
Your life system

Note: This will be a linear novel. The MC will be calculative( over time) as he will learn what he wants in life and must make the necessary decisions to achieve it. It is a set in a Modern world with limited fantasies (system & few supernatural or beyond human comprehension abilities). It will mimic real world powers but names of places will change seemingly feeling like an alternate world however real life persons may be incorporated to get a point across, understanding of characters or just world build in general. Synopsis: Zhang Nan Ke an above average (genius) orphan who is trying to live his life in this world to best he can, struggles with the day to day life like any other. Only after coming into contact with local powers within his city he starts to realize that to live the life where he is not at the mercy of others he needs absolute power. Ding. [Host detected.. binding system to the host] [System bonding complete] [Welcome to Your Life System] Join Nan Ke as he strives to builds his foundation so he can live freely. P.S. There is heavy influence from Chinese novels such as the “xiaobaiwen, shenhao and martial arts” with less face slapping. This is my first time writing a novel Slow updates. (1500-2000 words/chapter) 1-2/chapters per week no specific time Extra tags #martialarts (they will a whole realm system but nothing to drastic like shooting fire out of your hands) #multipleloveinterest (Harem? up in the air, depends on if I like the progress of the character relations however if any as a disclaimer they will be only 3-4 waifus)

Mind_Medicine · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 12: A Dark Night

After leaving the night club the person clad in black had already began his search for the young man in the photograph. With the little information he received form Mu Yen such as where they met and when he last saw him the man in black deemed it worthy to check the mall security system first to see his targets footprints. Upon reaching the mall it was already closed, perfect for his current plan, he infiltrated the security room like a ghost before knocking out the security guards. He then looked at the security tapes from the day the two had met and then began retracing Nan'Ke steps.

From this he gathered that Nan'ke had shop in various kiosks and brand name stores but never carried his goods. He came to the conclusion that he would have it delivered so that meant his address was on the system of these stores. He then began his reconnaissance within the mall to see which store Nan'ke had gone in that was the easiest to break into without alarming any one. After gathering the various intel he set his sights on small and unknown store that specializes in shoes with minimal security.

It didn't take him long to enter the store and gather the necessary information by cross referencing the time on the sales invoice in the records to the time Nan'ke was he the store, he wasn't considered a professional for no reason considering his skillset. Cheer on by the fact that this was off books, meaning he didn't have to disclose the commission for the job and all the money would be his instead of a percentage. As Mu Yen said before, 'The Correction' loves their money. Sifting through the details he learnt that the person in the photo name was Nan'ke ad he reside at Jade Community.

He knew of the Community and the security was top notch given that a house price is well within the millions. He then left the mall and headed towards Jade Community to do some recon. Two hours have passed since he arrived at the outskirts of the community, noticing the guards patrol routine and their habits such as if one likes to smoke or sleep etc.

It was well after midnight and seeing he had already gathered enough intel and he trusted himself to get the job done he jump over a wall and head to Nan'Ke house. He was sure that Nan'ke wasn't form a big influential family, although it takes money to buy a house here, from his perspective a 'young master' would have a protector or an aide, as well as a car to move about and from the intel gathered Nan'ke possess none of these things, so he made a decision to carry out the execution order.

Nan'Ke was currently sleeping at this time, dreaming of becoming a big tycoon with a relatively large family and his real parents supporting him from behind. He had done twenty five level 2 task on the 'fix it bugs' website since his catfish message to Mu Yen before going to bed. He would require another twenty five task to move to level 3 but he was content as he would received $1,080 for each of the twenty five task when it pass approval.

Back towards his dreams, it was all that he truly wanted a family, however that dream was cut short when he awoken from his slumber abruptly. He didn't hear anything but his sense was telling him something was off. Getting off the bed he producing to walk downstairs as he couldn't shake this new feeling. But before he could make sense of what it was he saw a sliver dagger shining from the moonlight through the window from his peripherals aiming for his chest. Moving quickly to his right he avoided the dagger hitting him in his heart but unfortunately he was still stabbed near his kidneys the sharp blade puncturing his skin but not deep enough to cause internal damage but good enough to cause him to bleed.


"uggh fuck, fuck fuck fuck"

Nan'ke curse as he saw a hole in his body and blood flowing, he was currently scared right now, no he was absolutely terrified. This was close to death, something he may have wanted before but he now started to live and he wanted to live a magnificent life. He didn't want to die anymore. Trying to steel himself to be brave to survive the predicament, which was not going all to well but he remain steadfast in his efforts, he wanted to live and by any means necessary he will. 'Buy a Gun with silencer on from the shop fully loaded'.

[Generating request]

"Wow, your quick on your feet, I guess I misjudged you from the intel I gathered" the voice of the attacker spoke.

[9mm Pistol(withs suppressor) - 900LP; 7 days Left]

"Who are you and why do you want to kill m-...wait....hahahaha" laughing hysterically while putting pressure on his wound using his left hand, he had guess midway through his sentence, knowing who wants him dead he started to laugh. "What's so funny? Is dying slowly fun?" the person in black asked.


[Deducting 900LP]

While trying to stall for time a bit by catching his breathe from the laughter and the enviable pain he was feeling as his Martial Art skill [Great Wall] may reduce damage from blunt weapons he would still feel the pain, so being stabbed with a dagger he was in excruciating pain right now.


[Remaining LP: 9,806]

He put his right hand behind his back as the gun materialized in seconds. With a quick draw from behind he aim his gun at the intruder knee caps before shooting,


*Thud* *Screams*

The person in black screamed after being shoot, baffled as to where the weapon came from but now wasn't the time to think about that as the tables have turn and now they was staring death in the face. "Wait stop, don't shoot, I can tell you who wants you dead" the black clad figure said pleadingly trying to bargain for their life.

*Coughs Blood*

Nan'ke a bit shaken at the sight of the person, now confirm to be a man, in front of him with his knee caps blown off and blood everyway. He coughed blood as well as he was still bleeding he needed to end this quickly to treat himself. "I don't need to know, who else but that boy Mu Yen would want to kill me, how naïve." Holding himself together while still trying to act cool he readied himself before putting the tip of the silencer on the man forehead, "waiitttt don't kill me, if you do, my organization will find you and kill everyone you love, let me go and we will let bygones be bygones." Nan'ke stop as he heard he was part of an organization so he wanted to find out more, but he didn't stop for long as a thought cross Nan'ke's mind, he then pulled the trigger, *PEW*

After killing the man he vomited once more, and again a while after. *BANG BANG* A loud knock came from the door, "Mr. Zhang are you okay, we got reports that there were screams coming from your house." The patrol guard of the community said, "I'm fine, I was just playing video games, I apologize for being loud." He gave a quick excuse which really wasn't a good one seeing how late it is one would be considerate of their neighbors but the guard didn't loiter around to know the truth as he left once he knew the occupant was alright which meant his job was done.

After the security guard left Nan'ke ordered a bunch of first aid supplies for the system shop to treat himself spending another 1,000LP on medical supplies such as gauzes, bandages and staple gun etc. After stopping the bleeding he stapled himself up, he would heal within the next 48hrs consider he was now a martial artist but a beginner can't do much when they are bleeding out so its best to stop the blood first so the healing process can begin.

After that he was now left with another problem, getting rid of the body. He had just kill a man, albeit a 'if not you, its me' situation, but from a relative perspective he had taken someone's life. He just sat there in the corner looking at the dead body, unsure what's next, 'should I call the police? No I can't explain the gun. I can't burn his body, at least not here with the smell. Smell....something that can break the body down with out smell.....nitrogen...yes liquid nitrogen doesn't have a smell and it colorless. Who knew chemistry class would come in handy'. But before that he search the body and found a phone and USB stick, which he would look through later. After that Nan'ke bought enough liquid nitrogen to covered the dead body in it entirety while also purchasing the safety equipment to handle the dangerous substance spending another 8,000LP. Then he proceeded to 'destroy' the frozen popsicle before putting the pieces in a copper container that was big as a coffee table which was enough to put every body part in.

When he was finish he clean the living room and then put the copper container inside the guest room to dispose of later. He took a shower afterwards before laying back on his bed to try and sleep as he became numb to what has transpired a few hours ago, the sun was rising but he was trying to sleep, and every time he closed his eyes he would see the mans eyes, those dark brown eyes pleading for his life to be spared. He continued to roll about for next couple of hours before eventually succumbing to the tiredness.

Chapter 12: So we here is Mc first kill, would he become a tyrant now? Remains to be seen, as I really want to deal the desparity of the so milkinites(humans) and the absolute power he may wield (Dawn is freaking Cosmic being). I don't really want to break the world to early as although he will evetually gain his desire in some shape or form he must go through life as it is the actual essence of the novel. Appreciate the support, Thanks y'all.

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