
Yozakura: Termite (Old)

The world of Assassins, Spies, and Murder. Among them is a family that is hailed as first class, the Yozakuras. However not everything is bright as Tanpopo has created another experiment created specifically to capture and contain the Cherry Blossoms that is the Yozakuras. ~~~~ Previously: Yozakura: Experimental Subject #9731 First of all this is a Mission: Yozakura Family FF. Second is that it's most likely going to be a slow FF... Third is that most of the first part is going to be only OCs. I don't own Mission: Yozakura Family or any related thing. I only own my OCs. Unlike the original manga I added something that Tanpopo would have most likely have done. There is no system, but there is something that is basically the same as the Yozakuras 'Blooming' but it won't come out until much later in the series. Also this will focus on the much more dark aspects of the Mission: Yozakura Family world. If you want to support the series, please consider giving me stones, adding it to your library, etc... it motivates me to write more. The cover photo is not mine and I do not claim ownership whatsoever. I got this off the Mission: Yozakura Family discord server from the wiki. Original Link: https://twitter.com/engie_5108/status/1666017358497067009

ObsessedNovelist · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Christmas Chapter (2023) (2)


Happy Christmas!

Like my Halloween chapter this is to celebrate the joy that is Christmas.

(No skit this time, I'm not that thick skinned after all)

Anyway, unlike the other Holiday Chapter, this one doesn't have spoilers but rather from when Takahiro is still brainwashed.


(My break will be explained in the next chapter that'll be out in an hour at latest)

(P.S. I noticed that Yuki Shirai should actually not be here (or in any of the previous chapters…)… Take this as a Non-Canon then…)




Heavy breaths created steam in the air.

Behind him was a looming shadow, briskly walking without haste.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!'

His running only delayed his death. His footprints were clearly visible in the snow and his sleeves had no more tricks left to give.


He grabbed a tree trunk, taking deep breaths trying to gather himself.

The cold, almost ice block-like truck didn't register within his senses, he was too occupied trying to run from his pursuer.


'No, no, no!'

How had he caught up so fast? He was surely over a couple meters behind but now he was right behind him?

With barely any time to rest, he started his run once again.

Trees blurred, bushes and all his surroundings blurred into a fast moving scene like one of a car moving at high speeds.

At last, he was at a dead end.

In front of him was a frozen lake, no obstacle or trees could help him any longer.


He turned around, meeting an opaque black mask with an ominous '1' meeting his eyes.

"W-What do you want!? I'll give you anything!"

He screamed, a far cry to his usual noble mannerism.

He was met with silence.

One step.

He was getting closer, so he in turn took a step back.

Only a couple steps from the lake.

Two steps.

His heart rate which he thought couldn't get any higher became explosive in nature.

Another step back. His foot stepped on a twig, making it snap.

Three steps.

His mind raced, trying to find a route to survival.

Another step back.

Only one step away from the lake.

Four steps.

A pistol was raised at his head, the muzzle stared straight into his eyes like a grim reaper about to take his life.

One final step back, his feet reached the slippery hard ice formed onto the lake.

The man lightly pressed the trigger and a hole was cleanly cut in between his eyes.


His body fell onto the frozen lake, blood slowly came out decorating the ice.

In a methodical manner, he reached for his side where he unsheathed his prized knife.

A low distorted voice came out the mask muttering the word, "[Iai]"

In three swift strokes, a piece of the ice overturned and the cold body sank into the freezing waters where he laid rest forever.




"He's back already?"

Makoto asked and in turn, Cha-Cha replied, "{Yes.}"

"Really? I guess Technician wasn't lying about the success of the project I gave him…"


"Oh you're back! Welcome back, One."

As One walked and saluted towards Makoto, he gave a short nod at Makoto's greetings towards him.

"Now then… what else do I need you to do?"


"Nope! Nothing."

Makoto exclaimed, his head went blank and no assignments came to his mind.

"Now that I think about it, isn't Christmas coming soon? Cha-Cha?"

"{It is tomorrow, Makoto.}"

"What!? It's already been that long!?"

Makoto dramatically said, his face imitating the famous 'Scream' painting.

"We have to set up Christmas decorations quickly! One, help me set this up!"




"Oh? What is this?"

Yuki asked herself, seeing the ridiculous Christmas decor that on one side was a mess and the other was perfectly neat.

"Are you also here, White Snake?"

A man's voice came from behind herself. Upon turning around she was met with a man in a lab coat and blue hair.

"Ah, Mr. Mizuki, you're also here? Did Mr. Makoto call everyone back?"

"I suppose he did, Kurosawa is behind me after all."Mizuki said. Kurosawa made his entrance with his usual blurry hand signs.

"Good day to you too as well Mr. Kurosawa."

Yuki replied, unable to see what he was trying to say.

As the trio walked down the hallways, they were eventually met with a set of double doors.


"Merry Christmas!"

Makoto wore a Santa hat and the rest of the Termites were behind him preparing and adjusting the final touch ups to the decor inside.

"Hello, Mr. Makoto."

"Oh~ Yuki, along with Mr. Mizuki and Kurosawa. Come on in and let's get this party started!"

As the three came into the room they were met with food and an unusual amount of decor.

"It has been a while since we last met, hasn't it?"

Yuki asked Mizuki beside her.

"Yes… now that I think about it, Mr. Makoto usually sends us off on missions but we have been getting closer to our goal so I suppose it doesn't matter."

She felt bitter inside. Yuki knew what their 'goal' was, and she wanted to stop it, but how? She was the sole survivor of an experiment that took over thousands of lives.

"...A-Ah… Yes… I suppose it doesn't matter that much…"

But… if there was something that she felt the most bitter of and regrets the most? It was that the people who had supported the most died because of her. She would forever feel guilty because of that.

The party started gaining traction once everything had started fully immersing themselves within the Christmas 'spirit'.


Makoto with a red, drunk face hysterically laughed on the ground.

Kurosawa signed, 'Is he going to be fine?'

"Yes… he should Kurosawa…"

Mizuki replied, but an undertone of doubt could be clearly heard as they had never seen Makoto so drunk before. But it may all be an act.

Hours passed.

Soon, the party came to a close and the Termites (once again), cleaned everything up.



Yuki Shirai looked at the full moon in the cloudless yet starry sky.


The moonlight graced her pure white hair and hit her special sun shaped earrings.


Even now, after a party in which Yuki should have basked in the aftermath enjoying her time, her thoughts only went in a single direction.

'...I-I'm sorry… I'm so so sorry…'

She collapsed as her legs lost strength. The family that helped her when she herself had no family left, was dead… because of herself…

That was how Christmas came to a close for the White Snake.



This came out… a biiiittt too late…


I got caught up watching a youtuber reviewing VNs for 2023 and lost track of time.

Also, I was working on a 'info document' for Mission: Yozakura Family where I'm going to put all notable facts from a chapter into.

It's not done, but it should be coming along for now.

If you want the link here:


Anyways… the actual next chapter should be out in a couple of minutes if not… oh well… lol…