayed his acts. Shaking his head in amusement, he returned his attention to the duel. Freaking the others out a bit again with how quickly his smile turned evil :"Sorry about that, binky boy.

Then shall we continue? First things first, I activate the spell card, Greater Polymerization, to fuse Darklord Morningstar, Dramaturge of Despia, and Darklord Superbia to create The First Darklord! And not only does he gain two extra effects because of Greater Polymerization, Dramaturge of Despia can come with him thanks to being used as a fusion material!"

[Greater Polymerization: Normal Spell

Effect(s): Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using 3 or more monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Material, and if you do, it gains these effects.

●This card cannot be destroyed by card effects.

●If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage.


Dramaturge of Despia: Fairy/ Effect/ Dark/ Lv 8/ 3,000 ATK/ 1,500 Def

Effect(s): If a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Monster is Special Summoned (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 Effect Monster on the field; negate its effects until the end of this turn. If this card in your hand or field is used as Fusion Material, and sent to the GY or banished: You can Special Summon this card. You can only use each effect of "Dramaturge of Despia" once per turn.


The First Darklord: Fairy/ Fusion/ Effect/ Dark/ Lv 12/ 4,000 ATK/ 4,000 Def

Fusion Materials: 3 DARK Fairy monsters

Effect(s): Your opponent cannot target Fairy monsters you control with card effects. You can only use 1 of the following effects of "The First Darklord" per turn, and only once that turn.

●If this card is Fusion Summoned using "Darklord Morningstar" as material: You can destroy all cards your opponent controls.

●During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can pay 1000 LP; Special Summon 1 Fairy monster from your hand or GY in Defense Position.

(●This card cannot be destroyed by card effects.

●If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage.)]

"It's him again!" Syrus's eyes widened, while Alexis turned serious :"So that duel against Dr Crowler wasn't a fluke! He summoned two monsters with so much ATK points in a single move! I just wonder if Chazz can stand up to them."

Zane crossed his arms :"Well, if that smirk says something, he probably does. And I bet it has something to do with that face-down of his."

Chazz grinned widely as he lifted his arm :"Sorry to break it to ya, Alistair, but you've fallen right into my trap! I knew you'd fusion summon as soon as possible, that's why I set this trap in advance! I activate my trap card, Chthonian Polymer!"

[Chthonian Polymer: Normal Trap

Effect(s): Activate only when your opponent Fusion Summons a Fusion Monster.

Tribute 1 monster to take control of that Fusion Monster.]

"Chthonian Polymer?" Jaden got confused :"What does that card do?" And Alexis answered :"Chthonian Polymer's a nasty trap. It allows you to take control of an opponent's fusion monster by sacrificing one of your own creatures. That means that Chazz not only will take care of The First Darklord, he'll even take it for himself!"

"That's right! So say goodbye to your First Darklord!" Chazz laughed, but his laugh died down when his trap didn't activate :"What the... hey, what's going on?! Why won't my Chthonian Polymer activate!"

Alistair's sinister chuckle echoed, his head tilting as his evil smile widened :"Simple, it's thanks to The First Darklord's effect. While he's out on the field, you can't target Fairy-type monsters, including him, with effects!"

(A/N: By the way, I looked into Chthonian Polymer's ruling, so it's true although "target" isn't mentioned in its text. Professionals have standards, you know? I gotta do my work right.🗿)

"But that means..." Chazz's eyes widened before Alistair laughed :"That you can't do shit! Now if your futile attempt at resisting is over, let me show you another effect of The First Darklord.

You see, if The First Darklord was fusion summoned using Darklord Morningstar as material, which is what just happened, he can destroy all cards on your side of the field!"

"Wait, what?!" Chazz's eyes widened in horror as Alistair raised his hand :"Now come on, First Darklord! Show him what you've got!"

A dark energy began to cover The First Darklord's blade, before he swung it at the opposite field. Causing a crescent blade energy to be unleashed at Chazz and destroy both of his cards :"No, my Reborn Zombie!"

"Oh, no need to miss him so quickly." The noiret let out a dark, low laughter :"Cause you'll be joining him soon! Let's finish this farce, First Darklord and Dramaturge! Drop the curtains on this show!"

Charging up their attacks, Chazz screamed in pain as Dramaturge's magic and First Darklord's blade struck him :"AAAHHHH!!" Making Alistair cringe :'Come on, why do people scream when it's just a hologram?'

[Alistair Aliyev LP: 4,000

Chazz Princeton LP: 4,000 -> 0]