
Young Master Liu, Pamper Your Little Wifey

A day in early-winter, Xun An was passing by and heard a man's groaning.. The man was God like handsome and injured on his back.. As a doctor, Xun An felt a strong sense of responsibility and saved him.. Two years later, Huff! Huff! Panting Xun An collided with a man, as she was drunk, she couldn't see his face properly but felt that she saw his face somewhere.. "Please save me.. " A group of thugs were vying behind her. When they were chased away.. he said, "Woman, I have let you go before, but this you came by yourself, I won't let you go.. " Hubby, do you like this? " "No baby, it's too revealing, let's change." "I've already changed 105th dress." "Hubby, they bullied me earlier, so I taught them a lesson, ain't I good? " "Yeah, my baby is best. " "Hubby, let's have a little riceball." "As you say wifey.. " Like that two persons in different world meet each other by fate and never let go off each other.. curious? want to know more! then read the story! Don't forget to support!

Dawn_003 · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

look good even while sleeping

The next morning when Xun An got up, she found herself in the arms of Liu Junxi, who was hugging him and sleeping peacefully. 

When she looked at him, she found him more handsome than anyone else she had ever seen, even more than Brother Jing. 

When she noticed his eyelashes, she found that it was so long and his eye's shape was like an arc. 

All in all, it was beautiful. 

Unknowingly she touched his cheek, eyes and thin lips. 

When she was so close to him, she felt that the hand which was hugging her, tightened it's grip. 

For a moment, she was startled. 

"Awake? " the deep sea voice buzzed off. 

"Huh!" she looked at him in daze. 

"Have you slept well? " he asked. 

"Umm" Xun An could only nod. 

"that's good. " he patted her head. 

"Umm-" she hesitated, "Why were you sleeping with me in the same bed? "

"Don't you remember? " he smirked, in case he was also looking very handsome. 

"No.. " she shook her head like a bunny who was wronged. 

"You really don't remember.. " he sighed on her ear. 

"Umm" she whined, "it's ticklish"

"Look what have you done with me. " he pointed to his chest. 

"Wh-what?" when she looked at his chest her mouth was wide open. 

There were marks of the same lipstick she applied last night all over his bare chest and his dress was also messy. 

Don't tell me..!! 

When she was feeling uneasy about what happened last night, she realised under the blanket she was also naked, the towel she used to wrap herself up was gone. 

She was now even in more shock and wanted to dig a whole to bury herself. 

While Liu Junxi saw the uneasiness in her eyes, he couldn't help but chuckle. 


Then he slowly said, "Don't worry, nothing happened. "

"Huh!" Xun An, who was letting her imagination run wild, snapped out by hearing his words. 

"Then why are we sleeping in the same bed? " she pouted, he was a bad man.. How could he take advantage of her? 

"I didn't mean to sleep with you. " he concluded, "When I was making you lay down on the bed, you pulled my hand and didn't let me go. So, I have no choice but to sleep here. "

"Why would I believe you?" she frowned. 

"Up To you. " he didn't want to drag the conversation anymore as it was already late and he needed to go to his office to attend an important meeting. 

"Okay." he pulled his hand out from her side and said, "It's already late and I need to rush now. You can take a rest if you want and order something if you want to have it. Don't worry about money, it's on me."

"umm" she was tired and yet to sobered up, so she wanted to rest for a while. 

"Your dresses are here." he said before heading towards the washroom, "I've already prepared everything, just wear anything you want. "

When she glanced at the packets on the couch she found it was a lot. 

"I don't know your size, so I ordered Zimo to buy every size." He could understand her thoughts, "Don't worry, it's all yours and if you want to change something just let me know. " 

By saying this, he left. 

Xun An's eyes were wide open. 

This man was really like those CEOs in novels. 

Even he was that meticulous.. 

Wow! his wife will surely be lucky.. 

On the other hand... 

last night when Zhou Zimo heard there was a commotion, he stopped to see what happened. 

The girl beside him was looking a little afraid. 

When he noticed her perfectly, he saw that she was wearing the hotel's uniform. 

All in all, she was working here. 

The manager of the hotel rushed to her and slapped her hard, "You bîtch, do you know how much loss you caused me? "

"Sir.. " she sobbed, "I didn't mean to.. "

Before she could say anything, a hard slap again fell over her.. 

"You are even talking back? " he scolded her, "You are fired and also won't get the salary. It will be the compensation for these broken glass, even if it wasn't enough. "

"Sorry Sir. ``She kneeled down, "Please don't fire me. My mom is hospitalized, I need to gather money for her operation. I'll pay you back by working over time. "

"You slût, do you think the little money of yours is enough to make up for this loss?" the manager was red in anger, "Get out!"

When Zhou Zimo saw this incident, he couldn't control himself and voiced "Shut the fûck up! "

"Sir? " The manager bowed while looking at him. 

Everyone in Hancheng City knew him so well, he was the legendary secretary of Young Master Liu, with him together, they had never failed to take any deal and they were getting bigger and bigger. 

"Sir, " the manager rushed to him with a smile, "I'm so sorry to let you witness this. "

"Shut up! " he was angry, he knew the pain of being poor because he was also consumed by the humiliation of poverty, if it weren't for his boss, he would have trampled on the ground by now. 

That was why, even if his boss was cold and distant, he loved him and knew that he had a generous heart. 

When he was witnessing this situation, he suddenly remembered his own old days, when he couldn't pay for his tuition fees because of lack of money and in the end he needed to drop out from that school. 

"I'm the one who is in fault. " he said as his eyes become bloodshot. 

"You." when the manager looked at him, he was shocked, "You.. How can you? "

"I'm the one who pushed her first, that's why she fell down." he concluded, "I should be the one who should pay the compensation for this mistake."

"Eh! " he was so afraid that he started to tremble, "Mr.Zhou, no no there's no need to.. "

Before he could finish his sentence, he threw a blank check on his mouth, "You can have as much as you want. "

Then Zhou Zimo grabbed the girl's hand and left from there. 

"Let's go. " he looked at her and said, "There's no need to work with such humiliation. "

She could only follow him while sobbing silently.