


"Erm...Hello, officer..." I smiled awkwardly. He put hus hands on hus hips. "I can see that my son had been....busy with his....boyfriend?" I flinched. ,I "N-no officer! Not at all! We were just-" He chuckled. "Only kidding, kid." I sighed of relief. Man, if only that were true. We greeted each other and I told him everything that I saw. He seemed really dissapointed. "Your son's a really nice guy, Mr.Addams... He didn't deserve to...see that." He sighed. "I know... He never deserved any of this. He never even deserved....to be neglected." He looked down at his son with sad eyes. I could tell he was feeling guilty. "It's not your fault, you know, sir." "Huh?" He was questionable. "Erm- I mean.. It's not your fault you couldn't work things out with your family. These sort of things happen." He looked down at me. "Heh, I guess your right, kid." "We should really get Kai home though, sir." He nodded. "By the way. Call me Michael. I smiled. I carried Kai into the car. "Haha. I can tell you like my kid." He said as I put Kai in the backseat. "W-wha? Nooooooo...;-;, What makes you say that?" I asked feeling ashamed. "Well, I see how you care for him, or how you stayed out late after curfew just to be with my son." I finally gave up the act. "Uggghhhhh Im sorry, sir. I don't know what came over me.. are you mad?" "Mad? Of course not! It's normal to have these sort of feelings. But you know... I'm really happy my son has a strong connection with someone." "Really? But we just met not to long ago.." "Well, maybe it's fate. You'll never know, kid." Maybe it was fate... "I guess you have a point, sir." We both chuckled. All of a sudden, we felt a tire pop. The car spun out of control and we nearly hit a tree. The car came to a hault. "You okay?" The officer asked. I nod as I was in shock. I turned to check up on Kai. He woke up. "Mason? Dad? What's going on?" He sat up. "The car got a flat. I'll go check it out." He got out of the car to check it out. I look back at Kai, who was straight up confusion. I noticed he was bleeding from the top of his head. "Kai, your bleeding!" I got out of the car and opened the back door to gwt to Kai. "Don't touch it!" I took off my jacket and held it on the wound where he was bleeding. I put my other hand on his cheek. He looked at me. What am I doing? I leaned in closer... "Hey, boys, you might want to come out of the car." We both got out of the car, and checked to see what he had found. The tire had been slashed. What the.... I see some object in the inside of the slashed tire. "Looks like we're going to have to walk. You guys know the way, right?" Officer Adams asked. I didn't pay attention to his question though. My mind was focused on the object. I poked it with a finger and that when officer Addams reached his hand to see what it was. He struggled taking it out. Finally, he pulled it out, and in a shock, we were surprised. A dagger?! Someone slashed the tire, with a dagger?!?!?! "Who the hell did this?" Officer Addams said in a panick. The dagger had a creepy design with hearts. The hearts sere stabbing people. Creepy. I suddently see a strange figure from a distance. I squinted at the figure and I suddently realised....we had to get outta there. "Erm....guys, I think we should go." I said as I still stared at the weird looking figure. "What? Why?" they bothed looked at me, and turned to see what I was looking at. "What in the-" Officer Addams was about to finish his sentence, but was interrupted by a loud bang. A bullet! It shot at the hood of the car. "GO, RUN!" Officer Addams shouted as we dash to find our neighborhood. I took Kai by the hand and we ran. Officer Addams took his gun out. "DROP YOUR WEAPON!" He shouted as we still ran. Another gunshot went off. "GAH!" We looked back and Officer Addams was on the street floor. Kai ran to him. "DAD!" A bullet went through his leg. "Ugh, Kids, just go!" "No! We are not leaving you, Mr.Addams!" I yelled. I look up to the person slowly walking towards us. Me and Kai lifted Addams up by his arms. We jogged slowly. We didn't hear anymore gunshots, and we didn't look back. We finally made it to Kai's house. Kai rushed to open the door, but his mom came out. "Michael?! Are you okay!?" She ran up to help us out. "Y-yea!" Officer Addams struggled with his words. "We have to get the department, or else- URgh-" We looked at his leg. It was bleeding badly. "Miss, we have to get him to a hospital! That wound is pretty bad." She looked frightened. But for a split second, "Ok! Let's get out of here!" As soon as we ran to the car, we saw that person again... This time, we could see that it was...a girl? We sat Michael into the front seat of the car, I sat in the back with Kai. Michael was holding cloth in his leg, but that didn't stop the bleeding. Another gunshot went off and it broke the back wind shield if the car. "DUCK YOUR HEAD, BOYS!" Kai's mother screamed. My arm over Kai, we ducked down avoiding any bullets. That girl was definitely trying to kill us. It was about 5 miles to the police depertment. I looked over at Kai, and I could see that he was extremely worried. I put my hand on his as we drove. He looked over at me, and he finally calmed down. I was relieved we got away. We were nearly killed.