
You want to be my friend?!

After hearing what she said, he blush and said "no". the girl grabbed his arm so tight than before with a serious face. Few minutes have past, he give up and said "Fine, only this time we can be friends" then the girl freed him from her grip. Kazuki and she was filled with joy. The girl introduced herself to the kazuki

"My name is Yuki Kobayashi and im only 11 years old, now its your turn hehehe~~" she said happily. Kazuki goes in front of her and introduced himself

"My name is Kazuki Araya and im 10 years old, nice to meet you". he offered a handshake to Yuki but facing downwards because of embarrasment.Kazuki noticed that yuki didnt respond to his handshake, so he slowly look up and see Yuki's face blushing and there eyes met.

After a moment Yuki responded to his handshake offer and Kazuki realize that this was his first time touching other girls hand, suddenly he said "Just for today, lets be friends" and Yuki replied "i dont want that, i want to be your friend forever" with a big smile. Both of the kids didnt know they were holding hands for a long time now till they realized it and decided to stop it.

Due to the akwardness Kazuki invite Yuki to have a drink to balance the mood between the two of them and decided to go to a park then sat on the bench in the corner. Kazuki saw Yuki doing something on her tablet, "What are you doing?" Kazuki asked and she replies "Digital Arts", he was so amazed that in young age she is already good at drawing.

Time pasts, she is finally finished with her artwork, then looksd around realizing that Kazuki was disappeared. she started to look around but he was not there and Yuki started to feeling lonely. she thought Kazuki left her alone cause she was boring.Yuki looked down and cried but then suddenly there was a shadow of a boy who approached her and pat her head. She wondered who was it and when she looked up to see who was it, Yuki was shocked who she just saw, it was Kazuki and she was so glad that Kazuki didnt leave her behind and she jump into him and hugged him tightly and said "I thought you will leave me" and Kazuki replied "were friends right?why would i leave you and Oh, heres your bun".

They sit back to the bench to eat and have a nice chit chat Yuki look at her tablet what time is it , its alread 6:00pm sonthey decided to go home, then suddenly Kazuki mention about dreamworks and stuff. Yuki stopped from walking and Kazuki asked "Whats wrong Yuki? abd Yuki replied "Can i ask you a question?" and Kazuki nod so he means yes."Hey kazuki what is your dream?" Kazuki replied "hmmm. i dont have one" then Yuki giggles and said

"Well my dream is to become an artist and... I want to fullfill my dreams with you"

Kazuki replies "you want to reach...your dream with me?"

Yuki say "yes"
