
Young Justice: Ghost

Waking up in a fictional world wasn’t something he would wish on anyone, especially not when said universe is the DC universe. With Monsters and Villains at every corner, how could he possibly survive in this crazy world?

Arokey · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 46


He floated above the sky in Star City, looking down at the city. His sight had a large radius, allowing him to peer into the corners far around him.

The dark alleyways were no exception as he telekinetically slapped a man unconscious as he attempted to rob a couple.

His personal training and the mental exercises with Conner had been very successful so far. The super clone was much less volatile and much calmer than he previously was.

The motivation to gain full Kryptonian abilities was more than enough to motivate him. Thankfully, Dr Spence was almost done with the solution.

He paused as he turned around, seeing something shooting towards him. His eyes narrowed as he realized what 'it' was, calling on his telekinesis.

A human sized figure shot towards him at high speed, suddenly halting in front of him as he telekinetically held them in place.

"What the hell?" His supposed assailant wondered in shock.

In front of him was Tommy Terror, dangling helplessly.

"I was wondering what happened to you." Dante muttered as another figure suddenly shot towards him without warning.

He moved Tommy in front of him, forcing him to take a blow meant for him, sending the villain flying through the air.

"Tommy!" The second assailant, who he recognized as Tuppence Terror, screamed in shock.

Before she could react, she found her world spinning as Dante's fist crashed into the side of her face.

She was sent crashing in the same direction as her brother.

In a blur of speed, Dante crossed the distance, now standing on the street with the terror twins groggily getting to their feet.

"What are the terror twins doing in Star City?" He asked them as they tensed in preparation.

Tuppence grin nastily. "Wouldn't you like to know?" She said sarcastically as she clasped hands with Tommy, throwing him towards Dante.

Dante shifted his density, turning intangible as Tommy passed through him. Using his telekinesis, he suddenly pulled him back towards himself, cocking his fist and throwing a punch into his gut.

"Aackkk!" Tommy got the wind knocked out of his system before a kick sent him crashing into the floor.

Dante's eyes looked almost bored as he saw him get up, Tuppence moving to stand beside her brother.

"Hey Tuppence. Ain't he stronger than what he's supposed to be?" Tommy asked his sister who nodded.

"You're not wrong there, brother Tommy." She said.

Dante on the other hand thought the opposite. He barely needed to pay attention to take them both down.

Lowering himself to the ground, he stood opposite them, his eyes boring into them. "I'll ask again. What are you doing in Star city?" He asked as Tuppence fished something out of her pocket.

A small red box with circuit-like design all over it. It was something he recognized instantly, seeing it before she even brought it out.

Tuppence simply smirked as the box pulsed, a boom tube opening beneath them, swallowing the three of them whole.

Dante didn't react even as they were teleported elsewhere. He could have flown away or teleported away but something felt off about this 'fight'.

Moments later, he realized what caused him to have that feeling. Standing not far behind him was a dark skinned woman in regal attire.

"We brought him here, just you asked." Tommy said, groaning as the effect of Dante's attack hadn't worn off yet.

"I had no doubt that you would succeed. Excellently done." Queen Bee said with an air of confidence.

Dante's eyes seemed to glow as he turned to face her. "So you're the one behind this. I must say you're rather dumb for a 'Queen'."

He saw the arrogant smile on her face crease for a moment, turning into a frown.

"Insolent tools should mind their manners. After all, we wouldn't want you to get burnt up." Though the wording of her sentence sounded weird, she had a confident look on her face which soon turned into a look of confusion as Dante stared at her with an unimpressed expression.

"Is something supposed to happen?" He asked in a knowing manner.

Her confusion immediately turned to shock. "You-!"

"Did you really think something like that would work on a Martian? That's why I said you were dumb." He said, a smirk forming on his face as the terror twins rushed forward to attack.

Dante only raised a hand, snapping his fingers as an invisible force blasted them away, knocking them unconscious at the same time.

By this time, the woman seemed to pull her confidence/arrogance back together. "It seems we got off on the wrong foot." She said, slowly walking towards him.

Before she could get close, she felt an invisible hand lift her off the ground, converging and tightening on her neck.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked, his smirk falling as he assumed an expressionless look.


She struggled to speak as the force tightened even more, halting her breathing as she physically struggled.

He was easily able to see the pheromones she secreted after realizing that the key phrase didn't work.

As easy as it would have been to pop her head like a pimple, he couldn't exactly do that. She was still the ruler of Bialya so doing that would do more than just cause an international incident.

"First things first." He muttered, diving into her mind.

She let out a strangled scream as he ripped out what he needed and more.

He didn't exactly find a lot that he didn't already know but it provided him with the location of the original Roy Harper as well as the Light's base.

Queen Bee was a bit out of the loop since she was preparing this meeting as well as managing the conflict between Qurac and Bialya so he didn't find out what exactly the Light were up to at the moment.

He frowned as he released her. She was already unconscious from the deprivation of air. Seeing that, he got an idea.

She tried to turn him into her puppet, it was only right that he did the same.


Morrow was an idiot. Compared to a genius like himself, his elder competitor was an even greater idiot.

Standing in a large warehouse, he grinned madly as he looked at the army of red androids. It wasn't hard to study and mass create Red Torpedo and Red Inferno.

He made them even better, increasing the power output and control for each of their respective elements.

Though, none of them could be compared to his prized creation. On a platform in front of all the androids stood a half completed android with its chest still open.

A glowing green rock shone inside, powering it. His grin only widened as he moved to the table which held his tools that he would use to continue building it.

The android looked similar to Amazo with the exception of the glowing rock in its chest.

"Soon, very soon. I have to thank Lex for providing me a sample of Kryptonite. When I'm done with you, not even Superman would be a match." Ivo said, an evil grin on his face as he fantasized about the havoc that would soon occur.