

After hearing what Yuki has said to Kazuki, he was so shocked and wondered why would she want to fulfill her dreams with him even if they only met twice. Out of curiosity, he asked Yuki: "Um.. why would you want to fulfill your dreams with me? We only met twice."

Kazuki replied: "You're the only friend I have other than my sister, and I want to try it together with my friend." then blushed because he thought it was a confession or something similar.

((! we're only chapter 3 don't rush!))

and these words accidentally slipped out from his mouth "I thought it was a confession, or something.."

She blushed then kicked him as a gesture of denial.

After they sorted things out, they both laughed it off and due to curiosity, Kazuki asked Yuki: "What is your real dream?"

Yuki responded " I want to be an artist."

Kazuki uttered to himself: "Artist, huh?"

Kazuki hates both arts and crafts, though he didn't mention it to Yuki to not ruin the mood. After the event, they both decided to go home.

Kazuki arrived at his house and proceeds to his bedroom and reminisced what Yuki said earlier and decided to help her, so he picked up a paper and start practicing so hard. He didn't even notice his mom calling him for dinner. His mom wondered what he was doing in his room, and his mom was shocked to see Kazuki asleep, holding a pencil in his hand. His mom saw the drawing and was so amazed. She whispered to Kazuki, knowing he was asleep: "Goodluck." then left the room.

Kazuki woke up from his sleep and looked at the time, it was morning and when he looked at the calendar, he suddenly realized today was the first day of his training in the bakery, so he rushed downstairs and took a bath then ate breakfast before going. Few minutes have passed, he arrived at his destination and advances directly to the kitchen.

"You're almost late, Kazuki " said the sensei in the bakery.

Kazuki replied: "Sorry, Kaoto-sensei.."

"Name:Kaoto Nakano


Sex:Male "

"Today, it's only you. Others will start tomorrow." Kaoto~Sensei uttered to him. They went to the stockroom to teach Kazuki how to choose the right indregents and to know if it is good quality or not. Sensei looked at Kazuki and saw his determined face to do this and Sensei boosted himself to teach this kid properly. After the lesson on indregents and their quality, they went to the equipment room where he had to memorize which tools to use and the Do's and Don'ts. After that, they went to the baking area to observe and feel the heat. Sensei told him a secret: "To make a good quality of bread, you must use your sense of smell and also learn to know the temperature by feeling it, to balance it."

Kazuki was shocked and inspired what he said and nodded: "Yes, Sensei, I won't forget that."

After the observation, Sensei gave him a break for the next test.

His next test was to make his own bread and Sensei asked Kazuki: "Are you ready to make some bread, boy?" and Kazuki took the challenge and responded with determination: "Yes."

Sensie called him after the break and said: "Let's start and see if you can make nice bread."