
Young Master Liu, Pamper Your Little Wifey

A day in early-winter, Xun An was passing by and heard a man's groaning.. The man was God like handsome and injured on his back.. As a doctor, Xun An felt a strong sense of responsibility and saved him.. Two years later, Huff! Huff! Panting Xun An collided with a man, as she was drunk, she couldn't see his face properly but felt that she saw his face somewhere.. "Please save me.. " A group of thugs were vying behind her. When they were chased away.. he said, "Woman, I have let you go before, but this you came by yourself, I won't let you go.. " Hubby, do you like this? " "No baby, it's too revealing, let's change." "I've already changed 105th dress." "Hubby, they bullied me earlier, so I taught them a lesson, ain't I good? " "Yeah, my baby is best. " "Hubby, let's have a little riceball." "As you say wifey.. " Like that two persons in different world meet each other by fate and never let go off each other.. curious? want to know more! then read the story! Don't forget to support!

Dawn_003 · Urban
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14 Chs

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"She is my fiance.. " A cold manly voice reached their ears. 

As soon as Xun An heard the voice, she turned around and saw the familiar figure of last night.. 

His eyes were extremely cold as his expression darkened. 

He walked forward and pulled Xun An near him by holding her tiny waist. 

"Mr. Chang. " A faint smile appeared on his handsome face, "You are really concerned about my girlfriend's private life, aren't you? "

Even if he was smiling, Chang Jing felt a chill going down to his spine. 

He couldn't say anything for a moment. 

After adjusting his composure, Chang Jing smiled as well and said, "An An is one of my old friends. So it's natural for me to worry about her, don't you think so too, Mr. Liu?"

When Liu Junxi heard that Chang Jing was calling her 'An An', his expression darkened for a moment before came back to his usual self. 

"Indeed. After all you are calling my girlfriend so intimately, of course I can understand how deep your friendship is. "

When Chang Jing saw Liu Junxi slowly losing his rationality, he smudged. 

Chang Jing thought if he could show Liu Junxi's true form to Xun An, she wouldn't love him anymore. 

and as long as there would be no man by her side, he would definitely have a chance to win her over again. 

But the things he did not know that his intention could be seen through by Liu Junxi. 

He smirked before continuing, "But Mr. Chang, since you are engaged now, I don't think it's good for you to worry about other women rather than yours. "

Chang Jing felt extremely frustrated when he heard Liu Junxi's words.. 

Even if he was frustrated he couldn't deny anything after all it was true.. 

Suddenly, he was regretting his choice back then. 

If only he treated her better and gave his best to make her happy. 

When Xun An saw that these two men were having the Cold War and smiling like a creep, for a moment she really didn't know if she should cry or laugh. 

What the hell were they doing? 

Fighting like those grumpy children who were bickering over a toy.. 

But when she glanced at Chang Jing and noticed his malicious expression and remembered that day, she felt it was good actually. 

As long as he knew that she was with Liu Junxi, he wouldn't bother her anymore. 

Hence, she thought to play along with Liu Junxi, "Junxi, why are you here? "

When Liu Junxi heard her calling him intimately, he was stunned for a while but in the next moment, he lowered his head and gently planted a kiss on her forehead, "I am here for you."

This man's voice was exceptionally low pitched and sexy when he talked with her so gently. 

Without her knowledge, she was actually being seduced by this dàmn man. 

"Oh.. " after hearing him and the gentle kiss, Xun An's face became completely red and ever the blush reached her ears. 

She was looking like a ripe juicy apple that made Liu Junxi eat her up. 

But he hardly controlled his desire as he didn't want to force her to do anything, he gently stroked her silky hair and said, "Let's go back. You haven't been in your home since last night, Uncle is worried about you. "

When she heard that she pinched her brows on her fair temple like she was about to cry, so he again coaxed her, "Don't worry, I have told them that you were with me last night, haven't I?"

Liu Junxi deliberately said in loud 'you were with me last night' , so Chang Jing could hear him. 

As expected.. 

As soon as he heard him, Chang Jing was so angry that he wanted to explode. 

Liu Junxi noticed his expression and felt delighted. 

After all, whoever wanted to snatch her from him, he would make him pay! 

He, Liu Junxi, would never let her go in this life. 

"Okay, let's go. didn't you tell me earlier that you have been feeling tired since last night, I have prepared some nutritious soup for you. You can have it in the car. "

She felt a little touched. 

After all these years, besides her father and brother, only Xiao Meng had thought of her. 

But looking at this guy, she felt endless butterflies in stomach. 

It was alright, if he was also like Xiao Meng, who started to care about her after they worked together and became friends. 

But he, Liu Junxi, the omnipotent God in the business world, with whom she officially met yesterday, was treating her so gently like they knew each other for ages. 

Her heart was racing.. 

Besides them, Chang Jing was watching their lovey dovey for a while but in the end he didn't control his wrath and left from there. 

He was blaming Liu Junxi for snatching Xun An from him! 

This Liu Junxi was indeed despicable. 

He was just using Xun An as a pawn for him.. 

In no time, he would toss her aside and all Chang Jing could do was wait for that day as he was no match for Liu Junxi to compete with. 

After he left Liu Junxi, leisurely and reluctantly let Xun An go.

When Xun An felt the grip around her waist had loosened, she also came back to her senses. 

She wanted to bang her head with a rock because of her wishful thinking.

There was no way a man like Liu Junxi would like her. Even so his family wouldn't accept her as they were no match for Lius. 

After all, the Liu family was as formidable and dignified as God in Hangcheng City. 

Hence, she let out a deep sigh and shook her head to shed her willfulness. 

"Thank you Mr. Liu, " she smiled and bowed down ninety degrees before him, "I am also sorry for calling you so rudely before. All I hope that you won't hold any grudge against me. "

When Liu Junxi saw her like that, he couldn't help but chuckle, "Silly! "

by saying so he reached to pull her in his embrace and said gently, "I am angry rather I like it when you called me so intimately. Call me again. "

As he finished his sharp black eyes started to burn up. 

Xun An couldn't help but gasp.